Episode 45

“This means a whole lot Jerry, thank you. I really appreciate this kind gesture.

I replied after collecting the expensive designer bag from him, he was filled with smile

“Thanks April for accepting the gift and does that also means a yes that you will go out with me someday… soon..”

I nodded shyly without minding if Phil was watching or not.

Danielle suddenly walked closer to where I stood, her eyes were on the bag in my handOriginal content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re wasting your money buying such expensive gift for a common sales girl. I bet you that she doesn’t know the value of what you just gave her. She will appreciate cash gift more, even half of the money for the bag will mean a whole lot to her than the bag itself. She clearly doesn’t know the value of the designer bag and never had anything like that before. Sell the bag to me and give her half of the money then you will see what I’m talking about…” Danielle said. She obviously wasn’t ready to agree to the fact that somebody like me is the owner of such expensive handbag.

“You should stick to your boyfriend to get you another designer bag and leave us alone. I got the bag for her specially, you mentioned selling earlier but I rejected your offer. The handbag is rightfully with the owner now, quit bothering us please…”

“My worries is that this handbag is in the wrong hand. It will be misused, undervalued and not well appreciated. She may be walking about in her local street and some area boys who know the value of the handbag she carries will attack her and take the bag from her to either resell and make alot of money or they gift it out. I’m only concerned for her and the designer bag offcourse. If you truly cares about her like you claim then you should be concerned too. You can’t be doing all this romantic nonsense in front of everyone and endangering her life in the process. This handbag deserve to be in the right hand and be admired by the right clique not some peasant. Is not late to consider my offer, I have money and my boyfriend is also rich. How much do you want for the bag.. let’s talk business before hoodlums come after your cheap Cinderella with a very expensive designer in hand..”

Jerry’s friend suddenly brought out his phone and began taking pictures of Danielle and Phil.

“… what’s all this for? Why are you taking my picture?

“Just in case the bag go missing or April is attacked by some area boys like you mentioned then you and your rich boyfriend will be on the wanted list..” Jerry’s friend said.

“And we will stay behind until her closing time so that we can take her safely home. Because you’re too desperate for this bag and ready to do anything just to get it…” Jerry added.

Danielle walked towards Jerry’s friend ordering him to delete the pictures of her and that of her boyfriend that he took.

“No ma’am, I’m not doing that. You can rant all day but the picture serves as a security purposes just in case anything happens to April or the bag..”

Phil who was quiet all this while called back Danielle so that they can leave, he has paid for everything she picked while she was looking for means to convince Jerry so that she can have the bag.

“I’m not leaving here until this guy takes off our pictures from his phone..”

She came at him and was ready to harass him until he delete the pictures.

I asked Jerry’s friend to delete the pictures and he did after a minute of daring Danielle to hit him first and see what he will do.

Phil stood at a distance watching and when he can no longer watch he left, I guess he went to sit in his car and wait for his tigeris girlfriend.

“Is a shame that after all your royal princess, marketing strategies you still can’t have the bag. You must be very disappointed in your wealthy self and ashamed of your pretty face. Your boyfriend must be regretting right now.. poor guy didn’t know what he was getting at..”

Danielle cat walked away after heavily hissing at us.

Jerry and his friend burst into laughter which made her missed her steps twice on her way out.

I was also laughing and my laughter erupted into something serious when I saw my other colleagues struggling not to show that they were equally laughing.

I seriously begin to pity Phil and i wish he will caution his girlfriend to quit bullying people with her too much money, who knows if she’s only boasting with Phil’s wealth and may not have the so much money like she claims.

Jerry and his friend hanged around waiting for me until I was done for the day, they took me home but I made them stop close to my street.

I didn’t want them to know exactly where I stay.

I appreciated them for being gentlemen, and the gifts from Jerry.

Jerry’s friend’s name is Cody, I learnt of his name while they were coming to drop me off.

Jerry gave me his mobile number and said I should let him know whenever I’m ready to go on a date with him.

I bid them goodnight and walked to my apartment.

The first thing I brought out was the bag, the very bag that caused so much drama today and nearly caused a fight between Danielle and Cody.

I gave it a long caresses all over it’s body, wondering what was extra ordinary about it that almost gave Danielle a heart attack.

Danielle made me feel I should be looking over my shoulder whenever I’m going out with it.

I could have collected the money that she was offering in place of the bag but I enjoyed the look of defeat on her face when her money couldn’t get her the very thing she wanted so badly.

I thought of Phil and wondered what he will be doing or thinking after everything that went down today.

I feel really good today, I sang even while in the shower and while preparing for bed.

Jerry and his friend, Cody made me feel really special. I used to think I’m undeserving, unworthy, filthy and do not deserve anything good but today defiled all of that.

Maybe because Jerry doesn’t know of my past like Phil does but some people don’t need to know of your terrible past before blessing you.

I could have cried myself to sleep seeing that Phil has moved on, but knowing that I was well mannered than his Danielle makes me relaxed.

She maybe pretty, stand tall like a model, rich and outspoken but her bad attitude follows her everywhere and that’s not commendable.

And God sending those two gentle men to give me a Royal treatment right in front of Phil and his woman felt like heaven.

I will never forget this day in a hurry.

It has become one of my best day

I watched short movie on my television, check the designer handbag that I stationed on my sitting room centre table so that i will always look at it and remember the story behind it.

I touched it one last time, carried it into the room and put it close to my bedside so that it will be the first thing I will see when I wake up in the morning.

I whispered many thanks to God for his undeserved blessings.

I looked at my special handbag for the last time, whispered a tiny goodnight to It with a smile

I heaved a satisfying sigh of relief before I finally close my eyes to sleep.

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