Love In Between



After their trip to Italy, Bruce and Ava returned to work with a newfound sense of connection and understanding towards each other. They tried to keep their relationship a secret, at least for the time being, and focused on their professional duties.

Mason, Ava’s colleague, was particularly curious and he couldn’t help but make a fuss over their extended stay in Italy.

“So, how was the trip to Italy? Did you two have a good time?” Mason asked with a smirk.

Ava could see right through him and knew what he was implying, she was not amused. “Mason, that is none of your business. We went on a business trip and it was very productive,” she replied, her tone firm and assertive.

Bruce, who had been quiet up until that point, added “Yes, Mason, we had a good trip, and it was all business.

I would appreciate it if you would respect our privacy.”

Mason could see that he had crossed a line and quickly apologized, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I was just curious.”

Ava gave him a curt nod, letting him know that the matter was closed and turned her attention back to her work.

A few days after Ava had shut down Mason’s inquiry, the news of Bruce’s promotion was announced. Ava had chosen Bruce as her new second-in-command, responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of all of the winery’s projects, effectively moving him above Mason in the company’s hierarchy.

“I have decided to make a change in the company’s leadership,” Ava said, her voice filled with conviction. “Bruce will be promoted to the position of the CEO effective immediately.”

The room was filled with murmurs as everyone tried to process the news. Mason, who had been sitting in the back of the room, couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He stood up abruptly, his face red with anger.

“What?! You can’t be serious!” Mason exclaimed, his voice shaking with rage. “I’ve been working here for years, I’ve put in the time and the effort, and you’re just going to hand the top spot to Bruce?”

Ava met his gaze, her expression calm but firm. “Mason, I understand that you’re upset, but this decision is not based on favoritism or personal feelings. It’s based on Bruce’s qualifications and his proven ability to take on new responsibilities. I believe that he is the best candidate for the job and that he will be able to take the company to new heights.”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Mason’s anger quickly turned to resentment, “You’re just promoting him because you’re dating him. This is nepotism, plain and simple.”

Ava knew that there was no reasoning with Mason in this state, so she decided to address the matter later privately.

After the meeting, Mason stormed into Ava’s office, still seething with anger. “You can’t just do this,” he exclaimed, “You can’t just give Bruce my job because you’re dating him!”

Ava looked at him, her expression calm but firm. “Mason, I understand that you’re upset, but I assure you that this decision was not based on personal feelings. Bruce is the best candidate for the job, he has proven himself to be a hard worker and a valuable asset to the company. And I would have made the same decision regardless of my relationship with him.”

Mason couldn’t accept her explanation and he decided to play his trump card. “My father was one of the founders of this company,” he said, “You have no right to just push me aside like this, not when my father’s legacy is at stake.”

Ava’s expression hardened, “Your father’s legacy is not something you should be invoking right now, Mason. Your father abandoned this company and embezzled a large sum of money before he left, leaving your mother to handle everything alone. She had to work hard to keep the company afloat, and I have been working here for years, proving my worth and dedicating my all to this company, to make it what it is today. And I will not stand idly by and let you try to undermine my decisions or my authority because of your hurt feelings or sense of entitlement.”

Mason knew that Ava was right, but the resentment and anger he felt towards her and Bruce for taking his position boiled over. He couldn’t accept it and he vowed to get his revenge one way or another. “You’ll regret this,” he spat, before storming out of the office.

Ava knew that Mason was not going to give up that easily, and she knew that she needed to be prepared for whatever he had planned, she also knew that she needed to protect her company and her staff from Mason’s potential retaliation. She would have to be vigilant and ready to take action if things escalate

Ava returned to her work but the incident with Mason left her feeling uneasy, she knew Mason’s words hinted at something more sinister. Bruce could sense Ava’s distress, and he wanted to do something to lift her spirits.

He suggested taking her out on a special date to show his gratitude for her support and for believing in him. He wanted to do something special to show her how much he appreciated her and how much she meant to him.

Bruce arranged for a romantic dinner at an upscale restaurant with a stunning view of the city. The table was set with candlelight, and a bouquet of flowers, and a bottle of the finest wine. The dinner was exquisite, with each course being more delicious than the last. They talked and laughed, enjoying each other’s company, and forgot all their worries.

After dinner, they went for a walk in the city. Bruce took her hand, and they strolled down the streets, admiring the sights, and taking in the night air. They stopped at a small gelato shop, and Bruce bought Ava her favourite flavour. They sat on a bench by the river, enjoying the gelato and each other’s company.

Ava couldn’t help but feel touched by Bruce’s gesture, it was a beautiful and special night, and it made her realise just how much she loved him. She knew that with Bruce by her side, she could face anything and overcome any obstacle.

As the night came to a close, Bruce walked Ava back to her apartment, and before she went inside, he pulled her close, and whispered, “I love you, Ava”

Ava smiled and replied “I love you too, Bruce”, They shared a passionate kiss and things soon got out of hand as they undressed and had another passionate sex. And at the end of a long and emotional day, Bruce and Ava found solace in each other’s arms. They shared a tender moment as they reconnected and expressed their love for one another. She found her wild imaginations becoming reality and she didn’t want to stop, not anytime soon.

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