M.I N.E endless Love

Chapter 60

An hour later, the day’s work was over and most of the staff had closed for the day. Rodrigo was considering visiting the police station and probably going to the glass house.

His phone ranged and he saw that the caller ID was Martin. He squinted, he had asked his grandfather to talk to him and he had refused.

He had decided to call him directly. There isn’t anything like that. They must confess to what they know and how Camilla disappeared from prison.

Anyways, he answered his phone. But Martins voice over, in mockery “You think you are right by refusing my wife and daughter from being bailed.

Why should they be the only one to be locked in there, shouldn’t the third party be locked up as well?”

Rodrigo wanted to be quiet, but he answered “why don’t you ask them to call the third party. As many of them that were involved in the scheme, tell them to speak up and not pay for the crime alone” he answered flippantly.

He was going to drop his phone when Martin’s next words shocked him “How about you asked the police to arrest your mother as well. They were involved in the conspiracy” Martin declared and chuckled softly but Rodrigo heard it over the phone.

Conspiracy? Did he hear Martin well? Did he say conspiracy? Camilla was conspired against by Ella and her daughter and… he said his mother as well.

His mother joined forces with the family of Martin Kim to attack Camilla so ferociously? No, that can’t be. He is glad the truth was finally out but his mother can never be involved, he won’t take it likely if he defamed his mother.

“Don’t drag my mother in your mess. At least, you admit or let’s say your family members admitted to conspiring against my girlfriend. But if you defamed my mother, I won’t let you get away with it” Rodrigo retorted

“Hahahaha… why don’t you ask your mother how your company’s documents came to be in her possession?” Martin mocked.

In City B, Jenny left the Anderson’s Mansion and went to see her mother. It is time her mother came out of her hiding. It is time she walked on the street as usual. It is time for those who thought her to be dead to see her alive and suffer the consequences for their malicious acts.

She was going to have a talk with her mother. Life had given her a second chance to live, courtesy of her husband Eduardo.

This second chance, she wants to utilise and make those who did evil suffer the consequences of their acts.

She drove until she arrived at her mother’s place. Temisa was happy to see her daughter and gave her a warm hug. The mother and daughter pair stared at each other with broad smiles.

“How have you been Jenny?” Temisa asked, proud about her daughter’s happy life. She definitely was lucky to have met a man like Eduardo.

Although she was more like an orphan at the time she was married to him, he treated her like a princess and made her happy.

If Sebrina and her murderous husband had forsaw the happiness that her daughter was going to encounter in her marriage to Eduardo, they would have fought it to their last breath.

“I’m fine mum, how have you been too?” Jenny asked, holding hands with her mother and taking a seat on the sofa.

Temisa intertwined her fingers with her daughter’s and said she’s fine. But seeing her now, she’s become super fine and more healthy than she can remember.

Jenny smiled. Temisa asked after Eduardo, she asked if he travelled and Jenny said yes. He did travel but he was back again.

But before Jenny could state her purpose of visiting her besides seeing her face, Temisa said she was going to ask her to come around. They needed to talk but she came before she could make up her mind to call her.

Curiously, Jenny asked her if she was alright, or did she have an issue with her health? But Temisa smiled and said it’s nothing of what she thinks.

She was going to tell her that she wants to have those people arrested who killed her husband. She can’t be quiet while they walk the street.

Jenny chuckled aloud. She crossed her legs and playfully twined her hair as she let that mischievous smile linger on her lips longer than usual.

“It appears you and I are having similar thoughts mum. I guess it’s time we have them apprehended. They have to pay for what they did to dad and you.

Those bastards will drink from their cup of wickedness until they become drunk in it. I don’t know if you are going to agree with me. Before I thought you might not, but now, I guess we are both thinking along the same line.

Temisa nodded. That’s it. That’s what she wants. Until those evil doers are made to pay for their evil, her husband’s soul won’t rest in peace.

Temisa said she’s ready and willing that they strike soon. That way Jenny assured her that they would have Sebrina and her husband arrested.

Remembering that Betty also claimed to be pregnant for Luke, a grin crossed Jenny’s lips. Pregnant but suddenly disappeared when the authenticity of the pregnancy was to be ascertained.

Satisfied with the way everything was turning out to be, she smiled and told her mother to await her final decision and when to strike.

Rodrigo was sitting but foaming at the back seat. This time, Joel was the one behind the steering wheel. He hadn’t stopped glancing at Rodrigo and wondered what made him look so ashen.

The fellow seemed to be holding back his fury. He didn’t know who he talked with before he joined him in his office. But as soon as he saw him, he knew he was angry.

And he knew better than anyone else that he shouldn’t ask him unnecessary questions in times like this.

When Joel drove into the vast compound which houses the glass house, Rodrigo ordered him to halt, he did and he stepped out, walking briskly into the Mansion.

Larry Campbell was seated in the garden when he saw his grandson walk into the Mansion. Those steps weren’t normal. Those were the steps taken by a man who is after an answer or in a hurry to save a situation.

Not quite long, he had called him to let Ella and her daughter, which invariably is his fiance, out of police custody. But his grandson had bluntly refused his request.

Even his son, Rodrigo’s father, never refused him so bluntly. He sometimes wondered where Rodrigo had gotten his stone heart from.

His father was such an easy going man. Simply and accommodating. But he had birthed a son who is opposite of himself in character. Only that Rodrigo looked very much like his father.

Quickly, Larry Campbell asked the bodyguard standing by to help him get on his feet. That way Larry walked gently and got into the house.

When he stepped in, he saw Rodrigo asking his sister where their mother was. The latter seemed to be shivering without a cause. Mirabel looked in the direction of their mother’s bedroom and then back at her brother.

“You go and call mum. I want to have a word with her. And if you don’t go, I will lose all piety and forget that I am a man and go myself..”Rodrigo was yelling.

At this time, ola was already out of her room. She heard Rodrigo’s voice and came to stand at the top of the stairs, looking down at her kids.

From Rodrigo’s looks, it appeared he might have known what Happened. Not after she heard her father in-law talking to him to let Ella and Emma be bailed and he refused.

Those two might have let the cat out of the bag. Had they told him all that had happened and her involvement. She was already feeling that a rift was going to be drawn between herself and her son.

“Call mum this minute Mira!” Rodrigo ordered. He was staring at his sister who seemed to be sweating despite the cold air coming from the A. C.

” I’m right here Rodrigo” Lola declared standing at the top of the stairs and looking so calm and composed. But within her, her emotions were far from composed.

Rodrigo and the others looked up at the direction of where Lola stood. When Rodrigo saw his mother looking calm and quiet, he wondered if he should ask her the question for which purpose he came to the glass house.

She’s too innocent and pure hearted to do something so silly. She may not approve of his relationship with Camilla, but she’s definitely not such a person to conspire against someone else’s daughter.

But for clarity sake, he would ask. He would ask her to ensure he cleared his conscience. He would ask and if eventually, he discovered that she was innocent like he already knew she would be, he would sue Mr Martin for defamation.

” I need to speak to you mum” Rodrigo declared, turning himself fully to glare at his beautiful mother with his hands in his pants pocket.

Camilla now took a bath and Changed into another flowery gown before coming downstairs. No matter how much she wanted to appear simple, every item and the entire closet were stuck with first-class expensive dress and designers.

Having talked with Jenny before finally falling asleep, she felt relieved and light again. She didn’t see any of her parents but the servants.

“Hello Young madam” the servants greeted but Camilla didn’t answer. But suddenly realised she’s the young madam and turned to look at them with a smile.

“Hi, ” she replied and waved at them. The servants were super excited. The young madam just smiled and waved at them. It appears she is a good person like ma’am herself.

“Where’s my mother?” Camilla asked and the servants replied humbly that she and sir had gone for a bouquet, organised by a friend.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Camilla nodded and was contemplating on what to do when Luke arrived. When he saw Camilla, he smiled and the latter smiled.

The servants bowed slightly and excused them. The siblings are going to have their time alone.

“How have you been sis?” Luke asked, walking over and hugging Camilla, planting a featherlight kiss on her temple.

“I’m fine. How has your day been?” Camilla asked, smiling as Luke refrained from the embrace and together came to sit on the sofa.

“Hectic but already used to it”Luke replied, sitting next to Camilla and holding her arms like they were lovers. The latter smiled, happy that her brothers loved her.

“As supposed of a company’s work. It never ends. You just do what you can and necessary and continue the next day”Camilla commented.

“You’ve worked in a company in the past?” Luke asked and Camilla said she was a secretary. That was where she worked last before going to jail.

“You will join the company. We need a third party to head new branches. I know Eduardo will support you in that” Luke said and Camilla smiled.

“After my baby is born and if dad and mom will agree” Camilla shrugged and Luke laughed. He said their parents don’t interfere in their decision in running the companies except to give advice.

They chatted some more and Luke said “get dressed, we are going for dinner. Eduardo us treating you and I to dinner”

“Where is he?” Camilla asked and Luke said he’s gone to pick his wife and he has come to pick her up. They would meet at the hotel.

Camilla said okay and stood up, she went to her room to get dressed. Opening the closet, she became confused. Which dress should she wear? There seemed to be different dinner gowns that she didn’t know which to choose.

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