Chapter Forty-eight

Katrina waited for his words, would he blame her and rebuke her for not telling him earlier? She hadn’t meant to just blurt it out but it came out, and she couldn’t take it back now, he didn’t react the way she expected, she looked at him and he wasn’t even shocked, he was smiling, he knew, since when did he know?

“You are not shocked? You are not angry?”

“No, I already figured it out, I mean we slept on the same bed it would be hard not to notice.”

He replied smiling, this wasn’t the reaction she had been expecting.

“When did you figure it out?”

“Last night, I was watching you sleep and we’ll I noticed a lot of change, then you turned and it all made sense, I did place my hand on it to be sure and that moment finding out that you are carrying my baby was the best moment of my life, it feels good to finally have confirmation,”

“How are you so sure that the baby is yours? I mean we broke up three months ago, it could belong to someone else,”

“I am sure because I know you Katrina and also you just told me, why will you tell me if it isn’t mine,”

“Oh, you are not angry? You don’t think I did this intensionally to tie you down?”

She asked watching him for any show of discomfort but there wasn’t any.

“Why will I be angry?”

“Because I didn’t tell you earlier,”

“I am not angry baby, I am the happiest man on Earth right now, and also I don’t feel tied I feel full and whole,”

He said coming close to her again and holding her hands, she let him hold her, he placed his hand on her tummy where their baby resided and the little one jumped as if welcoming her dad, she looked up at him with her eyes watering.

“Oh my God Katrina, it moved, I mean I have felt it move before but this feels so surreal,”

He said with so many emotions.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s felt that way for me too when I first felt it, and every day it’s brand new the feeling I get when she moves,”

Katrina said biting back the tears that almost dropped.

“I was such a fool to let you go, Katrina, I missed you so much, I tried to tell myself that I didn’t want you around that I didn’t need you but it was hard, I couldn’t go home and sleep on my bed because it reminded me of you, the office, God every day I kept imagining you been there, the only thing that kept me going was working on this hotel, a distraction but when all the works were done and there wasn’t any distraction again, well I realized how lonely I was, God I am saying nonsense,”

He said letting go of her and covering his face.

“No, I want to hear them, everything you have to say,”

She said removing his hands from his face, he looked and the emotions she saw there scared her, could she let herself believe, would she be playing a fool to accept him, he looked so sincere that she just wanted to risk it all and believe him.

“I have nothing more to say, Kat, other than I love you and want to spend the rest of my life showing just how much.”

He said and she knew, she knew then that she was going to take the risk and let him in again.

“Do you really love me?”

She couldn’t help asking again.

“Yes I do, with my whole heart,”

“Tish, that’s exaggerating,”

“But I do, I love you, princess,”

“Well, if I don’t give you a chance then your family might hunt me down so I am going to***”


He let out loudly cutting her off, he looked like a little kid excited for Christmas, he looked nothing like the Lucas she knew who cringe and frown at the slightest talk of love, he must really love her.

“Yes, plus I don’t think I can handle this alone,”

She said pointing to her baby bump, yes she tried but she knew it would be hard birthing a baby alone, she had so much respect for single parents, she needed someone to rely on through this and for the person to be the one she love the most, it would be a dream come true, yes she still loved him, she never stopped loving him, she tried to fool herself into believing she didn’t anymore but lying to oneself is literally impossible, knowing that he loves her too still didn’t feel like it was real, what if she wakes up and this is all a dream? What will she do?

“I am not dreaming right?”

“No, you are not,”

“This is real and you love me?”

“Yes, it real, yes, I love you,”

“God, I never thought this day will come,”

“Me too, after what happened with Loren, I thought my heart was shut for life that I couldn’t possibly give someone my heart again, little did I know that my heart already belong to someone, I am so slow sometimes,”

“You are not, you were just being careful because once beating twice shy, I feel the same too so I understand,”

“Stop trying to defend me, I did wrong,”

“Of course you did, but I am saying I understand you, okay? But that doesn’t mean I am gonna take it easy on you, you took it out on me and I would have taken my heartbreak out on someone else too but since it’s you, you are going to have to bear it because the one that broke my heart is you,”

“I know and I am ready, just don’t close the door on me,”

“I won’t, it hurt but it’s in the past now, you are here now so let’s see how it goes,”

“Thank you, Katrina, you don’t know how much this means to me,”

“Well if you are that grateful then feed me, I am hungry, your kid wanna eat,”

She said as her stomach let out a groan.

“Yes ma, I will call room service,”

He said, he walked to where the phone was and placed a call across to room service before walking back to where she was, he pulled her closer, she let him and he smiled dropping a kiss on her forehead, she let out a sigh and melted into his hug.

“I never thought I will get this chance again, I promise you won’t regret giving me this chance,”

He said and she hoped so, hoped that she won’t end up regretting giving in to him.

She spent the rest of the morning with Lucas’s family as Lucas still had some things to tend to for the proper opening of the hotel by Monday, of course, his family members were trailed when Lucas had told them that he loved her and that they were expecting a child together, they had welcomed her with open hands and his mom had even suggested that they both go visit at Arizona for the birth of the baby as much as Katrina would love that she wanted her family to be part of the birth too, even if her mom didn’t yet know who the father of her child was she already was making preparations for the birth, so when his mom had suggested it, she just smiled and said when the time comes they will decide, when Lucas had left them alone of course his sisters had swamped her with questions of when their wedding will hold and if he had popped the question, she had to laugh them off and told them she wasn’t ready yet.

“Kat, I will take you home now,”

Lucas announced as he walked into the room that she was with his sisters, he looked tired.

“You don’t have to, you look stressed, just take a rest, I brought my car, I was just waiting for you to come back before I leave,”

“Don’t worry I can manage, I will take you home and have the driver bring your car,”

He insisted, she agreed without arguing further, she was tired too and needed time on her own.

“We will be seeing you around Katrina,”

Leah said as she hugged them and followed Lucas out of the hotel room.

“I hope they didn’t bother you much, I know they can be pests sometimes,”

“No, they did,”

“Good, so when will I see you again?”

He asked as they got into his car.

“Anytime except today, I need to be on my own,”

“Okay fair enough, thank you,”

He said as he zoomed out of the hotel.

“Take care of yourself, Katrina, I will call you,”

Lucas said as they arrived at her apartment about thirty minutes later.

“I will, you too,”

“Thanks again Katrina, I am grateful,”

“It’s nothing, I will go now,”

She said getting off the car and waving him goodbye, she walked up to her apartment and entered her house, she let out a sigh of relief, finally happy to be alone, not that she didn’t like his company or his family’s company bit do much has happened from last night to this morning that she needed enough time to process the whole thing, she needed her own time.

“Bitch? You are just getting home? Wow, I see,”

Jordan said coming out of the room he uses when he comes over, she didn’t know he would be here.

“Yes I just did, Jordan, I didn’t know you will be here,”

“I have been here since last night, I thought you will come back home late I didn’t know you weren’t going to show up at all, so where have you been a young lady, and why are you just coming back? It’s past three pm and the party ended at ten pm yesterday,”

“Cut it out Jordan, you know where I have been, and right now I M super tired and need to rest,”

She said sitting down and taking off her shoes.

“Ohhh, what were you doing that you are tired, Missy?”

“Nothing like what you are thinking, crazy, Lucas and I made up, he said he loves me,”

“Of course he does, that’s no news, he is just slow,”

“He said that too, now why didn’t you tell me Lucas was looking for me?”

“Hello? You said not to talk about him and not to tell him about you or where you are remember?”

Jordan responded passing his fingers over her face as if to bring her to remembrance.

“Oh, anyway, I told him about the baby and he was excited,”

“That’s cool, right? You don’t look excited though, is this not what you wanted?”

He asked concerned, Katrina shook her head as confused tears gathered in her eyes.

“I am not sure anymore Jordan, I mean I am happy and I even told him I will give him a chance but what if I am making a mistake that will cause me more pain Jordan? That’s what I am so scared of right now,”

She voiced.

“Oh, girl, it will turn out just fine, I don’t like Lucas all that much and I don’t know him as you do but I can say one thing that he does love you, even long before he realized it, but if you have doubts you can just tell him off,”

“I don’t want to Jordan, I love him,”

“I know, so try and just go with the flow, go with whatever your heart wants,”

“My heart wants him but my brain feels I am making a mistake,”

“That’s just your fears talking, for me just give it a try,”

“That’s what you think?”

“Yup, you deserve to be happy, so if Lucas makes you happy be with him and remove all fears okay?”


She replied, Jordan can’t over and hugged her.

“You will be just fine,”

“I hope so,”

She replied wiping her eyes clean.

“So when is the wedding,”

Jordan asked, Katrina, resisted the urge to scream, instead, she just walked off leaving him there…

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