Mate by Fate, Bound by Love

A clash of loyalties


Adrian’s POV

I found it hard to believe everything Claire had said. I knew she could go to extreme lengths to get what she wanted, but the thought that she might have inflicted all those injuries on herself just to prove a point seemed far-fetched. Yes, she’s desperate, but I don’t think she’s psychotic enough to nearly kill herself just to make me believe her. Yet, I couldn’t entirely dismiss the possibility that she might be telling the truth.

Where could Lena be? Deep down, I hoped Claire was lying. I hoped Lena hadn’t been dragged into this mess. I loved her, and I still believed we could have built a family together.

What no one knows is that I’ve been holding Lena in a cell, waiting to gather evidence-evidence to prove whether she was actually a spy or if she really did steal Claire’s jewelry. But Ian went ahead and complicated things for me. You might wonder how Ian, with all his abilities, doesn’t know what I’m thinking. Over the years, I’ve learned to hide my thoughts from him. I can’t bring myself to trust him fully-his anger issues are too dangerous, and he’s the big bad wolf, after all.

I only share with Ian what I want him to know. When it comes to how I truly feel, I keep those thoughts to myself.

I would’ve called off this entire investigation, sparing Lena from further suffering, but Ian would never allow it. And beyond Ian, the rest of the pack would never accept such a decision. Sure, I’m the Alpha, but even I don’t have control over everything-especially not a situation like Lena’s. As Alpha, I have to prioritize the pack above all else. If I were to put Lena first, it could give others a reason to challenge my authority, and right now, I need to stay in power. It’s the only way I can protect my child and give Lena a chance at survival.

The decision to turn to the Black Witch wasn’t something I made lightly. I agreed out of desperation. I saw it as a last resort in case Lena was guilty of the charges against her.

A knock on the door broke my thoughts.

“Who is it?” I called out.

“It is I, your Highness,” Claire’s father responded from the other side of the door.

I couldn’t imagine why he was here or what he wanted from me. I stepped outside my chambers to meet him.

“Your Highness,” he began, “I came to inform you that I will be taking Claire back to our home so she can recover fully. You have too much on your plate here in the palace. I don’t want you to be burdened by her care on top of everything else.”

He sounded sincere, but I’d known Claire’s father long enough to know that he could be a conniving bastard when it suited him.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t worry, I can take care of her here. She’s my responsibility-not just as my Luna, but as a member of my pack. It’s no trouble.”

“You have too many issues to deal with, my lord. You still need to find that spy and her pack of rogue wolves. Plus, I can’t risk leaving Claire here without special supervision and properly trained guards,” he replied, his tone firm.

“I’m perfectly capable of looking after her myself,” I countered.

“The way you looked after Lena, and she ended up escaping?” His words stung. “With all due respect, Your Highness, I can’t risk leaving Claire here in such a vulnerable state. She’s still recovering from her injuries. What if enemy wolves attack while I’m gone? We don’t know how many are out there, but it’s clear that you don’t have enough manpower to defend yourself, let alone her. I insist on taking her back to my home.”

Before I could protest further, he added, “I didn’t come to ask for your permission, Your Highness. I’m merely informing you of my decision.” With that, he turned and left.

“That old fool,” Ian growled inside my head. “I would love to rip his heart out.”

“Calm down, big wolf. We can’t go around killing the Luna’s father.”

“Who does he think he is?” Ian seethed. “Has he forgotten how we single-handedly wiped out an entire pack of twenty wolves?”

“Relax, Ian. He’s just worried about his daughter. Any father would be,” I said, trying to ease the tension.

I made my way back to the chamber where Claire was preparing to leave. She had already been helped up, ready to depart with her father. I approached her, reassuring her that we would find the wolves responsible for her suffering and make them pay.

Her eyes widened, a faint smile touching her lips. She seemed genuinely happy to hear those words.

“I’m sorry I have to leave you,” she said softly. “I would’ve stayed, but Father insisted.”

“Don’t worry about me, Claire. Just focus on your recovery. Your health is all that matters now. I wish you a safe and swift recovery.” I leaned in and kissed her forehead gently.

Her cheeks flushed slightly. Claire was undeniably beautiful. If only she had gotten pregnant, I might have stayed with her-despite the lack of true love. Our relationship had always been one of convenience. As Alpha, I needed a Luna, and Claire had always seemed the most suitable. She carried herself with the grace and strength a Luna needed.


The day I was supposed to choose my Luna was a significant one. Since I hadn’t found my fated mate, the only other way to secure my position and future was to select a Luna from the eligible women of the pack.

All the potential candidates gathered at the palace for the showcasing. This ceremony was where the women paraded in front of me, and I would choose the one I deemed most suitable. After an hour of watching the procession, I was nearly ready to give up when I spotted Claire. She exuded the aura of a Luna-confident, regal, and strong.


I watched as Claire left the palace with her father, my mind still weighed down by everything that was happening around me.

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