Mermaid’s Lust

Chapter 9


[Nina Point of view]

We are the carnival.

“Do you want to ride that one?” He looked at me and said hoping that I would agree. He was pointing at a swan ride.

 “Let’s Go.” I am really excited to ride all the rides here.

 We went to fall in line, as we are waiting for our turn Kevin said,

 “Are you having fun?”  he tucks a strand of my hair that was loosened on the corner of my face. He was staring at me.

 “Of course, yes, I am really enjoying it.” After I finish talking the line moves, we ride the swan ride.

When the ride finished, we went to another ride. It was a roller coaster.

 He was the one who pointed it out so because I was shy, I agreed to ride that monstrous ride.

 As we get nearer my heart is also racing faster. I am really nervous. I think my heart will explode before we can get in. He was beside me and when he looked at me, he saw how nervous I am so he asks,

 “Don’t you want to ride this? What happened to you?” he looked at me deeply as if he was finding why I was acting up.

 “Are you nervous? Don’t you want to ride? Ok. Ok. If you are nervous and don’t want it, we will not ride the roller coaster, okay?”

 “I want to ride the roller coaster. It’s just that I was really nervous.” I said as I was shaking my head.

 I really don’t want to ride but he wanted it so who am I to say no right? Besides, even if it looks scary a lot of people fall in line in that ride.

 He was still looking at me, as if reading what is really on my mind. He sighed and said ” Okay, if you really want to ride the roller coaster, let’s go. don’t worry, I will be here for you. I will hold your hand during the ride.”


After the ride, I am really feeling dizzy. That ride will be the death of me. Kevin, who was by my side, went to buy me water. When he returned, he gave me the bottle of water. And we sat at the nearest bench we saw. A couple minutes passed and I became ok.

After that ride Kevin asked me, “Do you want to go home? Are you ok? Are you feeling better now?”

“I want to stay here. but, can we just rest for a while then think of something new to do?”

 “Of course!”

We sat there for a couple of minutes.

When I felt that I was a hundred percent okay, I told him, “I want to try the arcade game. Is it okay?”

 He looked at me and nodded happily.  

 We bought tokens and started playing at the arcade house. We started at the basketball game.

 “The one who will get the most shots will do one wish to the winner okay?” I cheerfully told him.

 “Okay! Get ready to lose!” He was full of energy.

 When we started playing, I saw that he was not doing his best and was literally making a lot of missed shots, but I was really bad at this game and even when she was giving me the victory, I still lost the game. 

I pouted when the game ended. He pinched my cheeks and laughed then said, ” I was literally giving you the win but how come you still lose? How unlucky?” He was mocking me.

 “Hmp, I am really bad at basketball.”

 “Since I won, you will grant me one wish, right?”

I am still sulking but I said “Yeah, what’s your wish then?”

“I want you to accompany me later in riding the Ferris wheel. Is that okay?” he said hopeful.

 I was shocked I thought that he would wish to see me dance, sing or just do some stupid thing in public. I look at him with a wide eye.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Don’t you want to ride the Ferris wheel later?”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

 “No, I was just shocked. I thought you were going to make fun of me but instead you said that you want to ride the Ferris wheel.”  I said shyly.

 He laughed again and said, “I thought you don’t want to ride with me. oh well let’s just enjoy our remaining hours here in the arcade.”

 He pulled me and we did really enjoy our time there. We got a lot of prizes and we also went to one of their museums.

 I was very happy, and happy times really passed quickly. It was still bright when we went outside the museum. We decided to fall in line in the Ferris wheel line.

 When we successfully rode, we were slowly descending.

 I was looking outside enjoying the majestic view of Heldi. I was really amazed to see the city.

 On the Ferris wheel, I talked to Kevin about how we both enjoyed the carnival, Kevin slowly put his hand behind me.

  I saw his hand, but I was a little shy. Kevin asked me if I was happy today. I felt very happy.

 He said that I would never sing again at last. He asked me curiously why I wanted to sing. I told him that I could not help singing as long as I felt happy.

 Looking back, at noon, we came to the opposite museum, and everything in it was contrary to normal.

 At first, I felt a little embarrassed until Kevin said to me with deep affection, “You are really beautiful!”, and I laughed happily when I heard this sentence.

 Kevin and I took many wonderful memories in the museum.

[Kevin Point of view]

 My world was turned upside down, because I found the one who can shake my world, and she is the one who can make me fly higher and farther.

 She was really an angel. My angel. He shook the world I am in and made it livelier.

 I am really lucky to have met her. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life.

 [Nina Point of view]

 Kevin made me stronger. He taught me that even if you feel small, there will be someone who will make you feel like you are the biggest blessing.

 [Kevin Point of view]

 She was awesome and I promised to myself that I will go wherever she will go, I am willing to climb mountains just for her. that even when things don’t go as we imagined or planned, I will be with her. I will be by her side listening to her wonderful voice.

 [Nina Point of view]

 Some friends said I was crazy. That I love to imagine things.

 [Kevin Point of view]

 Some friends say I lost my mind, but we all know that it was because of the reaction when I met the right person. Without her, I was hopeless. But I’m glad I met her. at the right time and at the right moment. I can’t help but smile when I think of her.

 [Nina Point of view]

 I burst out laughing, Kevin was caught off guard.

 “Why did you suddenly laugh?” he asked curiously.

 “Nothing. I just remember some crazy memories.” I casually said, hiding my shyness.

 He stared at me and I stared back. We were looking at each other. Suddenly, I smiled and because of it he also showed his bright smile at me.

 Suddenly, the Ferris wheel stopped. It got stocked. We’re still stuck in midair. I am afraid of heights, I can’t help but to look down, my legs became soft, Kevin looked at my face, feeling that something was wrong with me, “what happened? Are you okay?” I tried to reply to him saying that I was fine.

  At this moment, the Ferris wheel suddenly shook, and because I was really afraid that something bad might happen, I started crying.

 Kevin hugged me instantly. He saw how distressed I was.  

 He started comforting me, “It’s okay, I’m here, don’t be afraid. It’s okay. Nothing bad will happen to us. Just breathe in and out. I will guide you” Hearing these words, I felt that I really found my Mr. Right.

 He slowly sang songs, to ease my nervousness, I also joined, and it was really effective. I was feeling fine.

The sun slowly set on the hill, I looked at my cell phone and found that it was 5:45.

  I looked at my legs again. I noticed that it was starting to change again. I took advantage of his singing opportunity, I picked up a cloth next to me and covered the fish tail that was about to appear.

 Then I quickly opened my phone and sent a message to Andy.

  Andy saw my message and left his work and rushed to the amusement park without saying anything.

 It was dark when the Ferris wheel finally moved. We are relaxed. Finally, the Ferris Wheel moved so we could get out of it.

 When we were outside, Kevin was still comforting me and was about to kiss me again when suddenly I saw Andy rushing over to us. He was really worried.

 “What happened, are you okay?” He looked at me with panic in his eyes. He was holding my shoulders.

 I suddenly wanted to cry. My eyes are starting to get wet. Seeing my face Kevin panicked, “What happened to you? Are you ok? Are you still afraid?”

 I told him, “I’m sorry, I think our date today was a super failure.”

 [Kevin Point of view]

 I comforted Nina, “Actually, today is the most unforgettable date in my life, because my date is you, and because it is you, you make me feel different from other girls.”

 Nina looked at me uncertainly. “Are you telling the truth?”

 “Really. It is true. I won’t lie to you.” I replied firmly, Nina.

 “Then don’t you think I’m a strange person?” she looked at me with her innocent eyes and I can’t stop but adore her more. She is really lovable and easy to be with.

“Actually, it’s a little strange, but that’s what I like about you. Even if this date is not perfect, it will be better next time, right? You will still allow me to date you next time, right?”

 [Nina Point of view]

 I looked at Kevin shyly.

 At that time, the Ferris wheel turned to the ground and suddenly shook. It was that, that made me fall into Kevin’s arms. The two of us were very close. I looked up at Kevin and he looked at me affectionately. Just when Kevin was about to kiss me, the door of the Ferris wheel opened, and the operator was standing in front of us.

 Andy pulled me and said “You need to go home.” He looked at Kevin and nodded his way.

  When I got home, Andy pushed my wheelchair into the back of my house.

 “The operator really was in bad timing; Kevin was about to kiss me. and When we were outside, I was sure he was about to give me a kiss also but you butted in again. That is why I almost cried! Who told you to be there immediately? You also ruined the timing. I wanted to lift the curse. And you and the operator ruined it!” I angrily shouted at him to ease my feelings.

“You want to quarrel with me? and you have the audacity to say that I ruined something for you? I left my job to save you! Remember that you sent me a message and I just went there because I was really worried about you, and now you are shouting at me?” Andy was also angry because of what I said.

 “Well, I just want to lift the curse! You cannot blame me. I wanted to be normal! If Kevin was the one who would give me the true love kiss, then be it. I certainly know that he is my true love, I must make him fall in love with me quickly,” I blurted out to him.

“Okay. I won’t argue with you anymore.  Let’s get you inside it is late.” He said as he calmed himself. He went behind me and started pushing my wheelchair to the direction of my room.

 When we were inside, he said, “I need to go.” He left in a hurry. And I just sat there looking at his back.

 The next morning, 

“Good morning, Andy, Kevin and I decided last night that we will have another date today.” Andy looks at me and said,

 “I will go with you. I am not comfortable with him. And I need to make sure that you are safe.”

 “You don’t have to, really, I will be okay. Just go to work.” I insisted on him but to no avail he decided to tag along.

 I went to Kevin’s hotel with Andy. There was a small problem, I didn’t inform Kevin about Andy tagging for a long time, so when he went down, he was shocked to see Andy. It was a bit uncomfortable and awkward. I looked at Andy and signaled him to go away but it seems that he doesn’t have the plan to go.

 It was really awkward for the three of us.

 Suddenly, I saw the guitar on the side. I told Kevin that Andy actually plays the guitar very well. I think Andy should play it for us! Kevin and I looked at Andy together, and Andy had no choice but to agree and finally let Andy go.

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