
Chapter 058

Hunter’s p. o. v.

I took a deep breath and couldn’t help but smile while I hopped out of the vehicle.

I took in the environment with keen interest and I laughed at myself for what I have surprisingly become.

Who would have thought that when I would be asked to choose between business and a kid, I would’ve chosen the kid?

When I called Mr Reid a few minutes before changing my direction, he was okay with my change of plans but said we needed to discuss during his upcoming event.

I’ve never been happier with procrastination in my life.

I tightened my grip on the little gift I got Louisa from a breakfast store and checked the time once more.

Seven thirteen.

I’ve still got forty seven minutes before her first class bell goes off.

Maybe I could drop by and see the principal, Mr Alexander to acknowledge his payment.

The surrounding was almost half packed with kids and teenager’s conversing before it was time to begin.

I scanned the area for Louisa’s petite frame but didn’t see it.

My brows scrunched in slight confusion before I decided to walk into the school building.

I was taking my time to walk up so I can continue my survey for Louisa around the area.

Some teenage girls were sending me looks that should be restricted to only their age grade.

But I sent them smiles none the less.

Agreeing that Louisa wasn’t in the lawn, I finally got to the door of the hallway and stepped in.

The sight before me was enough to make my blood boil with anger.

The good news is that I found Louie.

The bad news is that she was surrounded by a group of people who where pointing and laughing at her.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I am so glad I ditched that meeting.

Louisa was backed up against a locker with her book held tightly against her chest.

She was so small in the midst of those who had formed a crowd around her that I wondered if they were actually her classmates.

I could barely see her head from the circle.

But I did notice one thing.

She was still crying.

” I thought you said your daddy loved you?”

” She’s such a liar”

” She had to use such a big name to lie”

And so many other jeers were coming from all around her and upon in tears, she still argued with them.

” I didn’t lie! My daddy loves me” her face was streaked with tears as it rolled down her face like a river.

My heart broke to pieces as she tried to look strong but her walls had crumbled.

” Oh yeah? Then where is he?” Someone shouted from the crowd and everyone else responded with laughter.

” Leave her alone!”

” Yeah, leave her alone!”

Two girls hollered above the other voices but no one listened to them.

I’m so late.

And I can’t believe I’m still standing here and doing nothing.

Weren’t there teachers in this school?

” Can you all give me a reason why my daughter is crying?” My voice boomed across the hallway and I was welcomed with a dead silence.

I literally heard a pin drop in a distance.

Louisa’s tear soaked face and puffy eyes met with mine from the crowd and I didn’t realize when I was running towards her.

As soon as I got to her front, I crouched down so I could be able to look her in the eye.

She was still shocked at my appearance because following my rejection she hadn’t been expecting me.

“Baby I’m sorry I couldn’t make it earlier. I’m so sorry” I muttered to her but it was loud enough for the entire surrounding to hear.

Using my thumb, I tried as much as I could to wipe away the tears from her beautiful face and in all, the hallway was still quiet.

She broke into a smile that was accompanied with a sob and jumped into my arms for a hug.

I hugged her back tightly and I could hear her silent sobs on my chest but it wasn’t audible.

That attracted a lot of awww’s from the crowd that had gathered.

I placed a soft kiss on Louisa’s temple and held onto her a little longer.

The crowd had grown and we were now a live show in the middle of the hallway.

” I think this should have already been obvious but I’m gonna make it clear. This little angel is my only daughter and as such you shall never hurt her or speak to her in any way that will make me hunt you down. I promise you, if she does the slightest of complains your parents will hear it”

That was enough to make them wary of their actions towards Louie and that’s exactly what I wanted.

” You all can go now” I finalised and the crowd, slowly dispersed.

Not everyone though.

” Uh- Mr Hunter?” A little girl with blonde hair called my attention.

” Yes?” By this point Louie was done crying. She had wiped away her tears and looked up to the child who had summoned me with a smirk on her face.

That’s my girl.

” I’m sorry for calling your daughter a liar” the girl apologized.

” Well I’ve forgiven you but I’m not the one you accused”

And with Louie’s puffed eyes, she stood straight and crossed her arms in anticipation of the apology.

” Louisa, I-I’m sorry”

Louisa in turned ‘humphed’ and threw her nose in the air before muttering a ‘ thank you very much’

I laughed at her attitude and kissed her temple with a smile on my lips.

The girl walked away looking sorry with two others trailing behind, bearing the same look in their eyes.

Leaving only two girls with us.

” Daddy meet my friends. Gracie and Hailey” Louisa said introducing her friends with a broad smile.

I chuckled softly at her giddiness.

” Your names rhyme. I’m Louisa’s Dad” I gave a wide grin which the girls recriprocated.

” Hey”

” Hello”

The girls greeted back.

I stood to my feet and realized I was still holding the gift I got Louisa in my grasp.

” You didn’t eat much this morning, so I got you a little something” I handed her the takeaway bag in my hand and she collected it. Her smile still prominent.

” Eeeeeeeeeeekk!! Thank you!” She squealed and hugged my legs to which I laughed.

I knew getting her a blueberry cupcake and banana smoothie would help atone for my sins.

” Hey, can you show me your principal’s office? I need to speak with him” I asked Louie as I patted down her hair.

She nodded apprehensively and began heading down to hallway.

” Louie I’m sorry I disappointed you” I had to apologise to get it off my chest.

She stopped and whirled around to look at me.

God please never let this smile leave her lips.

” Promise me one thing?” She quietly asked and I extended my pinky to her in assurance to keep my word.

” I promise, but what is it?”

” Promise me you’ll always be my daddy?”

I couldn’t promise that.

I shouldn’t promise that.

My mind was warning me against it knowing well that Iris would have my head.

But when have I ever been one to listen?

” I promise” I made the promise to the little girl and a huge part of me was willing to keep it.

I really don’t care what her mother thinks.

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