Chapter Forty-four


Katrina heard Jordan call as she got off the phone with her mom.

“Yes, Jordan? I didn’t hear you come in,”

She said, she had been too immersed with the talk with her mom who still wanted to know who the father of her kid was, but she wasn’t ready to tell her parents just yet, she hasn’t even had the mind to go tell Lucas still even after promising to do it last week, and she saw on TV recently that Lucas was opening the hotels, earlier than she had thought but she wasn’t surprised, the dude had the money, she had made sure not to keep up on him and also told Jordan not to keep her updated in what’s going on at the office, after she found out she was pregnant she had made the decision not to leave New York at least not yet.

“Don’t kill me, okay but you have some visitors, I couldn’t say no to them,”

He said with his hands folded down as if he did something bad.


“Lucas’s older sisters,”

He revealed and Katrina got up from the bed in haste.

“What the fuck Jordan? Why would you bring them here?”

“Don’t blame me okay, they ambushed me and didn’t take no for an answer, Lucas even tried telling them off but those two are fucking stubborn, they are in the living room,”

He said and she could already make out their voices as they admired the art on display in her living room, she didn’t know what to say, they were already here and she couldn’t tell him to chase them away neither can she pretend not to be home.

“You could have at least called me,”

“I didn’t have time, I got a call that the head boss wants to see me, thinking he was going to ask for you like he usually does,”

“Lucas asks you about me?”

She asked surprised.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Excuse you? You said not to tell you about anything and I didn’t want you getting your hopes up, he was just looking out for an old worker,”

“Yeah true, so you got there and met them?”

“Yes and I couldn’t even go get my stuff because they said they had to see you, they are here for the opening of the hotel and will be around for the whole week,”

He revealed.

“What am I going to do about this?”

She asked pointing to her tummy, she wasn’t showing all that much yet but Lilac and Leah were women and very observant women at that.

“Put on something baggier,”

“I don’t know if that we help,”C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

“Well do it, we are staying in here for too long,”

He replied and left, she quickly wore her baggy t-shirt and brushed back her messy hair before checking her appearance in the mirror, she got pretty by the day, and she looked pregnant, she doubt if she would be able to hide it because she had the pregnancy glow to her that anyone could point out but she didn’t want them to know until she tells Lucas, she has to know what his reaction will be first hand not after he hears it from someone else, she walked off her room and had to cover her ears to prevent her from going deaf and Lucas older sisters screamed and rushed to her hugging her tight before she could catch herself, her first thought was, they are gonna know, they are gonna know that she was pregnant and to confirm her fear, Leah looked at her weirdly when they pulled apart, she waited in fear for her to say anything but she didn’t, instead, she hugged her again.

“Katrina, how could you do that to us? I thought we were close? You left like that and we were trying to reach you but your number wasn’t going through, even before that you didn’t take any of our calls,”

Lilac accused and Katrina could only bow her head, she hasn’t thought they would want to see her that much, she had felt Lucas will tell them.

“Aren’t you going to say anything young lady?”

Leah asked, and Katrina let out a breath of relief, it seems her earlier fears were uncalled for.

“I am sorry guys, I didn’t mean to disappear, I… I don’t have an excuse, it’s just that I…”

She couldn’t finish what she was saying because she became emotional, damn those pregnancy hormones always make her do stupid things like crying over little issues.

“Okay, I will leave you ladies to talk, Kat I will see you later,”

Jordan said and left.

“Girl, I can’t even be offended because I know my brother messed up, but you shouldn’t have taken it out on us, we are innocent you know, we like you a lot even our parents do, Lucas is just, I don’t know what to say about him but rest assured that we put him in his place, the moron didn’t even tell us you left three months ago each time we ask about you he tells us you are okay,”

Leah revealed as Kat sat with them, she didn’t even know what to make of their coming to her house, she knew they will be in New York because of the new hotel but it never crossed her mind that they will come looking for her after their brother tells them she no longer work for him.

“I am sorry I didn’t mean to cut you guys off,”

“It’s okay, so how have you been? Do you work somewhere else now?”

Lilac asked.

“No, I don’t plan on working for someone else, I am starting my clothing line soon, but I want it to be in the new year so I am taking the rest of the year off, having been doing anything since I quit, just trying to get myself fit before starting anything,”

She revealed, she had already spoken with some designers and already had some contacts too, all she needed to do was get a space and a few other things in place, her parents offered to lend her some money if what she has isn’t enough but she was sure it will, another reason she wanted to start in the new year, that way her shop will be up and running before the birth of her baby.

“That’s good to know and you better know we are going to come around and get stuff from you, you can’t kick us out of your life,”

Leah added.

“Thanks, what about you guys? I am sorry I couldn’t come when you gave birth,”

“It’s okay, I understand,”

“But you can’t miss mine, I won’t understand,”

Lilac said.

“Of course, I won’t,”


“Where is your little one though?”

“My husband is babysitting,”

“Oh, I guess, are you mom and dad in New York already too?”

She asked, she hasn’t spoken to their mom in a while and she kind of missed her constant calls.

“They will be around by tomorrow morning, dad had a little stuff to take care of back home and mom didn’t want to leave her husband behind,”


“Mom’s gonna give you an ear full when she comes to see you,”

Lilac revealed.

She smiled, they went on and on about different stuff, talking for hours, it was refreshing and Katrina was grateful that they came by, she ordered lunch which they shared while gisting and laughing.

“Oh, less I forget,”

Lilac said getting up to get her bag, they were laying on the floor watching a movie, Katrina looked at her as she handed something looking like a card to her.

“What’s this?”

She asked already opening it.

“An invitation for the opening of the new hotel,”

Lilac answered and went back to sit where she had been before, she carefully opened the invitation card, it was pretty, maybe Leah or Lilac designed it.


She voiced when she opened it, it had her name written on it, shocking because she had not been expecting an invitation, as much as her heart wanted it to be Lucas that invited her not his family, she knew that wasn’t the case, he hadn’t even tried to contact her or anything since she left, he forgot about her completely, which was okay even though she is hurt, it helped her get over him.

“Yeah right, you ain’t over him girl,”

The voice in her head whispered, but she ignored it there was no need to argue, she knew she was over him.

“It’s pretty right?”

“Yes, you choose the pattern? It looks so good,”

“No, Lucas did and it one of a kind, totally different from the one other people got, he made it just for you, he might be stupid sometimes but he has a little sense too,”

Lilac said, Katrina knew better than to read any meaning to it, it was just an invitation nothing more.

“It’s pretty,”

“So are you coming? Apart from the opening, you have something else you wanna tell Lucas right?”

Leah asked sounding serious and all Katrina could think was that she knew, she was just pretending not to know, they shared a look and Leah nodded as she understood her without her having to say anything.

“What other thing does she have to tell that moron? Maybe punch him? Because I am up for that, he may be my brother but he is such a loser,”

Lilac said she seemed not to notice what Leah had, maybe because Leah have a lot more experience.

“Shut up girl,”

Leah said before turning to face her again.

“So are you coming? We can help you do some ass whopping if it needs to be done, you know you have to Katrina, you can’t hide it for longer,”

She added.

“Wait what are you talking about? What am I missing here?”

Lilac asked looking from her to Leah, she saw no reason in hiding it from her, she was gonna pest Leah until she tells her anyway so she thought it was better to tell her herself.

“I am pregnant, Lac,”

She voiced, pulling her shirt back for her to see, she watched the shock then the realization, then the look of betraying directed to her sister run through Lilac’s face, finally it settled for excitement.

“Oh my gosh, this is good news, oh my God, oh my God, we are going to be sisters finally,”

She said happily dancing around the room, Katrina wished she could share in her joy but she didn’t even know how she was going to tell their bother yet.

“Keep it down Lilac,”

Leah commanded and she kept quiet, the both of them stared expectantly at her.

“You have to tell him, he needs to know, don’t worry we aren’t gonna say a word, not even to our parents until you do it,”

Leah said, holding her hands.

“Why are you so sure he is the father? I didn’t even say anything,”

“Because we know you Kat and we know how you feel about our brother, he feels the same too, he just too dumb to see it,”

Lilac said.

“He doesn’t,”

“He does Katrina, he loves you but like I said he is too dumb to admit it to himself,”

“I don’t know, I can’t believe that,”

She replied, she wasn’t going to delude herself, not when she worked so hard to forget him, he didn’t care about her.


Lilac asked eagerly.

“I will attend and I will tell him,”


She screamed in response but kept quiet when Leah gave her a dirty look.

“Sorry, I am just so happy, I hope the moron won’t ruin it for me, I will castrate him,”

She said.

“Good, now let’s talk about the dress you are wearing, let’s leave out the over serious talks,”

Leah said smiling at her.

“Yes, let’s do some online emergency shopping,”

Lilac hyped.

Katrina watched them as they busy themselves choosing dresses from the online shop, she was worried about how Lucas would react to the news of her pregnancy, will he think she did it to trap him, was he going to tell her off?

“Kat, stop with the sad party, and let’s get you a dress if you choose so that the loser can see what he is missing,”

Lilac called, she smiled and joined them…

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