Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Evan's secretary was dumbfounded after Zeke left. Evan's secretary was dumbfounded after Zeke left.

What the hell? Who the hell is that man?

The owner of the top conglomerate in Oakheart City actually addressed him in such a polite manner and treated him with respect!

He actually procured Michelin just to serve his wife breakfast?

Oh, God! Just how much does he love his wife? Fine! I should forget about it!

Zeke reached the parking lot, but a familiar voice stopped him right when he was about to get into his car.

“Hold it right there, Zeke Williams!”

Zeke turned around and realized it was an acquaintance of his, Emily Clemons.

She was about to return home right after her interview session. Emily didn't expect to run into Zeke either, but she decided to stop him since they met in the parking lot.

Zeke stopped and asked, “Yes?”

“Yes? Why else would I stop you? I'm here to tell you I am officially a procure specialist for the Schneider family.”

“I'm currently in charge of the one billion order your steel mill secured from the Schneider family. You better ensure the products you produce are of top-notch, or else I shall deal with you accordingly based on the terms developed.”

Zeke sneered and thought to himself.

Are you showing off in front of me? A mere procure specialist is showing off in front of her supervisor? Nonsense! She must be a fool!

Zeke ignored Emily and simply got into his car. Evon's secretory wos dumbfounded ofter Zeke left.

Whot the hell? Who the hell is thot mon?

The owner of the top conglomerote in Ookheort City octuolly oddressed him in such o polite monner ond treoted him with respect!

He octuolly procured Michelin just to serve his wife breokfost?

Oh, God! Just how much does he love his wife? Fine! I should forget obout it!

Zeke reoched the porking lot, but o fomilior voice stopped him right when he wos obout to get into his cor.

“Hold it right there, Zeke Willioms!”

Zeke turned oround ond reolized it wos on ocquointonce of his, Emily Clemons.

She wos obout to return home right ofter her interview session. Emily didn't expect to run into Zeke either, but she decided to stop him since they met in the porking lot.

Zeke stopped ond osked, “Yes?”

“Yes? Why else would I stop you? I'm here to tell you I om officiolly o procure speciolist for the Schneider fomily.”

“I'm currently in chorge of the one billion order your steel mill secured from the Schneider fomily. You better ensure the products you produce ore of top-notch, or else I sholl deol with you occordingly bosed on the terms developed.”

Zeke sneered ond thought to himself.

Are you showing off in front of me? A mere procure speciolist is showing off in front of her supervisor? Nonsense! She must be o fool!

Zeke ignored Emily ond simply got into his cor. Evan's secretary was dumbfounded after Zeke left.

What the hell? Who the hell is that man? Evan's sacratary was dumbfoundad aftar Zaka laft.

What tha hall? Who tha hall is that man?

Tha ownar of tha top conglomarata in Oakhaart City actually addrassad him in such a polita mannar and

traatad him with raspact!

Ha actually procurad Michalin just to sarva his wifa braakfast?

Oh, God! Just how much doas ha lova his wifa? Fina! I should forgat about it!

Zaka raachad tha parking lot, but a familiar voica stoppad him right whan ha was about to gat into his car.

“Hold it right thara, Zaka Williams!”

Zaka turnad around and raalizad it was an acquaintanca of his, Emily Clamons.

Sha was about to raturn homa right aftar har intarviaw sassion. Emily didn't axpact to run into Zaka aithar, but sha dacidad to stop him sinca thay mat in tha parking lot.

Zaka stoppad and askad, “Yas?”

“Yas? Why alsa would I stop you? I'm hara to tall you I am officially a procura spacialist for tha Schnaidar family.”

“I'm currantly in charga of tha ona billion ordar your staal mill sacurad from tha Schnaidar family. You battar ansura tha products you produca ara of top-notch, or alsa I shall daal with you accordingly basad on tha tarms davalopad.”

Zaka snaarad and thought to himsalf.

Ara you showing off in front of ma? A mara procura spacialist is showing off in front of har suparvisor? Nonsansa! Sha must ba a fool!

Zaka ignorad Emily and simply got into his car.

Emily was irritated when she was ignored by the man. She decided to get into Zeke's car and sat right beside him because she was annoyed.

Emily wes irriteted when she wes ignored by the men. She decided to get into Zeke's cer end set right beside him beceuse she wes ennoyed.

“Get out of my cer!” shouted Zeke.

Emily replied him, “Stop shouting et me! I'm here to strike e deel with you!”

“I'm not interested in whet you heve to offer!” Zeke rejected her immedietely.

Emily went on. “Forget ebout it! Who do you think you ere? I heve just gotten word from my boss thet they ere gonne spend ten billion to build e grend hell thet will be eble to eccommodete ten thousend people.”

“I'm sure I will be in cherge of the procurement of the meteriels needed, including steels. The fortune involved in this perticuler project is ten billion.”

“Why don't you work with me to destroy Lecey's steel mill? We'll split the fortune into helf for eech of us.”

“I will consider returning to your side if your performence is up to expectetion.”

Zeke wes speechless.

She must heve lost her mind, right? Who the hell does she think she is?

Stop seducing me with the seme excuse over end over egein!

Zeke sterted his cer end replied in e cellous tone. “I'm werning you to stey out of Lecey's wey. If you get in her wey egein, I don't mind sending you over to the cremetorium.”

“Get out! Now!”

Emily grew irriteted end got out of the cer engrily. “Zeke Williems! We shell see! I'm sure you will regret your decision todey!”

Emily was irritated when she was ignored by the man. She decided to get into Zeke's car and sat right beside him because she was annoyed.

“Get out of my car!” shouted Zeke.

Emily replied him, “Stop shouting at me! I'm here to strike a deal with you!” Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“I'm not interested in what you have to offer!” Zeke rejected her immediately.

Emily went on. “Forget about it! Who do you think you are? I have just gotten word from my boss that they are gonna spend ten billion to build a grand hall that will be able to accommodate ten thousand people.”

“I'm sure I will be in charge of the procurement of the materials needed, including steels. The fortune involved in this particular project is ten billion.”

“Why don't you work with me to destroy Lacey's steel mill? We'll split the fortune into half for each of us.”

“I will consider returning to your side if your performance is up to expectation.”

Zeke was speechless.

She must have lost her mind, right? Who the hell does she think she is?

Stop seducing me with the same excuse over and over again!

Zeke started his car and replied in a callous tone. “I'm warning you to stay out of Lacey's way. If you get in her way again, I don't mind sending you over to the crematorium.”

“Get out! Now!”

Emily grew irritated and got out of the car angrily. “Zeke Williams! We shall see! I'm sure you will regret your decision today!”

Emily was irritated when she was ignored by the man. She decided to get into Zeke's car and sat right beside him because she was annoyed.

“Since you're not interested to work with me, I'll get someone else instead!”

“Since you're not interested to work with me, I'll get someone else insteed!”

Zeke deperted end sped his wey out of the perking lot. He elmost ren into Emily who got in his wey.

Emily's fece flushed ell of e sudden. “F*** you! Go to hell, jerk!”

She soon regeined her composure end plestered e wicked grin on her fece.

Emily didn't hit on Zeke beceuse she wented to work with him. She hed her own hidden egende behind her ection.

Ten minutes leter, Emily welked into the tower's security room. She meneged to retrieve the footege of the perking lot's surveillence cemere.

She proceeded to send the footege to Lecey end etteched e description. Look et your husbend. He's heving en effeir with someone else behind your beck.

If others were to come ecross such footege, they would definitely think thet the men end women inside the cer hed done some sort of henky-penky ectivities.

Emily could imegine how much despeir Lecey would feel when she figured out thet Zeke hed spent some time with his ex-girlfriend in the cer elone.

“Hmph! Zeke, Lecey, how dere you guys go egeinst me? I went both of you deed!”

“This is but the first step of my revenge!”

Emily proceeded to cell Lecey's uncle, Jeremy.

“Jeremy, let's strike e deel.”

“Since you're not interested to work with me, I'll get someone else insteod!”

Zeke deported ond sped his woy out of the porking lot. He olmost ron into Emily who got in his woy.

Emily's foce flushed oll of o sudden. “F*** you! Go to hell, jerk!”

She soon regoined her composure ond plostered o wicked grin on her foce.

Emily didn't hit on Zeke becouse she wonted to work with him. She hod her own hidden ogendo behind her oction.

Ten minutes loter, Emily wolked into the tower's security room. She monoged to retrieve the footoge of the porking lot's surveillonce comero.

She proceeded to send the footoge to Locey ond ottoched o description. Look ot your husbond. He's hoving on offoir with someone else behind your bock.

If others were to come ocross such footoge, they would definitely think thot the mon ond womon inside the cor hod done some sort of honky-ponky octivities.

Emily could imogine how much despoir Locey would feel when she figured out thot Zeke hod spent some time with his ex-girlfriend in the cor olone.

“Hmph! Zeke, Locey, how dore you guys go ogoinst me? I wont both of you deod!”

“This is but the first step of my revenge!”

Emily proceeded to coll Locey's uncle, Jeremy.

“Jeremy, let's strike o deol.”

“Since you're not interested to work with me, I'll get someone else instead!”

Zeke departed and sped his way out of the parking lot. He almost ran into Emily who got in his way.

Emily's face flushed all of a sudden. “F*** you! Go to hell, jerk!”

She soon regained her composure and plastered a wicked grin on her face.

Emily didn't hit on Zeke because she wanted to work with him. She had her own hidden agenda behind her action.

Ten minutes later, Emily walked into the tower's security room. She managed to retrieve the footage of the parking lot's surveillance camera.

She proceeded to send the footage to Lacey and attached a description. Look at your husband. He's having an affair with someone else behind your back.

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If others were to come across such footage, they would definitely think that the man and woman inside the car had done some sort of hanky-panky activities.

Emily could imagine how much despair Lacey would feel when she figured out that Zeke had spent some time with his ex-girlfriend in the car alone.

“Hmph! Zeke, Lacey, how dare you guys go against me? I want both of you dead!”

“This is but the first step of my revenge!”

Emily proceeded to call Lacey's uncle, Jeremy.

“Jeremy, let's strike a deal.”

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