I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 74

ELEIA’S POVNôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“Are you serious?” I stare agape at aunt Penelope while we’re getting our nails done in the comfort of her room.

“Yes, I believe you can do it, we have to see how you handle the issues my dear.” She speaks so gracefully that it feels like I’m a rat, not a princess. I use slang and she speaks so elegantly, so maturely…It sometimes pisses me off.

“I guess, but can’t it wait another weak? I’ve just finished with the laws.” I sigh.

Aunt Penelope and I have grown close over the last two weeks, we chat, laugh and gossip, even though she says a million times that she shouldn’t because it’s very unlady like, but deep down, she’s just a woman like the rest of us.

We are curious creatures and we will find out anything, and of course, my personal maid that brings me breakfast is also a gossip and we enjoy breakfast in my room together.

That is how I know most of the stuff, friends are important in a place like this, especially low ranked friends, they know everything first.

“You’ll do great, Roman and I already agreed to it.” Penelope sits with her eyes shut, a small smile on her face as she relaxes.

“Uncle Roman looks tired.” I point out, hoping that she wouldn’t punish me for that observation. I don’t want to make things awkward, I love the bond we have.

“He is dear.” she inhales a deep breath, needing it.

“What can I do to help” I ask. They took me in, they are letting Aiden and I take over the throne, the least I could do is help wherever I can.

“Just by doing what we teach you helps…” her eyes flick open and she stares at me, “You’re going to take over this kingdom Eleia, it’s more than what we asked for because we’re tired. It’s a tough job.” she sighs.

“Can I just ask something…I don’t want to sound ungrateful…” I explain and she hums, “Continue.”

I glance at the two girls who are working on our nails, “Don’t worry, they know better than to speak out.” she grits out while eyeing them.

“Why am I the only one learning these things? Isn’t Aiden suppose to know these things too?”

Penelope’s lips press into a thin line as she stares at me, “My dear, you are the descendant of the royal family, not him and I know that he’s your mate, but that’s all he is. He might hold the title of King, but you will be Queen, the one that rules the kingdom, the one they come to for advice, Aiden will look in charge, but you will be the one in charge. No outsider of the royal family b***d line makes the command.” she explains and I can’t stop my eyes from almost popping out of their sockets.

“So what does that mean? I tell Aiden what to do and say?” I frown, “Of course not, your decisions can be talked about with him, he can always have an input, but the last word is yours.” she smiles .

“I didn’t know that is how it’s going to work..” My gaze drags down to my hand, “Well it is. You are the royalty, not him.”

Well when she says it like that, it makes more sense…

After our nails were done, we made our way to the kitchen for a light meal and then we went up to the attic. I was amazed when the roof hatch folded out as stairs and she laughed before walking up there and I followed suite.

I expected it to be dusty, but it wasn’t , there was a beautiful cotton covered couch in front of the large window, a coffee table, a tv, a radio and on the other side were a lot of boxes.

“What are we looking for?” I ask as I glance around the beautiful storage place.

“I come up here a lot, Roman does too, we sit here and look through photo’s…” she gulps and I turn to look at her as she picks up a box, “I find it fitting that you look through this…” the soft smile coating her face makes the curiosity in me grow and I take the box and she gestures towards the couch.

I sit down with her, “I know Roman wanted to show you this, but he’s a busy man…I think he’d be upset with me that I am the one giving it to you, but we’re all family here and you deserve it.” she rests her hand on my shoulder as my hands lay flat on the lid.

“What is it?” I ask a little wary of what might be in the box, “It’s photo’s, we found it after they passed.”

She means my parents…

I turn my gaze to her, “They were my parents’?” I ask for confirmation and she nods with a emotional smile.

I turn my gaze back to the taunting brown card box in front of me, inhaling a deep breath as I pull the lid off and set it beside the table and on top lays a baby picture…

I reach down for it with shaky hands and I pick it up, turning it over, reading my name on the back.

Eleia at six months old

I shouldn’t get emotional, because these aren’t my memories, they are memories of people I don’t even remember, but they are memories of people I love, of who I should have loved.

I turn it over and stare at the photo of myself laying in a crib.

“I can leave if you want..” Penelope offers, “Stay.” I croak out and we both fall into a comfortable silence as I manage to go through the photo’s one by one, piling them up on the coffee table in front of us.

I find an older picture of them, where they were young, they probably just met and I sit back in awe…I look so much like my mother, but I also have a lot of features of my father…

“Can I keep these?” I ask, glancing at Penelope with glassy eyes.

“I’m sure Roman wouldn’t mind.” she shrugs and I know that I first have to ask, but these were all suppose to be mine, so why should I?

“Yeah, okay.” I blow out a breath as I put them into the box again and I put the lid on.

When I look outside through the window behind us, I could see the sun starting to set and my eyes widen in fear, “It’s late.” I stand up, “I have to get Felix.” I scratch my nape, my nerves feeling like they’re strung like a guitar as I try to focus, but my heart is bleeding for the memories I could have had with my parents, but I’m also focused on needing to be in the present because I have a son, a baby on the way and I need to focus on getting our lives together.

Penelope stands, grabbing my arms and forces me to look at her, “Focus.” she shakes my shoulders and I stare at her with wide eyes, “You got this, it’s okay.” she smiles before pulling me into a hug.

Her hug is warm, motherly and it makes me feel safe, like I’m in my mother’s hold.

We stand there for a few minutes, holding one another and I can’t help but wonder if she might see me as the daughter she never had…because in this moment, she feels like a mother I never had, well, can’t remember.

“Thank you Penelope.” I breathe out and she nods before pushing me away.

“Your mother was dear to my heart, I wished they were here still, but looking at you…I see her and I know that she’s always with us, looking over us…I’m so happy you’re alive.” she chokes on her words as her eyes glass over and a tear slides down my cheek.

“We should go.” I gulp down the rock in my throat and she nods, blinking her unshed tears away.

Felix and I join them at dinner and Roman keeps on talking about how his day went, we all laugh and smile and it actually felt like I was at home, the only thing I was missing is my mate and my best friend, but this felt different, it felt like going home to a Christmas dinner…

“Roman.” Penelope’s hand rests on my uncle’s and he turns to her with a bright smile, “I showed Eleia the photo’s today and she asked if she could perhaps keep them?” She smiles and my uncle’s face fell, “You did what?” his eyebrows arch together, anger blazing in his orbs, “I didn’t think it would be a problem…” she slowly pulls her hand back, “I’m sorry, I asked if you had any photo’s of them. This is my fault.” I take the blame, hating that I am causing trouble in their relationship.

Roman’s dark gaze flick to me and his eyes softens momentarily, “I get it, but those our my photo’s, you are allowed to look at them whenever, but they stay in the attic, alright?” his jaw ticks as he bites down on his teeth and I nod, sucking my lips into my mouth.

I glance at Felix and he’s still eating, luckily he’s too small to care about what’s actually going on around here.

It felt like I was walking out of a war zone when dinner was over, even when everyone was polite, the tension wasn’t.

I can not believe that he said I wasn’t allowed to take the photo’s, the photo’s that are of me and my parent’s, not of them.

I sit Felix down on the floor and march over to my bed, picking up my phone and I dial Aiden’s number.

I just want him right now, a week has passed since he left and I wish he could come visit again, or that he was already here.

His phone goes straight to voicemail and I sigh as I look at Felix playing with his toys, looking so carefree and happy.

“Okay buddy, let’s go take a bath and get into bed.”

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