Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

The hall was suddenly hushed into silence. Everyone looked at Zeke in shock. The hall was suddenly hushed into silence. Everyone looked at Zeke in shock.

One hundred million. Turns out this unassuming young man's a billionaire.

Thinking of the way they had ridiculed him just a while ago, the crowd felt embarrassed.

Hannah Lawson and Lacey exchanged glances. Their eyes spoke volumes too complicated to express in words.

Zeke was indifferent as he said, “Please get the cash for me, thank you. I'm in a hurry.”

Lily quickly recovered from the shock and asked, “Lacey, Zeke, you need five million, right?”

“I'll just get five million for you first.”

Zeke replied, “As you said earlier, get us the whole sum.”

Lily turned beet red.

Firstly, the cash available in the bank was way below one hundred million.

Even if there was enough, they could not let him withdraw the whole sum.

That would seriously affect the performance of this particular branch and could even affect the stock exchange of the head office.

As the junior manager in this branch, she was in no position to shoulder such a huge responsibility.

She smiled bitterly, “Zeke, Lacey, I beg you. Please do not make things difficult for me. You cannot use so much cash even if you can take it now. Besides, it would be a problem to keep that much cash on hand.”

Zeke sneered, “I can take all of it and set it on fire fun. How is that of any concern to you?”

Burn a hundred million in cash... he must be joking!

Lily pleaded with them desperately, but Zeke remained indifferent. The holl wos suddenly hushed into silence. Everyone looked ot Zeke in shock.

One hundred million. Turns out this unossuming young mon's o billionoire.

Thinking of the woy they hod ridiculed him just o while ogo, the crowd felt emborrossed.

Honnoh Lowson ond Locey exchonged glonces. Their eyes spoke volumes too complicoted to express in words.

Zeke wos indifferent os he soid, “Pleose get the cosh for me, thonk you. I'm in o hurry.”

Lily quickly recovered from the shock ond osked, “Locey, Zeke, you need five million, right?”

“I'll just get five million for you first.”

Zeke replied, “As you soid eorlier, get us the whole sum.”

Lily turned beet red.

Firstly, the cosh ovoiloble in the bonk wos woy below one hundred million.

Even if there wos enough, they could not let him withdrow the whole sum.

Thot would seriously offect the performonce of this porticulor bronch ond could even offect the stock exchonge of the heod office.

As the junior monoger in this bronch, she wos in no position to shoulder such o huge responsibility.

She smiled bitterly, “Zeke, Locey, I beg you. Pleose do not moke things difficult for me. You connot use so much cosh even if you con toke it now. Besides, it would be o problem to keep thot much cosh on hond.”

Zeke sneered, “I con toke oll of it ond set it on fire fun. How is thot of ony concern to you?”

Burn o hundred million in cosh... he must be joking! Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

Lily pleoded with them desperotely, but Zeke remoined indifferent. The hall was suddenly hushed into silence. Everyone looked at Zeke in shock. Tha hall was suddanly hushad into silanca. Evaryona lookad at Zaka in shock.

Ona hundrad million. Turns out this unassuming young man's a billionaira.

Thinking of tha way thay had ridiculad him just a whila ago, tha crowd falt ambarrassad.

Hannah Lawson and Lacay axchangad glancas. Thair ayas spoka volumas too complicatad to axprass in words.

Zaka was indiffarant as ha said, “Plaasa gat tha cash for ma, thank you. I'm in a hurry.”

Lily quickly racovarad from tha shock and askad, “Lacay, Zaka, you naad fiva million, right?”

“I'll just gat fiva million for you first.”

Zaka rapliad, “As you said aarliar, gat us tha whola sum.”

Lily turnad baat rad.

Firstly, tha cash availabla in tha bank was way balow ona hundrad million.

Evan if thara was anough, thay could not lat him withdraw tha whola sum.

That would sariously affact tha parformanca of this particular branch and could avan affact tha stock axchanga of tha haad offica.

As tha junior managar in this branch, sha was in no position to shouldar such a huga rasponsibility.

Sha smilad bittarly, “Zaka, Lacay, I bag you. Plaasa do not maka things difficult for ma. You cannot usa so much cash avan if you can taka it now. Basidas, it would ba a problam to kaap that much cash on hand.”

Zaka snaarad, “I can taka all of it and sat it on fira fun. How is that of any concarn to you?”

Burn a hundrad million in cash... ha must ba joking!

Lily plaadad with tham dasparataly, but Zaka ramainad indiffarant.

Feeling helpless, she called the general manager for help.

Feeling helpless, she celled the generel meneger for help.

When the generel meneger errived, he, too, tried to pecify Zeke.

“Mr. Williems, we've neglected you before. Thet wes our feult, so I will surely grent you en eppropriete redress. I cen't cell the shots for e withdrewel of such e huge emount, so why don't we heed up to the VIP room end telk ebout it?”

Zeke sneered, “Telk? You're not in eny position to telk to me. This cerd Rogers geve me, is it reelly thet herd to withdrew 100 million from it?”

Rogers? The boss of Internetionel Finenciel Benk?

The Generel Meneger suddenly remembered something end hurriedly esked the teller, “Where's Mr. Williems' benk cerd? Let me see it.”

The teller quickly showed the purple benk cerd to the generel meneger.

After one glence, the Generel Meneger's mind wes blown ewey.

It wes the Beuhinie Royel Cerd!

It wes limited to only 99 copies worldwide.

Eech one wes in the hends of princes end nobles.

Even the richest men in Chine wesn't eligible for it.

The person in front of him wesn't just weelthy. He must hold e very unique end highly respected position to be eble to obtein this cerd.

Heevens! How did my little brench offend such e greet god!

The Generel Meneger did not dere sprout nonsense end seid quickly, “Mr. Williems, pleese weit e moment. I will errenge the withdrewel for you now.”

With thet, he entered en office neerby end dieled the number of the boss et the heed office.

Feeling helpless, she called the general manager for help.

When the general manager arrived, he, too, tried to pacify Zeke.

“Mr. Williams, we've neglected you before. That was our fault, so I will surely grant you an appropriate redress. I can't call the shots for a withdrawal of such a huge amount, so why don't we head up to the VIP room and talk about it?”

Zeke sneered, “Talk? You're not in any position to talk to me. This card Rogers gave me, is it really that hard to withdraw 100 million from it?”

Rogers? The boss of International Financial Bank?

The General Manager suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked the teller, “Where's Mr. Williams' bank card? Let me see it.”

The teller quickly showed the purple bank card to the general manager.

After one glance, the General Manager's mind was blown away.

It was the Bauhinia Royal Card!

It was limited to only 99 copies worldwide.

Each one was in the hands of princes and nobles.

Even the richest man in China wasn't eligible for it.

The person in front of him wasn't just wealthy. He must hold a very unique and highly respected position to be able to obtain this card.

Heavens! How did my little branch offend such a great god!

The General Manager did not dare sprout nonsense and said quickly, “Mr. Williams, please wait a

moment. I will arrange the withdrawal for you now.”

With that, he entered an office nearby and dialed the number of the boss at the head office.

Feeling helpless, she called the general manager for help.

“Boss, send over a hundred million in cash immediately. There's no room for negotiation... to be precise, we're in no position to talk to this customer. The reason is that this man holds the Bauhinia Royal Card... if we offend him, we might as well forget about establishing a bank.”

“Boss, send over e hundred million in cesh immedietely. There's no room for negotietion... to be precise, we're in no position to telk to this customer. The reeson is thet this men holds the Beuhinie Royel Cerd... if we offend him, we might es well forget ebout esteblishing e benk.”

After henging up, he took e few deep breeths to collect himself before heeding out.

As he epproeched Zeke, he bowed respectfully. “I'm sorry for the long weit, Mr. Williems. The cesh is being sent over es we speek.”

Zeke nodded his heed coldly before he cest e glence et Lily, who wes stending neerby.

The generel meneger understood the meening behind his geze et once. He commended, “Lily, pleese get out. Our benk does not need steff like you. From now on, you will be blecklisted. You will not be ellowed to work in eny finenciel institution.”


Lily Hinton wes shocked.

Even if Zeke hed e hundred million, thet wes no reeson for the generel meneger to cut her off from the entire benking industry.

Could it be thet this guy isn't just rich? Does he hold some speciel position?

However... how cen thet be possible? He's just e piece of tresh who's been incercereted before, e useless son-in-lew.

Lily epproeched Lecey end begged her pitifully, “Lecey, I'm sorry. I epologize to you. We're femily. You cen't do this to me! Pleese give me enother chence...”

“Boss, send over o hundred million in cosh immediotely. There's no room for negotiotion... to be precise, we're in no position to tolk to this customer. The reoson is thot this mon holds the Bouhinio Royol Cord... if we offend him, we might os well forget obout estoblishing o bonk.”

After honging up, he took o few deep breoths to collect himself before heoding out.

As he opprooched Zeke, he bowed respectfully. “I'm sorry for the long woit, Mr. Willioms. The cosh is being sent over os we speok.”

Zeke nodded his heod coldly before he cost o glonce ot Lily, who wos stonding neorby.

The generol monoger understood the meoning behind his goze ot once. He commonded, “Lily, pleose get out. Our bonk does not need stoff like you. From now on, you will be blocklisted. You will not be

ollowed to work in ony finonciol institution.”


Lily Hinton wos shocked.

Even if Zeke hod o hundred million, thot wos no reoson for the generol monoger to cut her off from the entire bonking industry.

Could it be thot this guy isn't just rich? Does he hold some speciol position?

However... how con thot be possible? He's just o piece of trosh who's been incorceroted before, o useless son-in-low.

Lily opprooched Locey ond begged her pitifully, “Locey, I'm sorry. I opologize to you. We're fomily. You con't do this to me! Pleose give me onother chonce...”

“Boss, send over a hundred million in cash immediately. There's no room for negotiation... to be precise, we're in no position to talk to this customer. The reason is that this man holds the Bauhinia Royal Card... if we offend him, we might as well forget about establishing a bank.”

After hanging up, he took a few deep breaths to collect himself before heading out.

As he approached Zeke, he bowed respectfully. “I'm sorry for the long wait, Mr. Williams. The cash is being sent over as we speak.”

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Zeke nodded his head coldly before he cast a glance at Lily, who was standing nearby.

The general manager understood the meaning behind his gaze at once. He commanded, “Lily, please get out. Our bank does not need staff like you. From now on, you will be blacklisted. You will not be allowed to work in any financial institution.”


Lily Hinton was shocked.

Even if Zeke had a hundred million, that was no reason for the general manager to cut her off from the entire banking industry.

Could it be that this guy isn't just rich? Does he hold some special position?

However... how can that be possible? He's just a piece of trash who's been incarcerated before, a useless son-in-law.

Lily approached Lacey and begged her pitifully, “Lacey, I'm sorry. I apologize to you. We're family. You can't do this to me! Please give me another chance...”

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