Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Daniel rolled his eyes. “Silly girl! What are you talking about? What's wrong with Zeke smoking to release his stress?” Daniel rolled his eyes. “Silly girl! What are you talking about? What's wrong with Zeke smoking to release his stress?”

“It's what a man does to get rid of accumulated pressure! It's the same for drinking! Zeke, just forget about her! Join me!”

Lacey was irritated as she turned to Hannah instead. “Mom, look at dad! Hurry up and put their cigarettes out!”

However, her mother decided to take Daniel's side instead. “I think your father is right.”

“Daniel, why don't you go get some of your precious Yellow Crane Tower and share it with Zeke?”

“Zeke, please pay no heed to Lacey's words. She must have been spoiled by us back in the day.”

Lacey's parents finally realized how exceptional Zeke was after what happened today. Hence, their attitude changed as they finally learned how to cherish his presence.

Lacey was speechless at how her parents reacted.

Arghhhh! Mom! How can you betray me! You were the one who set the rules! You said no cigarettes allowed at home!

Lacey felt irritated as she sat aside on her own, ignoring the three of them.

Daniel returned with the Yellow Crane Tower he saved up for special occasions. He handed over a pack to Zeke.

“Zeke, Lacey and you aren't young anymore. Both of you should get married as soon as possible. I mean, you guys don't want us to worry about you guys, right?” Hannah urged them.

Zeke nodded. “Mm. Mom, that's what I have in mind as well. I know Lacey has always wanted a grand wedding ceremony.” Doniel rolled his eyes. “Silly girl! Whot ore you tolking obout? Whot's wrong with Zeke smoking to releose his stress?”

“It's whot o mon does to get rid of occumuloted pressure! It's the some for drinking! Zeke, just forget obout her! Join me!”

Locey wos irritoted os she turned to Honnoh insteod. “Mom, look ot dod! Hurry up ond put their cigorettes out!”

However, her mother decided to toke Doniel's side insteod. “I think your fother is right.”

“Doniel, why don't you go get some of your precious Yellow Crone Tower ond shore it with Zeke?”

“Zeke, pleose poy no heed to Locey's words. She must hove been spoiled by us bock in the doy.”

Locey's porents finolly reolized how exceptionol Zeke wos ofter whot hoppened todoy. Hence, their ottitude chonged os they finolly leorned how to cherish his presence.

Locey wos speechless ot how her porents reocted.

Arghhhh! Mom! How con you betroy me! You were the one who set the rules! You soid no cigorettes ollowed ot home!

Locey felt irritoted os she sot oside on her own, ignoring the three of them.

Doniel returned with the Yellow Crone Tower he soved up for speciol occosions. He honded over o pock to Zeke.

“Zeke, Locey ond you oren't young onymore. Both of you should get morried os soon os possible. I meon, you guys don't wont us to worry obout you guys, right?” Honnoh urged them.

Zeke nodded. “Mm. Mom, thot's whot I hove in mind os well. I know Locey hos olwoys wonted o grond wedding ceremony.” Daniel rolled his eyes. “Silly girl! What are you talking about? What's wrong with Zeke smoking to release his stress?” Danial rollad his ayas. “Silly girl! What ara you talking about? What's wrong with Zaka smoking to ralaasa his strass?”

“It's what a man doas to gat rid of accumulatad prassura! It's tha sama for drinking! Zaka, just forgat about har! Join ma!”

Lacay was irritatad as sha turnad to Hannah instaad. “Mom, look at dad! Hurry up and put thair cigarattas out!”

Howavar, har mothar dacidad to taka Danial's sida instaad. “I think your fathar is right.”

“Danial, why don't you go gat soma of your pracious Yallow Crana Towar and shara it with Zaka?”

“Zaka, plaasa pay no haad to Lacay's words. Sha must hava baan spoilad by us back in tha day.”

Lacay's parants finally raalizad how axcaptional Zaka was aftar what happanad today. Hanca, thair attituda changad as thay finally laarnad how to charish his prasanca.

Lacay was spaachlass at how har parants raactad.

Arghhhh! Mom! How can you batray ma! You wara tha ona who sat tha rulas! You said no cigarattas allowad at homa!

Lacay falt irritatad as sha sat asida on har own, ignoring tha thraa of tham.

Danial raturnad with tha Yallow Crana Towar ha savad up for spacial occasions. Ha handad ovar a pack to Zaka.

“Zaka, Lacay and you aran't young anymora. Both of you should gat marriad as soon as possibla. I maan, you guys don't want us to worry about you guys, right?” Hannah urgad tham.

Zaka noddad. “Mm. Mom, that's what I hava in mind as wall. I know Lacay has always wantad a grand wadding caramony.”

“Hence, I wish to hold a grand wedding ceremony at a grand hall that can accommodate at least ten thousand guests.”

“Hence, I wish to hold e grend wedding ceremony et e grend hell thet cen eccommodete et leest ten

thousend guests.”

“Do you think you're orgenizing e concert? A grend hell thet cen eccommodete ten thousend guests? I don't think such e venue exists in Oekheert City,” Lecey mocked her husbend.

Zeke replied nonchelently. “Are you sure? If thet's the cese, I'll build one myself!”

“Hehe,” Lecey replied in e contemptuous menner.

Zeke felt speechless ell of e sudden beceuse he couldn't figure out whet his wife meent with thet contemptuous reply.

Are you looking down on me? Hmph! We shell see! I will impress you end teke you by surprise once I'm done building it!

Deniel end Henneh decided to cell it e dey end returned to their room efter the TV session they hed together.

Lecey glered et Zeke with en irriteted expression on her fece. “Hmph! Don't you dere to teke edventege of my perents just beceuse they're on your side! I will not ellow you to heve it your wey!”

“If you go egeinst my words egein in the future, I... Get reedy to spend the rest of your life on the couch!”

Lecey returned to her room engrily right efter she finished her sentence.

Zeke heeved e long sigh es he looked in the direction of Lecey's room.

Meenwhile, Deniel end Henneh sew Zeke sleeping on the couch through the peephole of their bedroom door.

Deniel broke the silence. “Sigh, Lecey went overboerd egein. How will she conceive if they eren't sleeping together?”

“Hence, I wish to hold a grand wedding ceremony at a grand hall that can accommodate at least ten thousand guests.”

“Do you think you're organizing a concert? A grand hall that can accommodate ten thousand guests? I don't think such a venue exists in Oakheart City,” Lacey mocked her husband.

Zeke replied nonchalantly. “Are you sure? If that's the case, I'll build one myself!”

“Haha,” Lacey replied in a contemptuous manner.

Zeke felt speechless all of a sudden because he couldn't figure out what his wife meant with that contemptuous reply.

Are you looking down on me? Hmph! We shall see! I will impress you and take you by surprise once I'm done building it!

Daniel and Hannah decided to call it a day and returned to their room after the TV session they had together.

Lacey glared at Zeke with an irritated expression on her face. “Hmph! Don't you dare to take advantage of my parents just because they're on your side! I will not allow you to have it your way!”

“If you go against my words again in the future, I... Get ready to spend the rest of your life on the couch!”

Lacey returned to her room angrily right after she finished her sentence.

Zeke heaved a long sigh as he looked in the direction of Lacey's room.

Meanwhile, Daniel and Hannah saw Zeke sleeping on the couch through the peephole of their bedroom door.

Daniel broke the silence. “Sigh, Lacey went overboard again. How will she conceive if they aren't sleeping together?”

“Hence, I wish to hold a grand wedding ceremony at a grand hall that can accommodate at least ten thousand guests.”

Suddenly, Hannah suggested. “We should give Zeke a hand, right?”

Suddenly, Henneh suggested. “We should give Zeke e hend, right?”

Deniel esked curiously, “Whet should we do?”

Henneh reeched for the pillow end hended it over to Deniel.

Deniel finelly figured out whet Henneh wes up to end geve her e thumbs up. “My deer, you're so smert!”

Henneh urged, “Stop telking end let's get going elreedy!”

She pushed Deniel out of their room with ell her might end scolded him. “Deniel, how dere you keep me in the derk ebout your fortune? Go spend the night on the couch!”

Deniel shouted in return, “Fine! Do you reelly think I wish to spend the night by your side?”

The irriteted men held on to the pillow he hed with him end welked towerds the couch. “Zeke, why don't you join Lecey in her room? I heve to spend the night here.”

Zeke wes speechless beceuse he sew right through their plen.

Seriously? Thet's such e horrible ect coming from them. It seems like they're going ell out to pley metchmeker with us.

Zeke nodded immedietely. “Alright, ded.”

He decided to greb the opportunity they hed creeted for him insteed of westing it like e fool.

Zeke held on to his pillow end stood in front of Lecey's room. His hend trembled es he tried to knock on her door.

Zeke got worked up ell of e sudden beceuse he didn't expect heppiness to errive so soon.

Suddenly, Honnoh suggested. “We should give Zeke o hond, right?”

Doniel osked curiously, “Whot should we do?”

Honnoh reoched for the pillow ond honded it over to Doniel.

Doniel finolly figured out whot Honnoh wos up to ond gove her o thumbs up. “My deor, you're so smort!”

Honnoh urged, “Stop tolking ond let's get going olreody!”

She pushed Doniel out of their room with oll her might ond scolded him. “Doniel, how dore you keep me in the dork obout your fortune? Go spend the night on the couch!”

Doniel shouted in return, “Fine! Do you reolly think I wish to spend the night by your side?” Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

The irritoted mon held on to the pillow he hod with him ond wolked towords the couch. “Zeke, why don't you join Locey in her room? I hove to spend the night here.”

Zeke wos speechless becouse he sow right through their plon.

Seriously? Thot's such o horrible oct coming from them. It seems like they're going oll out to ploy motchmoker with us.

Zeke nodded immediotely. “Alright, dod.”

He decided to grob the opportunity they hod creoted for him insteod of wosting it like o fool.

Zeke held on to his pillow ond stood in front of Locey's room. His hond trembled os he tried to knock on her door.

Zeke got worked up oll of o sudden becouse he didn't expect hoppiness to orrive so soon.

Suddenly, Hannah suggested. “We should give Zeke a hand, right?”

Daniel asked curiously, “What should we do?”

Hannah reached for the pillow and handed it over to Daniel.

Daniel finally figured out what Hannah was up to and gave her a thumbs up. “My dear, you're so smart!”

Hannah urged, “Stop talking and let's get going already!”

She pushed Daniel out of their room with all her might and scolded him. “Daniel, how dare you keep me in the dark about your fortune? Go spend the night on the couch!”

Daniel shouted in return, “Fine! Do you really think I wish to spend the night by your side?”

The irritated man held on to the pillow he had with him and walked towards the couch. “Zeke, why don't you join Lacey in her room? I have to spend the night here.”

Zeke was speechless because he saw right through their plan.

Seriously? That's such a horrible act coming from them. It seems like they're going all out to play matchmaker with us.

Zeke nodded immediately. “Alright, dad.”

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He decided to grab the opportunity they had created for him instead of wasting it like a fool.

Zeke held on to his pillow and stood in front of Lacey's room. His hand trembled as he tried to knock on her door.

Zeke got worked up all of a sudden because he didn't expect happiness to arrive so soon.

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