
Chapter 049

Iris’s P. O. V.


I was frozen.

A cold shiver ran down my spine that made me wonder if the blue flickers in my vision were actual works of imagination or a dramatic change in weather.

It seemed like time started to slow down. What should be seconds had become minutes.

I didn’t know what to do. If you’re shot, you should at least feel the pain. But I feel nothing except for the cold feet I’ve developed.

I can feel tiny trickles of liquid gliding down my back. Then again it could be my own sweat.

” Aarrrrgh!” A loud groan of pain reached my ears and only when I discovered it wasn’t from my own lips did I accept that I wasn’t shot.

That can only mean-

I turned around so fast to see Hunter kneeling on the floor whilst gripping his chest.

Or is it his shoulder?

My feet took commands before my brain could and ran towards him to assist.

He moaned loudly and raised his palm from the place he held it. Displaying a blood soaked suit and stained hands.

” Jesus! Hunter. How? What? Are you okay?”

Okay, maybe that isn’t the right question to ask him at this hour.

” Fucking hell! Iris get me to a hospital!” Even in pain he still has the reflex of giving out orders.

I glanced round and over my shoulder to know if I can spot anyone suspicious who might be responsible for this. But oddly there’s no one around.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

The entire avenue looked empty. I don’t even think there were eye witnesses to this event.

Parts of the issue in being around a commercial area. Timing is their everything and most of his employees had gone home.

” Iris! I will bleed to death if you don’t-”

” Hunter I don’t know how to administer first aid” I needed to say it now so we can understand our situation.

” Heavenly father of Poseidon! You acquired over five skills after leaving school and saving lives wasn’t a necessity?” Regardless of the fact he was acting all mean, his eyes held an indellible amount of fear that could not be hidden.

He’s scared for his life, but I can’t do a thing.

” I don’t know. It never crossed my mind as urgent at the time” I bit my lower lip in confusion.

He might lose half his blood before we get to the hospital.

” Fine. Just drive me to the nearest hospital, quick. I’m beginning to feel light-headed” he calmed down and absorbed the circumstances around us.

I nodded apprehensively then assisted him in standing up and getting into the back seat before I scurried to the front after picking his keys from the ground and driving off at a punishable speed.


” Thank you Miss Jules. We’ll be sure to get it to him” the male nurse smiled as he withdrew the needle which was inserted into my arm.

As evaluated, Hunter lost a lot of blood on our arrival to the hospital and he needed a transfusion.

Luckily I’m a universal donor so I was able to donate.

(For those who may not understand, a universal donor is the blood group ‘O’. They can give blood to all other blood groups but can’t receive).

I nodded as he handed me a multivitamin tablet and pointed to a bowl of fruits.

” Be sure to eat the carrots and greens. You’ll get blood faster that way” were his last words before leaving me alone in the room.

Hunter was taken in for a surgery to remove the bullet five minutes ago and I only hope he didn’t pass out before they started.

He already seemed frail enough.

I sighted the carrot in the fruit bowl and started from there while I waited.

My thoughts began to wander like it usually would.

So many questions filled my head as I nibbled down the rabbits favorite, but none had answer’s.

Can I even inform his Dad about this? I should probably wait till I’ve got his permission first.

Who had shot him? I do have a suspicion that whoever delivered those photos was responsible but then it could be someone else.

And had that bullet intended to kill him? Because that was a close shot to the heart. A shoulder bullet cannot be shunned as a threat.

Then there’s the drug Lord after his life.

I’ve read enough reports and Mafia novels to know that these men keep to their words. So if So-whatever his name is promised to kill Hunter only if he involved the authorities then he’s sorta clean here.

A headache is brewing in my forehead and I squeeze my eyes shut to ignore the dull pinch.

Maybe a little nap will help.


” Miss?” A tiny voice pulled me out of my empty dream that into reality.

I blinked multiple times to focus my vision properly before I noticed the blonde haired nurse nudging my shoulder.

“Miss?” She calls again.


” You’re the one who brought Me McConnell in earlier on right?” She seemed unsure of who I was and I presume she wasn’t around when I rushed in.

” Yes. Miss Jules.”

She smiled in confirmation and stood straight.

” The doctor would like to see you”

I nodded and wiped my eyes before following her out, so she could lead me to the doctor.

I was still dazed from my slumber so I couldn’t really determine where we were heading.

All I know is I’m following a lady dressed up in white.

” He’s in here” she stood in front of the labelled door, still maintaining the smile.

I muttered a thank you before stepping in.

This procedure bringing up memories that weren’t favorable back then.

” Sir?” I called out after two knocks and opening the door.

” Miss Jules?” He responds to my entrance and smiles upon seeing me.

“You wanted to see me?” I approached his table. Not without noticing the multiple awards that hung on every corner of the wall.

” Yes. Have a seat.”

An instruction I took no time in obeying.

” Mr McConnell.” He continued ” we’re lucky the bullet injury was just a flesh wound but it did affect a little part of a tendon holding the shoulder in the clavicle. The surgery and transfusion went perfectly fine”

Good news so far.

” But he’ll have to stay here till tomorrow so we can monitor his reaction. After this he’s going to need a physiotherapist for a few weeks, that was a major tendon. We can’t take risks by idly waiting for his arm to heal” he concluded and I’m glad the information received wasn’t bad at all.

Now to see things for myself.

” Thank you doctor. Can I see him?” I stood up because my eye had caught a glimpse of the outdoors through the window and it was pitch black except for the building lighting.

” Of course. He’s been awake for some minutes now”

I smiled but then realized that I was lost in the building.

” Uhmm.. can you describe how to get there?”

He chuckled knowing that my ability to get lost in such a little organization was amusing.

I think the sleepiness is still evident in my eyes.

” Two turns to your right. Go up the two step. Room seven”

I smiled again. Hopefully for the last time and walked away.

I followed his directions and it led me straight to a private room with a wrapped up Hunter lying alone in bed.

The sound of the creaking door makes him to turn towards me.

” What do you want?” Was his first warm greetings.

He couldn’t even forget after a life threatening situation.

” Err- Are you o- okay?” My nervousness surfacing, making me rub the back of my head in reflex.

” Yes”

” Should I call your father?”

” Already done that”


” You told him it was a gunshot?”

” An accident”

I nodded.

” What should I tell others when asked?”

” Why would they ask you?”

” I’m the closest at the moment”

” Tell them it was an accident”

” Do you think it was Soldo?”

My question attracted no reply and a feeling in my chest is making me feel like a part of this is my fault.

” Goodnight then” I walked away with guilt in my chest but he stopped me before leaving.

” Use the car to get home. It’s late”

At least he cared.

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