Mated To Alpha Kessler

Chapter 22 Lyra

I struggle to stifle my sobs when I remember the guy at the club. I wonder if he’s still alive and if I’ll ever be able to live with the fact that a man died because of my reckless actions.

I was furious, yeah, but is that enough reason to kiss another guy? The thought of it makes me utterly disgusted with myself.

How could I have been so careless, so thoughtless? Each passing moment I’m haunted by the image of his face.

With a tight fist, he started the engine, his jaw clenched, gripping the steering wheel like he was ready to tear it off the dashboard. He was beyond furious.

He zoomed off at a breakneck speed, and my heart leaped into my throat. I gripped the door tightly, my eyes squeezed shut in terror, feeling every twist and turn of his driving.

My knuckles turned white as I clung desperately to the door handle, the rush of wind whipping through the open window. Fear beat through my veins.

I dared to steal a glance at him, his face a mask of fury, eyes fixed ahead. It was as if nothing else existed at that moment except the road and his burning rage. Every nerve in my body screamed for safety, but there was nowhere to hide.

After around thirty minutes, we arrived at the pack. I hurried to the elevator, feeling his presence looming close behind me.

The heat in my core persisted. He was supposed to complete the mating session, but with everything that had transpired, I doubted if he even wanted to have anything to do with me anymore.

We reached the elevator, and I found myself trapped with him in the suffocating silence. I stole a sideward glance at him, his jaw clenched so tightly it looked like it might shatter at any moment. Then, with a slow, deliberate movement, he rolled his neck, the muscles in his back rippling with pent-up fury.

As soon as the elevator doors slid open, I bolted out, my heart pounding in my chest, I ran as if my life depended on it. All I could think about was reaching the safety of my room, away from the storm of his anger.

With each long stride, he closed the distance between us, his presence looming over me like a dark cloud. My heart pounded relentlessly in my chest, Fear was an understatement of what I feel right now.

I fumbled with the door to my room. Finally, with a shaky hand, I managed to unlock it and threw myself inside. He followed wordlessly, his silent anger suffocating the air.

Desperate for refuge, I sprinted to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. Leaning against the cool tiles, I sucked in a deep breath, trying in vain to calm the rhythm of my heart.

I stared into the mirror, and the reflection that greeted me was terrifying. My own eyes were wide with fear. With trembling hands, I turned on the faucet and splashed water onto my face, hoping to wash away the weight of dread that held onto me like a second skin.

For what felt like an eternity, I remained holed up in the bathroom, each passing minute dragging on.

Finally, after what must have been twenty agonizing minutes, I mustered the courage to step outside, praying that he had left my room.

But immediately, as I stepped out of the bathroom, his scent filled my nostrils, and I muttered a curse under my breath.

He turned, his eyes fixed on me. The fire in my core ignited, and I clenched my legs together to quell the ache.

Stumbling back, I unconsciously licked my lips. Liquid poured into my panties. His pupils dilated with lust, but he quickly replaced it with a stone face.

The tension between us was palpable and charged with unspoken desire. I could feel the heat radiating off his body, drawing me in despite the fear that still gripped me.

For a moment, neither of us moved, locked in a silent standoff, Was he going to confront me? Would he unleash his anger upon me, or was there something else lurking behind those steely eyes?

I swallowed hard, trying to push down the panic threatening to consume me.

He could perceive my arousal. In a swift second, he moved to where I was and with force slammed my back to the wall. I gasped in terror, my eyes closing as tears welled up with the thought of what he might do to me.

I fear for my life. Kessler is many things, but I doubt if my life is worth anything to him with the level of anger that seems to be oozing out of him.

“Please,” I whispered hoarsely, my voice barely above a whimper, pleading for mercy that I knew deep down he wouldn’t grant. The tears streaming down my cheeks.

“How dare you,” his voice boomed in the room. I dared not look at him, my eyes tightly closed.

“Strip,” he said in one word.

“What?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

“Strip,” this time his tone emanated with fury.

With a shaky hand and trembling breath, I started to take off my dress. I dared not meet his gaze, my eyes fixed on some distant point.

I stood there in my panties and bra, thinking that was all he wanted. But when he looked at me with disdain, his words cut through the silence like a knife.

“Strip naked now.”

I hurriedly did his bidding, my hands trembling as I took off my bra and pants.

Then, a knock was heard on the door. “I’m naked,” I said, stating the obvious.

“I’m well aware of that,” he said in a bored tone.

Desperate to cover myself, I searched for something to hide my exposed body. But before I could find anything, the door flung open. I jumped towards him, hoping he would catch me and shield me from view.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Instead, he pushed me onto the bed as two elderly women walked in, each carrying a basket, and bowed to Kessler. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I realized my attempt to preserve my modesty.

Kessler gave them a nod and instructed them “Scrub her clean of that disgusting scent and clean the room too.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” they both replied.

“Once you are done, dress her up and send her to my chambers,” he instructed again.

“Yes, Your Highness,” they bowed again.

He took one look at me, his jaw clenched, his pupils dilated, as he strolled out of my room, leaving me behind with these elderly women.

Immediately, the door shut behind him, and the women yanked me with force, displaying a strength I hadn’t realized they possessed.

They dragged me to the bathroom, mixing some scent and concoction I was unfamiliar with, and started scrubbing me harshly all over my body.

I winced in pain as they continued their work, the rough scrubbing leaving my skin raw and tender. Once they were done, they rubbed some ointment on me, leaving it to soak in for a while before washing it off with my bath wash and rinsing me with water.

I was wrapped in a towel and ushered back to my room. As I entered, I looked around and realized that it had been thoroughly cleaned.

They took their time, applying a lotion I was unfamiliar with, leaving my skin feeling strangely soft and supple. An outfit had been laid out on the bed for me, neatly folded.

In no time, I was dressed, the fabric clinging uncomfortably to my skin as I followed them out of my room. We reached Kessler’s door, and I gave a soft knock, bracing myself for the consequences of my careless actions.

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