I’m Dedicated To You


“You this heartless b***h” I heard someone and a bag was sent flying towards me, I already closed my eyes expecting the effect of the assault but I saw it not forthcoming so, I opened my eyes slowly and I looked at what transpired that’s when I saw the bag in Bradley’s hand he must have saved me from the attack.

“Did you hate us so much not to care about yourself and make us so worried?” Olivia says walking towards not caring about who is in the room with me and she wanted to grab my hair to continue her assault but she was stopped by someone grabbing her hand.

“What the fuck is….”Olivia yelled angrily but her words were stuck in her mouth when she saw who is it.

“Mr. Bradley Hale” Olivia called, not believing her eyes and I was surprised how Olivia could quickly recognize him when I didn’t.

“Nice meeting you Miss but I don’t think it’s ideal the way you are treating your friend don’t forget she is still a patient and she still needs rest,” Bradley says putting his hands inside his pocket and emitting a choking aura.

“Yes Ollie you should learn how to behave yourself just imagine the bag you threw hit my head and I went unconscious. What are you going to do? Can you handle the consequences?” I asked smugly.

Olivia’s face turned solemn when I finished talking and I am sure that she is feeling remorseful for what she did because I am still recovering and any little strain could put me in danger and I still very much love my life.

“I am very sorry for acting rashly Best but did you know how worried I was when I thought you went missing I don’t want to believe that you try to commit suicide even though that’s what the police speculated,” Olivia says with tears in her eyes and I looked at her that’s when I saw the way she dressed, Olivia is still in her night dress with a Mickey mouse print on it and I bet she didn’t even wash her face I can’t help but feel guilty because I know that my friend is just worried about and she means no harm but I know that when Olivia is overwhelmed with emotions she tends to act rash that’s why I say those things earlier.

“Am sorry too Best, I should have called you earlier but certain someone says you guys were already informed. informededhinformedlie’s hand and eyeing the so-called Bradley Hale and he avoided my eyes.

“But what did you mean that I tried to commit suicide” I questioned her raising my eyebrows.

“When you called that you will be coming to my place yesterday and I didn’t see you I called the number you used to phone me and the policeman that picks up told me he dropped somewhere on the way to my place but he forgot the exact place but before I and Tori went in search of you someone already posted on the internet that you tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a car” Ollie explained while closing her eyes and I am sure she must be trying to hold in her tears because how devastated must she have been to know that her friend tried to commit suicide.

“Ollie it’s not true, I didn’t want to kill myself”I clarified and she looked at me with questioning eyes eyeing my wounds.

“Yes I admit that I got into an accident but it’s not because I want to die but because of my carelessness” I explained to Ollie all that transpired and how Bradley Hale helped me excluding the proposal part and also me not recognizing him and abusing him a little because I know that Ollie will overreact.

“Thanks so Mr. Bradley Hale I don’t know what could have happened if you didn’t help her” Olivia apologized bowing 90° I can’t help but roll my eyes because it seems like Olivia forgot that this man is also the one that hit me with his car.

“Ollie don’t be too polite because he is the one that hits me with his car he should be thankful that I am not pressing charge,” I say but I was met with Olivia’s glaring eyes and we heard someone laughing.

“Miss Grey is an amusing person you want to press charges against me,” he asked with a proud smirk and I can’t help but lower my gaze when I remembered who I was speaking to. He is the mighty Bradley Hale and my chicken brain can’t even process that well. What stupid title is the Genius artist if I keep forgetting how influential this man in front of me is?

“We are sorry Mr. Bradley please don’t blame Gina she doesn’t mean what she is saying she tends to make a lot of jokes,” Olivia says trying to pacify the situation because the mighty Bradley laughed at something he must be so annoyed and I can’t help but feel guilty if Olivia and Victoria hear all that has transpired between me and Bradley Hale they will kill me because we promised ourselves to live a life without troubles but I already incur so much trouble to me, I thought.

“The doctor says she can go home at any time since her wound was not that deep and she seems to also have a lot of energy, so I don’t think it’s going to be a problem,” Bradley says.

“Oh really Gina baby, are you sure you are fine?”Olivia asked me in a worried tone and I rolled my eyes at her.

“I think that’s what you should have been worrying about before you started assaulting me earlier. By the way, where is Tori?” I inquired since I hadn’t seen her or if she was not informed.

“She is trying to get rid of some reporters tailing her,” Ollie says and I suddenly feel guilty for pulling my friends into my mess.

“I am sorry, best I don’t mean…..” I was saying but was cut short by someone entering the hospital ward.

“Look who came back from the land of the dead” Victoria says and Bradley and his assistant exchange looks with themselves. They just don’t understand these sisters because their ways of showing affection are just not normal.

“And I see you also still doing well in the land of the living but it looks like you have added some dark circles to your existing ones,” I say tainting her.

“And I owe them to someone that went missing without a trace,” she says with a sad smile and I can’t help but get emotional. My friends are the best. How could I even think of dying when I have these two awesome friends?

“I hope you are fine because I could see stitches up and down,” she says, eyeing my wound worriedly.

“I am fine Tori, don’t worry,” I say.

“And we owe that to Mr. Bradley here,” Olivia says and I can’t help but roll my eyes at her. She just likes to bootlick.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mr. Bradley Hale” Olivia called dumbstruck, not believing her eyes and that’s when I know I need to start reading the news. How could I not know someone that most people know?

“It’s an honor to meet you I have been trying to have an interview with you,” Victoria says professionally I and Olivia were dumbfounded did Victoria just ask for an interview with Bradley Hale when her friend got hit by his car and that her friend is still on a sick bed I am seriously ashamed of these girls. While I am still trying to shake off the humiliation I am going through Olivia whispered something in my ear.

“Best he is damn hot,” she says pointing at Bradley and I can’t help but also join my friend to stare shamelessly at him.

“I know right I have never seen someone so handsome as him that when I woke up I thought he was an angel,” I say giggling and Olivia laughed too.

“But how can Victoria be able to talk to him without feeling intimidated,” Olivia says and I looked at Victoria standing in front of Bradley Hale, who was treating her like air, not giving her attention and I got annoyed on my friend’s behalf.

“Erm erm”I cleared my throat and that got his attention as always. That seems suspicious but I brushed it off anyways “Don’t you think you are being rude Mr. Hale my friend just introduced herself don’t you think she deserves a hello,” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Were you introducing yourself Miss because I didn’t even catch your name in what you said?” he says with a cunning smile and I felt so stupid because I fell into the trap I set because it’s true my friend wasn’t even introducing herself and I glared at the so-called Mr. Bradley?

“My name is Victoria Grey, an editor at What you like magazine and it will be an honor to interview you, Mr. Bradley,” Victoria says, seizing the opportunity and I can’t help but be proud of my friend.

“I think I am going…” Bradley was saying when his assistant whispered something in his ear that made him angry and Olivia and I couldn’t help but shiver in fear.

“Looks like we have visitors ladies”…

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