Holding on to you

Chapter 17: What it means to be owned

After I got Jessy settled into her room, we watched a few old movies together with Kinsley and talked about the latest school gossip, and apparently, I was still at the top of it. Everyone was still speculating about Killian and me. They were even a few bets going around as to how long it would take him to dump me and move on to his next conquest. None of that bothered me, what really got to me was hearing Jessy say that Jason was hurt and angry. I felt like a bitch because I knew I owed him an explanation, but it was really hard to talk to him with Killian watching my every move.

When the movies were finished, Jessy suggested that we go out to eat, I thought it was a great idea, so, I left them and went to my room to get dressed. When I entered I saw Killian sitting by his desk video chatting to someone on his computer. He was facing away from me so he didn’t see me right away, it wasn’t until the person he was talking to ask who I was that he turned around. A strange expression crossed his face before he schooled it.

“We’ll continue this later.”

His voice held a hard edge to it and he sounded like he was annoyed. I wondered if it was because of me, but I didn’t let the thought lingered. I left Killian to talk to whoever he was talking to, and went about getting my outfit ready for my night out. I entered the walk-in closet and picked out a black skinny jeans and a pink long sleeve crop top. The weather was a little chilly, so I decided to pair my outfit with a black leather jacket and black knee-high boots. I must say, I was very proud of my choice of clothing. Walking back into the room, I laid my outfit on the bed and turn to go take a shower. I all but forgot that Killian was still in the room. However, just as I was about to strip down I heard a voice say,

“You better keep a close eye on her because Tash is out for blood.”

“She’s not that stupid, she knows I’ll shoot first and ask questions later.”

My curiosity peaked and I turned to listen, I wanted to know who they were talking about and why Killian was letting me hear his conversation. I saw that Killian was sitting facing me, I guessed that he didn’t want the person to see me.

His eyes never left mine as he continued to talk about someone named Tash that vowed to take her vengeance out on anyone who dares cross her territory. With his eyes on me, I felt a heat travel up my body that caused me to pant. I knew he sensed it too because I saw his eyes darken. His gaze was so intense that I felt like I would melt on the spot, it amazed me how just one look from him can make my body disobey my brain.


He reluctantly tore his eyes away from me and looked at the screen. I felt myself relax, letting out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding, I started making my way to the bathroom. But I only made a few steps before I heard the guy on the computer say,

“Maybe I should meet this girl who seems to be holding all of your attention lately.”

I stood frozen as I turned wide eyes at Killian. I could see that he wasn’t too happy with the guy’s request because his eyes were narrowed at the screen and his lips were thinned as he spoke through clenched teeth.

“I don’t see how meeting her could be of any benefit to you.”

The warning was clear in his voice, but the guy was either stupid or really brave because he chose to ignore it.

“Oh, but it would be an honour to meet the girl who captured the heart of one so far removed from love. I think a celebration is in order, maybe you can bring her by, I’m sure the family would love to meet her.”

I personally didn’t find what the guy said bad, alarming and untrue, but not bad at all. However, from the way Killian was glaring at the computer, I knew that he took offence to it.

“I don’t think that Red is ready for that kind of exposure, however, I don’t see any harm in you meeting her right now.”

I was taken aback; I wasn’t stupid enough to think that the guy he was talking to was one of his friends, the animosity between the two was clear as day. Killian beckoned me over but I just looked at him like he was crazy, for one I was wearing only his t-shirt and I looked like something the cat dragged in. However, In the end, I found myself walking over to him.

As I approached him, he captured me around the waist and pulled me down on his lap. I almost jump right off when I felt something hard against my bottom. I couldn’t help the blush that crept up my cheeks, but I tried not to let it show.

“Ahh, so you are the beauty that tamed our beast. You’re not what I expected, and definitely not Killer’s usual type, but quite lovely nonetheless.”

I didn’t know if I should be offended or thankful for being different from Killian’s usual type, but in the end, I decided to go with thankful.

The man on the screen looked to be about in his late thirties, I couldn’t really tell the colour of his eyes, but they seemed to be brown, but I could clearly make out the touch of grey that was forming on the side of his head. However, the most distinguished thing about him was the scar that ran across his face.

“Lloyd, meet Red, she’s mine and that’s all you need to know.”

The warning was back in his voice again, I felt awkward and out of place sitting there. There was clearly some tension between the two and me sitting there wasn’t helping it.

Lloyd chuckled, and sat back in his chair, unfazed by Killian. I was shocked by it because I’ve never come across anyone who doesn’t shake at the sight of Killian or cower at the voice.

“Kid, I can tell by that ring on her finger that you’re pretty serious about her. I guess congratulations are in order? I do wish you both a long and healthy life.”

Killian’s hands tightened around my waist and his entire body started vibrating with uncontrolled rage. I didn’t know what to do, but the man was smiling like he knew he got to Killian, and Killian looked like he wanted to snap his neck.

Ever so softly but loud enough for the man to hear, Killian said, “We’ve kept the peace between us for quite some time now, my father and yours have been doing business for a long time, it wouldn’t do to start branching out at such a critical point in our business ventures, wouldn’t you agree, Lloyd?”

Whatever business they had together must be important to Lloyd because the smile was wiped from his face. He agreed but the hatred he had for Killian was one that he couldn’t seem to wipe away. After that, they both concluded the conversation and Killian shut his computer down.

“Going somewhere, Red?”

He asked after a while, looking at the clothes that were left laid out on the bed.

“The girls and I are going out to get something to eat?”

I got up from up his lap when I saw that it was getting late. I knew that Jessy and Kinsley would probably be upset with me for keeping them waiting. The furthest I made it before I was pushed up against the wall was about ten steps.

“Are you asking or tell me?”

He sounded irritated for some reason, but I was startled and too pissed off to care.

What the hell is wrong with this dude and pushing me up against walls, that shit hurt like a dying bitch?

“I’m telling you because it didn’t occur to me that I have to ask you to have fun with my friends.”

I said it with as much spunk as I could muster, which slowly started to slip away when the hard look I knew so well entered his face. I saw his eyes narrowed to a dangerous level and the vein at his temple started throbbing. I automatically shrink back into the wall, the fear I couldn’t seem to overcome worked its way right back in me, and I started shaking as usual.


I closed my eyes, as I felt the tears burning, but quickly opened them back when I remember how much he hated it when I’m not looking at him. I knew he wanted to hurt me, it was the only thing apart for the rage that was in his eyes.

“I-I’m s-sorry, please Kil-Killian, please d-don’t.”

A cruel sadistic smirk appeared on his face and something close to triumph and approval appeared in his eyes. That terrified me even more because I knew that he wanted me scared and my reaction was turning him on and empowering him at the same time.

“The sooner you realise that not only your body belongs to me, the less I’ll have to punish you.”

He grabbed both my wrists and pinned them above my head with his left hand, then his right hand grabbed my breast then moved to my neck. My fear intensified because I knew what he intended to do and on pure instinct, I started to fight him. However, he silenced my movement with just one look, his cold hard eyes daring me to go against him, but like the coward I was I stayed still with tears running down my face.

I felt as every last one of his fingers wrapped around my neck and I felt the tightening of my lungs as he put pressure on it. He leaned in until his lips were brushing mine.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“If you ever feel the need to think for yourself don’t, your life would be much easier if you just stop f**king disobeying me!”

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