
Chapter 056

Hunter’s p. o. v

Starting up work today wasn’t as simple as I prayed it would be.

I had already attended four unproductive meetings and figured out I haven’t had anything for lunch.

So much for staying healthy.

The time was four pm and I guess it was time to at least have something to eat.

After putting my laptop on sleep, I picked my cellphone, car keys and wallet to be sure I was good to go.

As soon as I walked out the door, I met face to face with Iris who held a single file in her hand.

” Are you going home?” She asked in a little confusion and I wasn’t surprised.

I wasn’t someone to leave the office so early.

” What do you have for me?” I changed the topic back to plain business and she took the hint that I was in no mood for a discussion.

” It’s an invitation from Mr Reid. About an event he’s hosting in a week”

An event? I haven’t heard anything about an event in the past few days.

Maybe I really need to connect with the media once again.

” Thank you. Anything else?” The earlier she finishes her job the earlier she gets home.

” Yes. La Chérie magazine sent us some copies before it’s publication next month”

Oh.. I completely forgot about that photoshoot. Feels like years ago.

” Okay. Drop off a copy on my desk and keep the other in the cabinet”

” Uhm.. there are five copies” she scratched behind her neck as she mentioned that.

” I don’t see how that seems to affect my instruction. Do you want a copy?”

Her facial expression turned ghostly and she flushed a deep shade of pink.

So she wants one.

” No. I was only asking for your f-father”

Sure you were.

” Fine. Drop one on my desk, send one to my father and keep the rest in the cabinet. Are we clear now?”

She nodded in agreement and briskly walked back to her office.

Whilst I continued my journey to the elevator and down the building where I met with Clarissa.

After collecting the spare keys to the building as usual, so I could lock up after leaving later on at night, I walked to my car in the parking lot and began to drive to the nearest restaurant I could remember.

Immediately after I parked, I made sure to lock my car and went in for my lunch.


So lunch took longer than expected because I had answered some business calls in between.

Now the time was currently displaying a few minutes to six and by the time I’ll reach the office it’ll already be past six.

I groaned internally at the way my time was surprisingly consumed but I still put up a smile when the waiter approached me.

” That’ll be fifteen forty nine” the young man smiled back and handed me the receipt.

“Keep the change” I said once I handed him a wad of cash.

” Thanks. That girl over there says I should give you this” he slipped a thin paper over me and pointed to a brunette standing far back.

” Tell her I said she’s pretty” I winked at the guy and stood to my feet.

Enough of the play for tonight.

Within seconds I was out of the building.

The cool breeze dancing across my face and the night had already befallen the city.

Street lights and illumination from buildings were the only things making the environment as clear as day.

I never knew when a smile reached my lips at the view and I took subtle strides to my car.

Just to be welcomed by a parking ticket.

A parking ticket in a parking lot?

Now that’s new.

I picked the ticket from my wipers to know what I had been fined for.

But it wasn’t a ticket.

It was a note.

Hope you haven’t forgotten me already?

Countdown clock is ticking.

Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Your lovely friend


Can’t I have peace for just a complete month? Week?

I ripped the paper to shreds and angrily hopped into my car.

I drove straight to the office to close up for the day. This chatty message from Soldo doesn’t really put you in the right attitude to work.

Once arriving at the office, I unlocked the doors with the spares I had and stepped in.

But my phone chimed in a message tune and I pull it out to view.

I know you’ve heard of the event. But I need to see you urgently.

Tomorrow morning by seven.

At The Four Seasons.

It was from Mr Reid and I took no time in replying.

I’ll be there.


I was back at home and I wouldn’t want to say that I was eavesdropping but that’s exactly what I was doing.

Iris was talking to Jenny in the kitchen. Telling her something about Louisa being all moody since she got home from work.

” I tried to talk to her, but she just shook her head and mumured a single nothing” Jenny complained.

” And it’s not usual. I swear I’m more worried than I look” Iris gave a sigh.

” Let her sleep on it. She might feel free to share tomorrow” Jenny comforted.

” I hope so. Goodnight Jenny, tell Cheryn I said goodnight too”

The ladies parted ways and Iris walked out of the kitchen and she didn’t look the slightest surprised seeing me in the living room.

But she kept walking anyway and within seconds I heard her door jam shut.

Now that I’m alone, I finally had a chance to think on my own and it was not a shock that my thoughts went straight to what was wrong with Louisa.

The little girl seemed happy when she left for school this morning.

Perhaps I could ask her about that tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I took interest in the news that came up on the television.


A stifled yawn escaped my lips at eleven pm and I took it as a note to get some sleep.

But when I started hearing familiar footsteps, I stilled for a while.

The movements suddenly stopped and I turned towards the hallway and saw Louisa standing in the shadows cast by the steps.

” Hey Louie. Come here” I spread my arms wide open to indicate that I was willing to talk if she wanted to.

She walked slowly and almost like she was avoiding stepping on fire across the carpet.

When her face came into view, some strings tugged at my heart.

She had been crying.

” Hey love. What’s wrong?” I asked her once she walked into me and I wrapped my arms around her.

She gripped my shirt tightly and buried her face in my chest as she started sobbing again.

I was feeling very uneasy with her actions and I really wanted to make her stop.

” Hey, stop crying. Talk to me” I ran my hand through her hair as her grip tightened.

” I did s-something wrong” she mumbled.

” What did you do?” My curiosity was highly piqued.

” I.. I lied”

She lied?

That’s why she’s so sober?

Her mother really instilled manners in her.

” What did you lie about?”My lips lower to place a soft peck on the side of her head.

” I.. I uhm….”

” You can tell me”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

She immediately pulled away from me and threw her eyes to the ground.

” Someone said my daddy doesn’t want me but I told her he did. I told her that my daddy is very rich and has lots of cars but she didn’t believe me. She asked me who my daddy was” she was fondling with her fingers and I watched her intently.

” And what did you say?”

” I said it’s …. You” she whispered the last part so lowly that it took me seconds to grab it.

She said I’m her daddy?

I wish.

” And she didn’t believe you?” I questioned again.

” Yes. And she told me that my daddy should drop me off at school tomorrow” her voice held a hint of rejection and I already felt bad.

Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with Mr Reid so I wouldn’t be able to drop her off.

” Louisa I’m sorry but I can’t make it tomorrow” I had to swallow saliva to numb the aching in my chest.

But she didn’t seem so fazed. It was almost like she was expecting my rejection before hand.

Maybe that was the actual reason she had been crying.

” Oh.. okay. I’m sorry.” Were all she said and she sounded at the brink of tears once again.

Then I tried to think of a way to cheer her up.

Any way at all.

” Hey, are you staying the night with me?” I faked up a smile but she didn’t return it.

” No. Don’t worry” she shook her head and started to walk away.

“G-goodnight” were her last words and I swear I saw another tear drop from the side of her face.

Louie I’m sorry.

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