Loving My Brother’s Best Friend

101• Our Little Princess

After 6 Months

“We only have three months left to have you in our lives, baby. Mumma is both excited and nervous.” Reyna was talking to her baby while standing in front of the mirror and placing her hands on her six-month-old baby bump. She was decked up in an off-shoulder summer dress.

As Cole approached her from behind and placed his hands over hers by encircling her in his arms, they both beamed at each other through the mirror.

As he removed her hair from her shoulder, she felt his cold rings touching her bare shoulder, and she closed her eyes, shivering at his mere touch. His metallic ring drove her insane whenever it came into contact with her skin.

After placing a soft kiss on her shoulder, he walked and knelt in front of her.

“Daddy is keeping track of every second, princess. He can’t wait to embrace you in his arms.” He talked to his baby with glee, placing his hands on Reyna’s belly.

“Daddy, even I tan’t (can’t) wait do (to) tome (come) in youl alms (your arms).” Reyna responded to him delightedly in childish language on behalf of their baby.

He raised his face to look at her and cracked a smile.

“You are gonna be the best daddy in this world.” She pulled his cheeks.

He stood up after placing a kiss on her baby bump.

“And you’re gonna be the best mumma.” He clasped her face and pressed his lips against her forehead. She closed her eyes, and a contented smile spread across her face.

She was living the life of her dreams with her hottie biker.

“Now let’s go, Cole. We’re already getting late for the sonography.”

“I just can’t wait to see my princess and listen to her heartbeat again.” He expressed his excitement, placing his hand on her belly.


Reyna was sitting in Cole’s arms on the sofa while Ethan and Ella were lying in each other’s arms on the mattress. They were watching a movie in the hall.

“Cole…” suddenly Reyna screamed, catching everyone’s attention.

“Kiddo, what happened?” Ethan and Ella sat up in front of her and gave her worried looks as Cole asked her with concern.

“Guys, the baby kicked.” As she merrily told them, placing Cole’s hand on her belly, her eyes shimmered with enthusiasm.

All of their eyes gleamed with excitement as they listened to her words, and Cole bent down to kiss her belly.

“He kicked again.” She squealed as the baby kicked again when Cole kissed her belly. He smiled widely and kissed her lips in joy while Ethan shook his head in disbelief.

Ella placed her hand on her belly to feel it, grinning with excitement. Ella and Ethan were equally excited about the baby’s arrival.

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After 3 Months

“Baby, when will you come? Mumma is eagerly anticipating your arrival so she can go on a bike ride with you and your Daddy. You know, Daddy has refused to take me on the bike ride since we found out you were coming because it is dangerous for both of us. Although I cherished every moment of this pregnancy with you and your daddy, I have missed going on a bike ride. So don’t make me wait any longer. Please come soon…” Reyna was conversing with her baby, sitting on the bed while Cole was in the washroom.

“Cole… aaa…” She screamed, clutching her shirt, as she felt excruciating pain in her stomach.

Cole immediately rushed out of the washroom as he heard her screams.

“Cole, it’s hurting a lot.” She cried out as he ran to her.

“I think today is finally our baby will come.” He beamed at her with tears of happiness in his eyes and kissed her forehead. She was in extreme pain, but still, a small smile spread across her face.

“Relax, Kiddo. I’m just taking you to the hospital.” He reassured her, caressing her hair when she screamed again.

“Aaaaa… Cole…” He hurriedly carried her in his arms and dashed out while she was yelping in pain and clutching his neck chain as if she would break it.

“Ruby…” Cole reached the hall, calling the maid. He was extremely anxious for his Kiddo. It was becoming unbearable to see her in such agony.

“Call Ethan and tell him Reyna has labour pain, and I’m driving her to the hospital.” After instructing the maid, he hurried out of the mansion, carrying his pregnant Kiddo who was in labour pain.


Reyna awoke on the hospital bed with a broad smile on her face as she saw the baby cradled in Cole’s arms, wrapped in the white sheet.

She had no idea what the baby’s gender was because she fainted as soon as she gave birth.

“Cole…” as she called him, he shifted his eyes filled with joy from the baby to her.

“It’s a baby girl, Kiddo. I told you that I had a feeling that it was going to be a girl.” He told her with glee as he walked towards her. “Look, it’s our princess only.” As he made the baby lie down beside her, she cradled her with a beatific smile on her face.

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she admired her little angel’s face and hands while she was sleeping peacefully, raising her hands in the air. As she kissed her forehead, a lone tear of contentment trickled down her cheek, and Cole smiled and captured the beautiful moment on his phone.

“Cole, she is so tiny and beautiful.” She smiled at him with joy before shifting her gaze towards her princess and caressing her cheek with affection.

“Our Princess is divinely pretty like her mumma.” Cole leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her daughter’s forehead.

He leaned closer to Reyna’s face and deeply gazed into her eyes. “Thank you for giving me such a precious gift, Reyna.” He whispered before chastely kissing her lips.

“I want to take my princess in my arms, Cole.” She spoke excitedly.

He cradled the baby in his arms, and then pressed the button to raise the bed. As she came into a sitting position, Cole laid the baby down on her chest.

The little Princess was sound asleep on her mumma’s chest, and as Reyna felt her soft breath on her chest, tears of happiness trickled down her cheek. She had been waiting for this moment for nine months, so her joy knew no bounds.

He looked at his two precious souls with a beatific smile on his face before capturing this moment also on his phone.

“She completes us, love.” He whispered and couldn’t control himself from kissing his princess’s forehead again, and then he kissed her mumma’s forehead.

He touched his forehead with Reyna’s forehead; her hand was on their daughter’s head, and his hand was on their daughter’s hand. They both smiled broadly as she held her daddy’s finger with her tiny hands, and they both lost themselves in this beautiful moment.

They felt completely fulfilled after having their daughter.

“Congratulations, newly made mumma and daddy.” They pulled apart when Ethan and Ella, along with Cole’s parents, entered the room, squealing with glee. They were holding pink balloons, and on one of them, Princess was written on it.

“Guys, she’ll get scared. She has just been born.” Cole chastised them because when they shouted, the baby trembled with fright.

“Oh, sorry. We just forgot everything in the excitement of meeting her.” Ethan apologised, cradling the baby in his arms with a broad smile on his face, while Ella attached all the balloons to her bed.

“Congratulations, Barbie.” Ella embraced Reyna, beaming.

Everyone circled Ethan and gazed at the little angel with affection, waiting for their turn to hold her.

Cole and Reyna beamed at them before moving their eyes filled with joy to each other, feeling extremely fortunate.

“Cole, she is exactly like you.” Mia gave her opinion as Ethan gave the baby to her. She slightly rocked the baby as she cried.

“No, she is like my daughter.” James contradicted her while Cole helped Reyna to drink water.

“Uncle, you’re wrong. Look carefully, her nose is like Cole’s.” Ethan spoke, pointing his finger at her tiny nose.

Ella slightly hit Ethan’s head. “Ethan, your observation is so wrong. Her nose is completely like your sister’s.”

Seeing their adorable argument, Cole and Reyna burst into laughter and caught their attention.

“You guys are looking so cute while fighting like this.” As Reyna uttered, still laughing, they all laughed, realising how stupid their argument was.


For the photo shoot, Cole and Reyna dressed their princess. She was decked up in a pink dress, mittens and a cap with a bow, and was sleeping on the cot.

As the photographer took pictures of her, they were both standing next to her cot, gazing at their daughter with smiles on their faces and tears of joy in their eyes because she looked heavenly beautiful.

Their little princess smiled in her sleep, and her one smile was enough to bring immense joy to her parents’ hearts.

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