
Chapter 052

Hunter’s p. o. v.

It’s my first day back at work and a week after my ‘accident’ .

As soon as I had my seat to begin, I see a missed phone call from lovelyn.

And that surprised me.

Since when has my sister been one to call?

I called her back as soon as I could, silently wishing I had enough minutes to spare.

” Hey ” I said once she answered.

” Honestly, I don’t know why we’re still related”

Yup, a heartwarming greeting from a sister I haven’t seen in almost a year.

” You should really learn to be more explanatory. For someone who’s studying Mass communication, you suck at it” I jested and relaxed into my chair with a smirk on my face.

” And for someone who should be dead, I thought you’d learn to appreciate things more. Guess I can only hope”

And that’s the sister I love.

” You called, which is strange. What do you need?” I’m not in a position to whilst away time.

” Dad told me you had an accident. I mean who does that!? How could you get involved in an accident without informing me?” She half shouted into the cellphone and I had to restrain myself from laughing.

Lovelyn and I may not be the closest of siblings, but I’m very sure the love exists.

” I’m sorry. Next time I’ll be sure to tweet, hashtag accident loading on your timeline before crashing”

” You’re an idiot. What happened? I’m not buying the car accident and shoulder injury” I can already imagine her rolling her eyes and acknowledging herself for being smart.

” I don’t think I have anything else to say then. If you don’t believe it’s actually your issue”

” I’ve watched enough discovery channels to know that car injuries give fractures and or concussions, but the responses from Dad sound like you are far from damaged”

” So you want me to get damaged”

” As much as I want to say yes, I’ll save it for later. You went in for a surgery and got discharged the next day. From a car accident. In a car that went perfectly unharmed. I ain’t believing this fairy tale”

I’m hating that I have to agree that she is smarter than she paints herself to be.

” The accident didn’t take place in the car, I used it as a cover up so dad wouldn’t panic” I took this as an opportunity to ransack my brain for lies.

” And you telling me the truth now are you still believing Dad wouldn’t find out?”

She Devil!

” Don’t even dare!”

” Huh? Carry on” she replied in anticipation.

” That’s it” I shrugged and used my free hand to swipe the table just to make sure it’s clean enough before resting my arms.

” So what caused the accident?”

” Huh?”

” Hunter Brooks McConnell, don’t play dumb with me!”

So she can give commands too. How delightful.

” What am I explaining?”

” What caused your bloody accident!?”

” There wasn’t much blood if you ask me”

” Well I didn’t ask you!”

” I think you did, when you said what caus-” she paused my sentence with a scream at the other end of the receiver.

” I hate you! You should have died!!”

Drama queen.

” Unfortunately I didn’t” being annoying can be a cruise sometimes.

” What the fuck is wrong with you!? I just wanted to make sure that you are okay.”

Well, when she puts it like that…

” Fine. I’m sorry. I was hit by someone. It gave me a serious bruising that needed stitches. That’s it” I smoothly lied to satisfy her arrogant mind.

” Hit you? Why?”

” A little fight at a bar. Nothing to stress about”.

Damn I’m good!

” Is that why you don’t want Dad to figure out? Cause it was at a bar?”

That could work too.

” Yeah. So please don’t let him know”

” Fine” she sighed and a smile of victory lines my lips.

Remind me to celebrate this over a bottle of wine.

” So.. tell me about Xavier. Mom says he’s hot”

Xavier is the first boyfriend lovelyn has ever had and she actually made a choice that got momma proud.

” Shut up! I’m not telling you! So much for keeping a secret with Mom. Who else knows about him? Dad? Uncle Tucker? Grandma Julie?”

” Grandma Julie is dead”.

” My point exactly”

I laughed at her priceless reaction and lifted my wrist to check the time.

” Love, we’ll talk later alright? Hope he’s good to you?” I will have no one treating my sister anything less than the gold she is.

” Yeah yeah”

” Good, take care of yourself”

” Sure, don’t stress too much”

” I wouldn’t” came my last reply as I ended the call.

Now to get back to work.


Iris’s p. o. v.

I sat by the bar in the living room and waited for Hunter to return. It was currently past nine pm.

We haven’t still spoken about the letter given to him and I need to know if I’m in trouble or not.

I mean, soldo sending me a letter?

How did he know I was gonna be the one to pick it first?

Clear answer. He’s watching me.

My uneasiness just multiplies anytime that realization befalls me.From NôvelDrama.Org.

We’ve been watched for so long and I had not a hint.

Even the day Hunter was shot. We were being watched then without a clue.

I feel like I’m in a temple run game, where those monster’s are just watching and waiting for you to fall so they’ll grab you.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and my sight following the sound caught Hunter walking in with a tired look on his face.

He looks really stressed, maybe I should leave the questions for later.

My rational inner mind suggested but the uncaring devil in me needed answers now.

” Hunter?” My calling of his name made him to realize he wasn’t alone in the room as his shock gave it away.

” Yes?” His reply was Curt and uninterested.

” We need to talk” if I don’t push him, I’ll never know.

” I need to rest” he groaned and started heading for the stairs.

” Hunter please answer my questions about that letter. Am I safe?”

That seemed to halt him halfway with his back in my direction.

” You are” his stance was rigid like he wasn’t giving me the complete answer.

” Then what about you? What did he mean by limited?”

” Jules why did you read that letter?”

” In case you’ve forgotten, it was directed to me”

” If you never opened it, you wouldn’t know”

” So I’d remain in the dark? I don’t think so”

” At this time you don’t go about opening every envelope you see which you are not sure of who it was directed to. Ever heard of letter bombs?” If I didn’t have a good sense of hearing I would have said there’s a tinge of care in his words.

” Well now I’ve read it and I can’t unread. So explain”

” I believe I’ve done so. You’re safe”

” What about you?”

” That’s for me to know”

” Hunter?”

” Jules I repeat. I need to sleep.”

I sighed in defeat and let it go for tonight.

I’ll still pry for more later on.

” Okay. What about your therapy? Should I come do it?” I moved on to the next topic which his father had begged me to keep trying.

” I’m just coming from the physiotherapist”

” Why pay for people when I can willingly do it for free? Huh? Hunter why is all this happening? I thought we’ve put everything back in the past?”

It actually hurt to see us returning to the enemies we used to be when we’ve reconciled past differences.

” Jules goodnight”

He’s avoiding this question too.

Now I really have no words, I’m so close to giving up on him.

Cause I don’t think I can hold on much longer.

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