Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Mated To The Lycan King by Jennifer Baker Chapter 104

Brent sent an order to pause the lifting of the siblings’ cloaking spell. He ordered a mixture of our warriors, wolves, and witches to help guard the perimeter the witches had set to keep themselves hidden from us. This was done so we could all focus on being one strong unit. Things have been going well and I can honestly and confidently say that, as a whole, we were ready for anything they threw our way. Standing together as a united front would give us the upper hand, or so we had high hopes for anyway. We would have the power between myself and Avalynn, the witches, and the strong force from the Lycans and Wolves. It will be an interesting fight when we face off and I highly doubted that they would play fair.

I had been awake for about an hour now, just thinking about all the different outcomes. It didn’t sit well with me. All of the death. I knew that there was no avoiding it but I wished that we could, for everyones sake.

“Babe?” I heard Brent’s deep, soothing voice.

“Hmm?” I rolled over in bed to face him.

“Are you okay? You seem, well, a bit distracted or distant. I guess I could understand that one. I have been through many wars and battles in my life.” He spoke with me as he wrapped his arm around my waist, tugging, and pulling me to him.

I nuzzled into the comfort he brought with that embrace. “I am. I was just thinking about what could happen. Well, what could happen.”

“There is nothing to worry about. We will all be okay, well for the most part. There will be death, I know this, but that is the price of war. That is the cost we pay to live the way we want, the way we know. The

price of keeping peace between all of our kinds.” He pressed his lips against my forehead. “Please, try not to worry.”

I took a deep breath and inhaled his scent and let out a long sigh. “I hope so.”

“We need to get ready to meet them soon,” Brent told me. I nodded my head and moved out of bed to get myself ready to go.

This has been the longest week of my entire life. I was mentally drained and exhausted. It was funny though, because at the same time I felt like I could take on the world. I felt my strength inside grow more over time.

I walked into my closet and could feel Brent’s eyes on me. I slipped on a tank top and my bike shorts and walked back out. Brent was ready to go wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts. I swear that he could wear a potato sack and look just as dashing as he would in a suit.

I pulled my hair up to rest at the top of my head in a messy bun and he smirked at me. I frowned “What are you smirking at?”

He covered the length of our room in just a few steps and was now standing close to me. “I am just admiring how beautiful you are.”

My lips parted and for a moment I forgot how to breathe. I almost couldn’t stand being this close to him. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. My eyes moved to look at his lips. I moved to stand on my toes as he leaned towards me, meeting me halfway. His lips met mine. His lips moved tenderly against my own. A soft moan managed to work it’s way out. His arms wrapped around my body in a tight embrace as my arms encircled his neck. I held him just as tightly as he held me.

I pulled back, reluctantly breaking our long kiss. “We need to get going. We are already running behind.”

He groaned but nodded his head in agreement. “Yes, very well then. Come, love.” His hand reached for my own, taking it and leading me out of the room.

We made our way to our private training grounds and everyone was there waiting for us already. As we approached, I watched as Avalynn had someone suspended in the air and tossed them to the side like they were a rag dog. She was so strong, even in her human form. As we closed in on the group, everyone stopped and bowed their heads to us. All except Avalynn and Everest, who instead greeted us with smiles.

“Sorry we are late.” I apologized to everyone.

“It’s okay. We understand. There is a lot going on.” Avalynn smiled.

“Should we see how well you two work together,” Everest suggested.

“Well, Avalynn can do a lot.” I looked over at her and she semi shrugged.

“That’s true.” Everest agreed. “But you are still fairly new to this. You might surprise yourself.”

I nodded and took a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s do this. Ready?” I looked over at Avalynn.

“Born ready. Let’s go!” She jumped excitedly, causing me to laugh at her enthusiasm.

We walked out onto the field together. I looked around, walking in a circle, almost pacing. I felt my power rising as Seraphine stirred. She was feeling anxious but also excited. It was a weird feeling that was rolling over to me. I was also anxiously waiting to see how we would blend working alongside everyone. I was worried I would lose control, lose myself within my power.

“Don’t doubt, or you will give in and lose control. If you give into the darkness it will be hard to return.” Seraphine warned me.

“I can’t help it.” I let out an internal sigh.

“It is hard but you must try. You must keep your mind clear and not darken with thoughts of revenge, no matter what. The outcome will be disastrous.” She warned me once more.

“Okay! I will try my best.” I agreed, mostly annoyed.

“Alright, I think we should keep, at the very least, fifty yards between us. What do you think?” Avalynn turned to look at me.

“I think that would be smart planning. We can adjust accordingly, if need be.” I agreed.

I could hear Brent as if he was standing there right next to me. I turned to look in his direction, amazed. I was still getting used to this whole being a Lycan. “We will be here for moral support in the spots that we plan on being in.”

Everest chimed in, “That is if this is where their main strength will be.”

I just nodded my head and began to zone out and refocus. I looked over as I watched Avalynn shift and moved to shift right with her. During all of the training and exercises we have been doing, my shifting is almost instant. I stood tall and felt my fire burn inside of me. I wondered what we would be focusing on as a target. That is when I saw someone run out onto the field ahead of us. There were two rock boulders being brought out. Written on them was sibling one and sibling two. I smirked at them, ready to destroy the boulders into pebbles. They were spaced out about two hundred yards or so. We waited for the clearing and began training. It wasn’t long until I channeled all of my rage into the exercise. I lunged forward and in mid air shifted to my human form as my fire snapped like a rope at the boulder. The boulder rocked back a few yards, crashing into a tree. I was shifted back into my Lycan form, charging at the boulder when I heard a loud, drawn out distress whistle. It stopped me in my tracks and I knew what this meant.

We all froze in our spot and turned our direction towards the castle. A loud boom rung out across the sky and soon we watched our southern watch tower crumble. We stood there in horror, watching for a moment as disaster struck. We all looked at one another and it was clear what was going on. In an instant we were all dashing back towards the castle. The walls were breached and we were a few minutes out. This was it. It was happening now.

I knew that when we got back to the castle that destruction would be everywhere. It would be complete chaos. They must have moved. I just don’t understand why the men we had guarding the area did not inform us. How did they get by our men and the witches? I let out a growl as we sprinted through the trees.

As we approached, we noticed that buildings were burning and the screams of the people who were injured were deafening. Another boom and another tower crumbled to the ground as everyone below scattered. I felt Brent’s pain, anger, worry, and the rest of his emotions that swirled inside of him. Luckily, no one was in this tower they had hit. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

We moved and began directing everyone to their designated area. People were scrambling, helping the injured and moving them to safety. I looked over at Avalynn and in sync we nodded our heads and went immediately to work. A few witches gathered with us, chanting and lifting their hands to the trees. They were attempting to lift the cloak the witches were using to keep them hidden.

I looked over to where Brent and Everest were standing when I overheard another Lycan tell him “We found them all, dead. Murdered. I am sorry, my King.” He let out a growl and I felt a pain in my heart. Everyone out there watching them was murdered. Lycans, wolves, and witches are gone. They would be the first casualties of today’s battle. The war will be ending today.

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