Mated To My Alpha Brother

Chapter 11

“Axel you need to wake up, humans are here. You have to shift to human form right now.” She said hurriedly as she stroked his fur. He whimpered and let out a silent growl then shifted back.

Jabi was relieved but got shocked and her heart skipped three beats. His member was staring at her.

“Oh goodness!” His towel had got loose when he shifted. She flushed, as she was embarrassed but she quickly got the towel wrapped around him again, with her eyes closed though.

That same minute, Mia, Lian and some men rushed into the toilet. Lian could trace them with their scent so they led the medical team.

“Axel!” Mia shouted as soon as she saw him on the floor, almost lifeless. “You are here.” Jabi heaved a sigh of relief.

A stretcher was brought out and Axel was placed on it, then wheeled out of the house, into the ambulance and then to the hospital.

Lian stood watched as the ambulance drove away, then he heard a silent cry. He turned to see Jabi sobbing.

“What could’ve happened to him? I should’ve picked up on the first ring, but I ignored him and now this..” She cried and Mia hugged her.

“It’s okay, everything will be fine. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Mia soothed.

Lian held the two by their shoulders. “You girls should calm down, he’ll be fine. I’m sure of that.” He said and they nodded gently.

“But.. don’t you think it’s risky? He can’t be in care of a human doctor.” Mia said, in a witty manner.

“I’ll put a call through to Doctor Blain, he is a Wolf, so do not mind that. Get into the car, let’s go.”


“He has appendix.”

“What?” Mia and Jabi exclaimed. “Appendix?” Lian asked to do confirm and Doctor Blain nodded.

“It has gotten to a chronic stage and as it is now, he need an urgent surgery.” He explained. “Chronic? Like.. it isn’t anything minor?” Jabi’s voice broke as she questioned.

“Yeah, he must have been experiencing pain in his abdomen for about two years or so. It would’ve been good if he had the surgery when the condition was still acute. But all the same, he’ll be having the surgery. The fact that he held out for so long is simply because he is a wolf.” Doctor Blain explained.

“Do you need anything? Why haven’t you started the surgery?” Lian asked. “Well we need his parent or guardians to approve the surgery.”

“Just go ahead with it, I’ll sign.”

Lian inclined towards the girls. “You two should take deep breaths, it’s not like he died already.”

They all sat outside the operating room when they suddenly heard noises.

“Where is my son?” Miss Brenda Horsefall, shouted. “Ma’am you need to keep it low, this is an operating centre.” A nurse cautioned.

“How dare you?” She fumed and slapped the nurse. “Calm down Brenda.” Mr Horsefall cautioned.

“Tell them to tell me where my son is or else I won’t take it anymore easy.”

The Lady nurse tried to calm down. “He is in a surgery so what?!” She yelled.

“What?” The couple exclaimed in simultaneously.

“And who gave you the authorisation to perform a surgery on him?”

“I did.” Lian cut in. Mrs Brenda turned to look at him. “Alpha Lian?”

“Yeah, I gave them the permission. Do we have to wait for you when he is on the verge of death? You don’t even know about his disease.”

“What?” The couple furrowed their brows.

“Your son had been suffering from appendix for over two years. Two good years and you do not know about it, then you come here to make a ruckus?NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Mr and Mes Horsefall, you have every reason to be sued. How about starting with bad parenting? Assault? Harassment? Peace breaking?” Lian said as she got really pissed off.

Mrs Brenda scoffed. “What? Assault?”

“You just slapped a nurse.” Liam reminded her.

“We are very sorry Alpha Lian.” Mr Horsefall said penitently.

“I don’t need that. Just pray your son survives it.”


“The surgery was successful, and we’ll have to monitor his health for a few days.” Doctor Blain said and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh.. thank Heavens, can we see him now?” Mrs Brenda asked. “Sure you can.”

“What about the bills?” Mr Horsefall also asked. “Bills? Alpha Lian sorted that already.”

The couple were surprised.

*A week later*

“Babe, you need to come back to school, you’re missing a lot.” Mia nagged.

“If Axel doesn’t wake up, I’m not coming back.” Jabi replied.

“For real Jabi? Look, Axel is my friend too so why all these?”

“Mia you don’t understand.” “Make me do.”

After a short while, Jabi spoke up. “I want to be here for him. I’ve not been able to do it and now I want to.” She said, in a low and sober tone.

Mia sighed. “I understand.. But–”

“Let’s not talk about this.. please. That is what I want and no one can change it.”

“Okay.. but what about your mum?”

“She understands.” Jabi replied.

“Alright fine fine, I’ll let you do whatever you want. But what about me? No one is thinking about me, I’ll be alone.” Mia pouted.

Jabi smiled. “No worries, you have Alexander and Lian.”

“Alexander my left ass.” Mia mumbled and Jabi broke into a laugh.

“Not funny. Why is it taking long for that dickhead to wake up?” Mia said, referring to Axel.

“I don’t know either. I owe him beatings when he wakes up anyway.” Jabi said irritatedly.


Mia’s POV

*Ughh.. so I guess I’d really be solitaire now.* I thought as I stood in front of my class. I wonder how life without my friends will be.

Boring, sad, lousy… Qualify with any negative word. I took a deep breath before stepping into the class.

Everyone turned to look at me and I ignored their hole drilling stares, then proceeded to my seat.

How much I hated to sit there because of that goddamned liar, I couldn’t escape breathing the same air as him by the ways. I kept a straight face as I settled down and thankfully, he didn’t make an attempt to talk to me, which made my day easier.


Author’s POV

“Hey babe.” Rosie called as she entered the private lounge. His friends were out so he was the only one there.

“Hi Rosie, what’s up?” Lian asked as he stood up to accept her hug. She pecked him on the cheek before settling down.

“You haven’t been picking my calls, so I was worried.” She sulked. “I’ve been so busy. I was going to meet you up.” Lian replied.

“Okay. I would’ve come to your house if not for that brat you call a sister.” She said, looking away.

“Rosie seriously? Why is it that you two don’t just get along?”

“I’m not the problem here Lian, she is. She doesn’t want me around you. She doesn’t like me and it saddens me.” Rosie said and started sobbing. “And to think that you are even on her side..” She continued.

Lian knew it was weird for her to be like that, but he thought… maybe she had changed within those few weeks he had been away from her.

He held her hands. “Rosie calm down, You are my girlfriend and she is my sister, I still don’t see how that should be an issue.”

“Don’t you get it? That girl is obsessed with you, she doesn’t want any girl around you.” Rosie said spitefully.

“What? What’s that supposed to mean?” Lian’s tone changed. He was kinda astonished. *Why will Mia be obsessed with him?*

“Well, I don’t see it that way. I believe she’s just scared of losing her brother to anyone.” Lian defended.

“Then I’m lying? I’m tired of you Lian, you’re already supporting her. You’ve never for once supported or defended me. If you’ll continue being like this, then let’s break up.”

Rosie said it in a way that made her the victim. And unusually, Lian felt for her.

“It has not gotten up to that Rosie, I’ll sort everything out, don’t worry.” Lian assured her and she smiled sheepishly. Turning away from him, the smile turned to that of a sly one.

“How about we….” Lian’s voice trailed away.


It was short break and Mia had to use the restroom. After excreting the liquid, she moved out to the toilet hall to wash her hands.

Turning on the faucet, she placed her beneath it and washed her hands thoroughly. Just then, she heard footsteps. She looked into the mirror and saw Rosie and two others standing behind her.

She turned off the faucet immediately and turned to leave. She knew they were there for her, but she wanted to pretend like she wasn’t their business.

Rosie pushed her back with full force and Mia fell roughly to the floor.

Then she bent down to Mia’s level. “Hey wench! Just wanted to inform you beforehand that… You’d be having a visitor today. So you had better behave well. See you!” Rosie said with that cunning smile and walked away.


Just before closing, Mia got a text message from Lian, saying *I got some business to take care of so go home ahead. See you later*

She packed everything she needed from her locker and headed to class. When it was closing, everyone in the school left and she was the only one remaining.

For once, she found the air in the class refreshing.. Being alone. She thought of Jabi and Axel as she was studying, but she was quick to let go of the thoughts. She had to focus. Exams would come knocking soon and she needed to top her grades, like she usually do.

After studying half of an history textbook, she removed the big round shaped reading glasses she had on and let out a deep breath.

*that’s enough for today…* she thought and started packing her bag.

She heard some faint giggles and looked outside the window. She froze for a while as she watched her brother and Rosie getting into his car.

*was this the business he had to take care of? When did he start driving her?*

She was carried away in her thoughts that she didn’t realize they were already moving. “Hey! Lian!” She shouted but unfortunately, he didn’t hear.

Apart from the fact that his car was whined up, she was up in a place where she can’t be easily heard.

An expression of disappointment showed on her face as she continued packing her books. When she was done, she left the premises to board a cab.

Then she realised she didn’t have much on her. She had never taken a bus before and so the only way out was for her to trek home.

Just then, a car came along and parked right in front of her. It was Alexander. She looked away and continued walking as if she didn’t know he was there for her.

He got off his car and ran after her. “Mia wait up.” He finally caught up with her and held her hand to stop her.

“I… let me drive you home.” He offered. She yanked her hand away. “No thanks.” She said and continued walking. He stopped her again. “You can’t get a cab here and all of our school mates have left. Let me drive you please.” He begged.

“I’m okay with trekking home.. you don’t even know my house.”

“You can just give me directions.” He said.

“Look, i know you are still mad at me but you haven’t even given me a chance to explain myself and apologize.”

“If you are bent on driving me home because of that, just know that I’ve forgotten about it so leave me the heck alone!” She said.

“No.. not at all. It’s not because of that.”

“Then why?” Mia folded her arms. “Well…” Alexander began to search for an answer but none came. “I just want to! Why won’t you let me? Follow me Mia, follow me… please..” He pouted.

“Alright alright, fine.. let’s go.” Mia surrendered.

“Wow, I never knew you were this kind, you forgave me already.” Alexander said.

“Who said I did?” Mia asked. “What? You said earlier that…”

“Forget it. I just said that to let you off me.” Mia said, looking outside the window.

He sighed. “Okay.. I’m–”

“I don’t want to hear it. Let’s not talk about this.” She said, in a really serious tone and he agreed.

“Huh? Isn’t that the guy from our school?” Mia said startlingly.

“Yeah.. the one who stole the jewel. I heard the three guys got an indefinite suspension.” Alexander said.

“What?” Mia was surprised, she didn’t hear about it. Right… her friends were are gisters but they aren’t here and… Liam, never mentioned it to her.

Her countenance changed as she was reminded of what she saw earlier.

“Are you okay?” Alexander asked. He was able to notice quickly the change of mood.

“Hm.” She replied.


“We are here.” Alexander announced as he pulled in front of Mia’s house.

She turned to him to say something but then he stopped her by putting up his hand. “You don’t have to thank me, this is nothing.” He said, smiling.

She frowned her face. “I wasn’t going to thank you, you forced me.”

“Wait don’t you think you’re painting me bad here? The last time too, you said I forced you to brunch when I didn’t.”

“Whatever.” Mia grumbled as she got off. She then proceeded into the house.

She met Lian in the living room. “Hey I thought I told you to come first.” He said worriedly.

“Yeah.. I.. had some things to do also.” She replied nervously.

“Okay.. are you alright?” He asked.


“Lian would you like a drink too?” Rosie asked, coming out of the kitchen.

Mia frowned immediately.*so they came here?*

“Lian what’s going on here?” Mia asked, she was already getting enraged.

“Mia calm down, she is here because she wants to apologize for everything bad she has done to you, as she wants you two to get along.” Lian explained.

Mia scoffed. “Apologize? Get along? Well, I’m doing just fine. I’m not ready to listen to any apology, neither do I want to get along.” Mia stated firmly and made attempt to walk away.

He blocked her away. “Mia why are you being so difficult?” He questioned frustratedly.


“She is sorry and wants to make things right, being like this makes you petty and–”

“Petty?” Mia cut in. “Petty… you say? Well, I don’t mind being petty about this issue. And she’s sorry?” Mia glanced at Rosie, who looked happy about what was going on. “Sorry my foot.” Mia concluded and started ascending the stairs.

“Stop right there!” Lian commanded in a tone that he hasn’t used on her in years.

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