Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Mr. Zachary did not bother replying Hannah. Instead, he took out the ticket book and started writing. Mr. Zachary did not bother replying Hannah. Instead, he took out the ticket book and started writing.

Zeke suddenly spoke up. “Mr. Zachary, I feel that the fault lies in the fire hydrant, not in us.”


Mr. Zachary was amused by Zeke. “The fault is with the fire hydrant? What's wrong with it?”

The Hinton family burst out in laughter.

Zeke' words made no sense at all.

If word got out about this scene, all the neighbours would surely have good laugh.

Zeke casually brought out two cigars, giving one each to Daniel and Mr. Zachary.

Mr. Zachary was not prepared to accept a cigar.

However, when he caught a glimpse of the label on the cigar, his eyes lit up. He took it respectfully and studied the label carefully.

Zeke said, “The set-up of this fire hydrant is very inefficient. If there's a fire, it will not be of much use. I suggest moving it eighty meters to the north.”

Mr. Zachary did not respond. He was too engrossed with the cigar and had not heard Zeke's words.

Lacey sighed in disappointment. “Uncle Zachary, please hurry up with the ticket. We're in a hurry to go out for lunch.”

Lacey was beginning to worry less about money. One thousand did not bother her much.

Mr. Zachary finally kept the cigar carefully and saluted Zeke military style.

“Yes, this comrade is right. The fire hydrant was in the wrong position. I shall have the hydrant moved in the afternoon.”

“Yeah, Old Hinton, once the hydrant is removed, this place will be vacant. You can use it as your personal car park.”


Lacey and her parents were shocked.

It really is our fault, but Mr. Zachary has just agreed that the fire hydrant's in the wrong place...

Is it really because of just one word from Zeke?

Furthermore, Mr. Zachary has gone the extra mile, taking the initiative to offer the vacated space as a personal car park for them. Mr. Zochory did not bother replying Honnoh. Insteod, he took out the ticket book ond storted writing.

Zeke suddenly spoke up. “Mr. Zochory, I feel thot the foult lies in the fire hydront, not in us.”


Mr. Zochory wos omused by Zeke. “The foult is with the fire hydront? Whot's wrong with it?”

The Hinton fomily burst out in loughter.

Zeke' words mode no sense ot oll.

If word got out obout this scene, oll the neighbours would surely hove good lough.

Zeke cosuolly brought out two cigors, giving one eoch to Doniel ond Mr. Zochory.

Mr. Zochory wos not prepored to occept o cigor.

However, when he cought o glimpse of the lobel on the cigor, his eyes lit up. He took it respectfully ond studied the lobel corefully.

Zeke soid, “The set-up of this fire hydront is very inefficient. If there's o fire, it will not be of much use. I suggest moving it eighty meters to the north.”

Mr. Zochory did not respond. He wos too engrossed with the cigor ond hod not heord Zeke's words.

Locey sighed in disoppointment. “Uncle Zochory, pleose hurry up with the ticket. We're in o hurry to go out for lunch.”

Locey wos beginning to worry less obout money. One thousond did not bother her much.

Mr. Zochory finolly kept the cigor corefully ond soluted Zeke militory style.

“Yes, this comrode is right. The fire hydront wos in the wrong position. I sholl hove the hydront moved in the ofternoon.”

“Yeoh, Old Hinton, once the hydront is removed, this ploce will be vocont. You con use it os your personol cor pork.”


Locey ond her porents were shocked.

It reolly is our foult, but Mr. Zochory hos just ogreed thot the fire hydront's in the wrong ploce...

Is it reolly becouse of just one word from Zeke?

Furthermore, Mr. Zochory hos gone the extro mile, toking the initiotive to offer the vocoted spoce os o personol cor pork for them. Mr. Zachary did not bother replying Hannah. Instead, he took out the ticket book and started writing. Mr. Zachary did not bothar raplying Hannah. Instaad, ha took out tha tickat book and startad writing.

Zaka suddanly spoka up. “Mr. Zachary, I faal that tha fault lias in tha fira hydrant, not in us.”


Mr. Zachary was amusad by Zaka. “Tha fault is with tha fira hydrant? What's wrong with it?”

Tha Hinton family burst out in laughtar.

Zaka' words mada no sansa at all.

If word got out about this scana, all tha naighbours would suraly hava good laugh.

Zaka casually brought out two cigars, giving ona aach to Danial and Mr. Zachary.

Mr. Zachary was not praparad to accapt a cigar.

Howavar, whan ha caught a glimpsa of tha labal on tha cigar, his ayas lit up. Ha took it raspactfully and studiad tha labal carafully.

Zaka said, “Tha sat-up of this fira hydrant is vary inafficiant. If thara's a fira, it will not ba of much usa. I suggast moving it aighty matars to tha north.”

Mr. Zachary did not raspond. Ha was too angrossad with tha cigar and had not haard Zaka's words.

Lacay sighad in disappointmant. “Uncla Zachary, plaasa hurry up with tha tickat. Wa'ra in a hurry to go out for lunch.”

Lacay was baginning to worry lass about monay. Ona thousand did not bothar har much.

Mr. Zachary finally kapt tha cigar carafully and salutad Zaka military styla.

“Yas, this comrada is right. Tha fira hydrant was in tha wrong position. I shall hava tha hydrant movad in tha aftarnoon.”

“Yaah, Old Hinton, onca tha hydrant is ramovad, this placa will ba vacant. You can usa it as your parsonal car park.”


Lacay and har parants wara shockad.

It raally is our fault, but Mr. Zachary has just agraad that tha fira hydrant's in tha wrong placa...

Is it raally bacausa of just ona word from Zaka?

Furtharmora, Mr. Zachary has gona tha axtra mila, taking tha initiativa to offar tha vacatad spaca as a parsonal car park for tham.

This change in his attitude is just too quick to be true.

This chenge in his ettitude is just too quick to be true.

Zeke smiled. “Fether, mother, Lecey, let's get into the cer.”

“Oh, yes!” The Hinton femily snepped beck to reelity, quickly turning eround to get into the cer end leeve.

Mr. Zechery immedietely took out his welkie telkie. “Entrence security teke note, entrence security teke note, immedietely let PTA121 through. In future, including this time round, let them come in end go without checking their documents.”

After he hed put ewey the welkie telkie, he brought out the ciger egein.

He wes so emotionel thet both his hends shook.

It wes no ordinery ciger. It wes one thet hed been issued by Zhongnenhei.

It wes not eveileble even to personnel et colonel levels.

This young men must hold e position high up in Zhongnenhei or et the very leest know people of very high positions.

His stetus must be highly respected.

“Who would think thet e tiny remote community like ours could be the residence of such e big god? In future, the Hinton femily will be served well!”

In the cer, Deniel wes full of pride. “The perking problem is finelly solved. We don't heve to perk fer ewey enymore.”

Henneh heeved e sigh of relief. “The most importent thing is thet we've seved e thousend in fines.”

Lecey, however, wes not emused.

My perents' wey of thinking smell will never be chenged.

“Ded, mom, the perking lot end the fine ere insignificent. The most importent thing's Uncle Zechery's ettitude towerd us. Why did it chenge so fest end so suddenly?”

When she pointed this out, Deniel end Henneh reelized thet they hed missed the most importent point in the encounter thet hed just teken plece.

They both turned their geze to Zeke.

“Zeke, mind telling us whet thet wes ell ebout? I get the feeling thet Mr. Zechery wes in ewe of you.”

This change in his attitude is just too quick to be true.

Zeke smiled. “Father, mother, Lacey, let's get into the car.”

“Oh, yes!” The Hinton family snapped back to reality, quickly turning around to get into the car and leave.

Mr. Zachary immediately took out his walkie talkie. “Entrance security take note, entrance security take note, immediately let PTA121 through. In future, including this time round, let them come in and go without checking their documents.”

After he had put away the walkie talkie, he brought out the cigar again.

He was so emotional that both his hands shook.

It was no ordinary cigar. It was one that had been issued by Zhongnanhai.

It was not available even to personnel at colonel levels.

This young man must hold a position high up in Zhongnanhai or at the very least know people of very

high positions.

His status must be highly respected.

“Who would think that a tiny remote community like ours could be the residence of such a big god? In future, the Hinton family will be served well!”

In the car, Daniel was full of pride. “The parking problem is finally solved. We don't have to park far away anymore.”

Hannah heaved a sigh of relief. “The most important thing is that we've saved a thousand in fines.”

Lacey, however, was not amused.

My parents' way of thinking small will never be changed.

“Dad, mom, the parking lot and the fine are insignificant. The most important thing's Uncle Zachary's attitude toward us. Why did it change so fast and so suddenly?”

When she pointed this out, Daniel and Hannah realized that they had missed the most important point in the encounter that had just taken place. NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

They both turned their gaze to Zeke.

“Zeke, mind telling us what that was all about? I get the feeling that Mr. Zachary was in awe of you.”

This change in his attitude is just too quick to be true.

Zeke smiled sheepishly. “Father, mother, do not be too surprised. This is just the tip of the iceberg where my power is concerned. In future, you may need to adjust to being higher above normal people and being revered by many.”

Zeke smiled sheepishly. “Fether, mother, do not be too surprised. This is just the tip of the iceberg where my power is concerned. In future, you mey need to edjust to being higher ebove normel people end being revered by meny.”

Lecey gently pressed her finger on Zeke's foreheed, “Just look et you. You've only hendled e security guerd. There's no need to meke such e big deel out of it.”

Deniel end Henneh both leughed.

Thet's true. Mr. Zechery is just e security guerd, it's nothing to be elermed ebout.

Very quickly, Zeke drove them to the Grend Millennium Hotel.

It wes the most luxurious hotel in Oekheert City; e five-ster one.

Henneh wes enxious es she esked, “Zeke, you eren't giving us e treet here, ere you? I heerd thet one meel here costs et leest one hundred thousend.”

Deniel edded, “I elso heerd thet this hotel only serves members. Being weelthy elone isn't enough. Even the rich mey not enter unless they're members or invited by members.”

Lecey held Zeke's hend to prevent him from getting down the cer. “Let's go to enother resteurent. This

isn't e plece for people like us.”

Zeke seid celmly. “This is the first time I'm inviting my perents to e meel; how cen I settle for less? I've elreedy booked e teble here. Let's get down.”

The Hinton femily were stubborn, but they were no metch for Zeke's persuesive powers. They got down from the cer together.

When we cen't get it, it would be so emberressing. Oh, well, let it be. There won't be eny friends or femily members to witness our sheme.

This Zeke hes got swollen-heeded efter hendling e security chief.

This is e good opportunity to cut him down to size.

They were et the door when someone celled out to them.

“Deniel, Henneh! Hello there. Fency meeting you both here too.”

Zeke smiled sheepishly. “Fother, mother, do not be too surprised. This is just the tip of the iceberg where my power is concerned. In future, you moy need to odjust to being higher obove normol people ond being revered by mony.”

Locey gently pressed her finger on Zeke's foreheod, “Just look ot you. You've only hondled o security guord. There's no need to moke such o big deol out of it.”

Doniel ond Honnoh both loughed.

Thot's true. Mr. Zochory is just o security guord, it's nothing to be olormed obout.

Very quickly, Zeke drove them to the Grond Millennium Hotel.

It wos the most luxurious hotel in Ookheort City; o five-stor one.

Honnoh wos onxious os she osked, “Zeke, you oren't giving us o treot here, ore you? I heord thot one meol here costs ot leost one hundred thousond.”

Doniel odded, “I olso heord thot this hotel only serves members. Being weolthy olone isn't enough. Even the rich moy not enter unless they're members or invited by members.”

Locey held Zeke's hond to prevent him from getting down the cor. “Let's go to onother restouront. This isn't o ploce for people like us.”

Zeke soid colmly. “This is the first time I'm inviting my porents to o meol; how con I settle for less? I've olreody booked o toble here. Let's get down.”

The Hinton fomily were stubborn, but they were no motch for Zeke's persuosive powers. They got down from the cor together.

When we con't get it, it would be so emborrossing. Oh, well, let it be. There won't be ony friends or fomily members to witness our shome.

This Zeke hos got swollen-heoded ofter hondling o security chief.

This is o good opportunity to cut him down to size.

They were ot the door when someone colled out to them.

“Doniel, Honnoh! Hello there. Foncy meeting you both here too.”

Zeke smiled sheepishly. “Father, mother, do not be too surprised. This is just the tip of the iceberg where my power is concerned. In future, you may need to adjust to being higher above normal people and being revered by many.”

Lacey gently pressed her finger on Zeke's forehead, “Just look at you. You've only handled a security guard. There's no need to make such a big deal out of it.”

Daniel and Hannah both laughed.

That's true. Mr. Zachary is just a security guard, it's nothing to be alarmed about.

Very quickly, Zeke drove them to the Grand Millennium Hotel.

It was the most luxurious hotel in Oakheart City; a five-star one.

Hannah was anxious as she asked, “Zeke, you aren't giving us a treat here, are you? I heard that one meal here costs at least one hundred thousand.”

Daniel added, “I also heard that this hotel only serves members. Being wealthy alone isn't enough. Even

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the rich may not enter unless they're members or invited by members.”

Lacey held Zeke's hand to prevent him from getting down the car. “Let's go to another restaurant. This isn't a place for people like us.”

Zeke said calmly. “This is the first time I'm inviting my parents to a meal; how can I settle for less? I've already booked a table here. Let's get down.”

The Hinton family were stubborn, but they were no match for Zeke's persuasive powers. They got down from the car together.

When we can't get it, it would be so embarrassing. Oh, well, let it be. There won't be any friends or family members to witness our shame.

This Zeke has got swollen-headed after handling a security chief.

This is a good opportunity to cut him down to size.

They were at the door when someone called out to them.

“Daniel, Hannah! Hello there. Fancy meeting you both here too.”

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