Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 21

“Time to go get the passport,”

Arielle said to herself when she was sure it was dark enough and the men would probably have left, if she wasn’t mistaken, it should be way past nine or ten pm, she slowly made her way back towards her house, hoping that the universe will be on her side just this once, long enough for her to get her stuff and get the fuck out, she walked fast hike praying so hard even though she wasn’t the religious type, she was able to make it back to her house while looking back and everywhere, thankfully, just as she had hoped, no one was at the front of her house, but she still made sure to look properly before she unlocked the door to the house she thought she would never be back at, she quickly walked to her room, there was no time to waste.

She went to her locker where she was sure it would be, but when she checked, it wasn’t there, not the purse or her ID, she left the locker and checked her bed lockers but again, it wasn’t there.

“Where is it?”

She cried as she kept searching her whole room, trying to remember when last she had it with her, she couldn’t stay here for long, it was a risk, she should have seen it already.

“Calm down, Ariel, calm down and think please,”

She pleaded with herself as she stopped for a moment to remember where she kept it but her fears were so much that there was no way to calm herself, she just frantically went back to searching her room, it was bad, everything was bad, she has never been good at finding something when she is anxious but she was much too in a hurry to calm herself.

“Please, please,”

She cried looking everywhere but she got nothing.

“Got you! She is in here, I knew she would come back,”

She heard the now so familiar voice and her heart stopped, she slowly turned to see the man that had been chasing her earlier standing next to her door, she had left it open which is why she didn’t hear him come in, this was bad, she dropped what she had been holding and slowly backed away, but where could she run to? Her windows weren’t big enough to jump through, they had protectors too, the only exit was the doorway and he was blocking it.

“You gave me a hard time, you need a beating, I am going to lose my job anyway so I don’t care,”

The man said and before she knew what was coming, he walked up to her and landed a resounding slap on her face that sent her to the floor, pain shot through her, she barely processed that before he pulled her up and slapped her again and she yelled pushing him off.

“What is wrong with you? I didn’t do anything to you, why would you slap me?”

She yelled fighting back but he was bigger than her and he landed a few more slaps and even a punch, she couldn’t even fight back, she knew she needed to get out of there, she tried to free herself from him, she kneeled him down there which sent him to the floor and she succeeded for a little while, she made a run for it but he caught her only a few minutes later before she even made it out of the living room and hollowed her over his shoulder, carrying her out of the house while she screamed and shouted to be let go, her whole body hurt from his continuous hitting.

He dumped her in the car and yelled out his frustration. he was joined by a couple of other men and she tried to fight her way out of the car but another man inside the car held her still.

“I should just kill you here, what would I lose? Nothing,”

He said. It was obvious he hated her and wanted her gone, maybe her hiding had done damage to him but that’s not her problem, she had her own problem and wasn’t about to care for his.

“Let me go, you have no right to hold me, I don’t have anything you want.”

She let out but they didn’t listen to her, they were talking among themselves and the one inside the car got his phone out and made a call.

“We got her boss, should I bring her to the mansion?”

He asked going silent while listening on the phone, she couldn’t hear what the other person on the other end was saying but she knew who it was, her worst nightmare.

“Yes, boss,”

He said and the call ended, he got out of the car and she didn’t even wait for a second before she got out too and made a run for it.

“You stupid witch, you think you can run away again? You fool!”

He yelled and caught her, dragging her back into the car, this time, he tied her hands, and she tried to free herself while yelling to be let go.

“Let’s just kill her as I said, we could get away with it by telling the boss she refuses to cooperate, he would be mad but that won’t last,”

The one who had beaten her up earlier said and her heart raced in fear, but the fear didn’t last, what was living any way? Her life wasn’t worth it and being dead would be better.

“I agree, just kill me and be done with it,”

She yelled out.

“Shut the fuck up,”

The one who had tied her said as he clammed a tape over her mouth to keep her quiet, she wriggled trying to free herself but it was hopeless as another of the men got into the car too and before long, it was zooming out of her neighborhood, it became clear to her then that she lost, she would never be able to escape if they get her to that mansion, she should have left without her passport, it would have been better to be arrested somewhere else, she didn’t think it through properly and now all she had was regrets, she was closed to tears again but she blinked trying to keep it away, she has cried enough, she couldn’t even say anything because her mouth was tied and her headache, heck her whole body ached so bad from running all day and also from the beating she received, her life wasn’t worth it and she felt pity for herself.

It didn’t take long for them to drive through the poor streets and before long, they entered a different part of Moscow, a place for the elites, very different from the world she knew even though the distance between them wasn’t long, it looked like she stepped into another world, she wasn’t impressed though, not when she came here as a prisoner.

“Women are so worthless and senseless, you would have avoided a lot of things if you had just stayed put but no, what do I expect from dumb girls?”

The guy who had tied her up said while shaking his head, she wanted to spit on his face but her mouth was tied.

“This is why I don’t give value to them, they are stupid,”

The other guy said, it was so obvious that these men had zero respect for women, she wasn’t shocked though, they worked for Luciano and God knows that man was disrespectful towards women maybe even to his own mother.

“Well I am happy to do away with this one, from here on, it is the boss’s problem, I am sure with the stunt she pulled tonight she might get sent to a home to fetch him money, she is pretty and would make a lot of money for him,”From NôvelDrama.Org.

The first guy said and Arielle felt disgusted, they were out of their mind if they thought she would work for Luciano or bring him money, she would rather die.

“You are right, she would bring in a lot of money, I hope he does, I would bet my whole savings to have a go at her,”

The other guy said and touched her, she shook his hand off in disgust and they both laughed at her even the driver joined in. was this it? Was this what she would face now? Men harassing her and laughing over it? God, she hated her life.

“We are here,”

They announced in unison as they drove into huge black gates and she felt the little hope she had drifting away, she couldn’t possibly escape from here, it was impossible, just the thought of what she would face here brought the tears that she had been trying to keep away out…

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