Holding on to you

Chapter 1: Prologue one

“What do you want in return?”

His eyes darkened and roam the length of my body making me squirm. I started to shake, slightly breaking my bravado. I didn’t want to show weakness in front of him, but with the way, his eyes were taking me in, it was like he was seeing what I was desperately trying to hide from him. It was hard to keep up my charade and not show fear.

“W-what do you what?”

I asked again when it seemed like he wasn’t going to answer me. I mentally cursed myself for the falter in my speech when I saw him smirk.


He took a step closer to me and I involuntarily took one back, which meant I was now braced up against his black Mustang. Without saying a word, he leaned in and my breath hitched in my throat. My eyes were wide and my lips were slightly parted, I could feel my heart beating faster and all the blood rushing to my face.

His face was so close to me that I felt the warm air of his breath as it fanned over my cheeks. He leaned in closer and just for a split second his lips touched mine, but then it was gone, moved to my ear. The tingling I got in the pit of my stomach from the sensation of him being so close caused me to close my eyes and bite my lips. However, they popped right back open when he finally spoke.


I couldn’t hide the shock that that one word caused me. I gasped loudly and try to step away from him, but he stopped my escape by caging me in with his hands. We were facing each other again, lips barely a whisper away. I shook my head from side to side, there is no way he wanted what I think he wants, right?

“Y-you can’t… I can’t… NO!”

My reply didn’t seem to waver him, instead of getting angry like I thought he would, he just took a step back, give me one nod of his head and started walking back in the direction of the club.

I stood there shocked, I felt relieved but I knew I couldn’t let him walk away, I had to get him to agree to some other form of payment for his help. I silently cursed my stupid brother for getting himself mixed up with the wrong people, but I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing and let those people who are after him do more than break his leg next time.

You’re gonna owe me big time, Brandon!

I gathered my wits and ran after him just as he was about to disappear into the alley leading back to the club.


He came to a sudden stop and turned around slowly. There were no expressions on his face. It was just a completely blank mask. I kept a good distance from him for I didn’t think I could handle being that close to him again. I needed my head clear in order to negotiate with him.

“There must be something else that you want, something else that I can do for you? Please, just tell me what you want?”

I hate begging, but my brother needs my help. If he didn’t pay those people their money within two days, they might carry out their threat and take his life and pass the debt on to someone else in the family.

With the same blank expression still on his face, he repeated his answer from before.


My shoulder slumped in defeat and I felt my eyes well up. A single tear fell and I swiped it away with the back of my hand. Why did he want me? I wasn’t anything special, couldn’t he ask for something else, like, help with his homework or tutoring? God knows he needed it!

“But, I’ve got a boyfriend… th-that would be cheating.”

“You,” he said again. “And I don’t share.”

His complete and utter heartlessness stunned me, he just stood there not caring that he’s asking me to cheat on my boyfriend. Sure we were on a break, but he’s still my boyfriend and besides, he told me he had something important to speak to me about in school tomorrow. So, I just know that he’s going call off our break.

He was not faltering. His eyes were regarding me like a predator does its prey, eyes slowing taking me in, deciding which direction to attack.

Okay. I can do this. It wouldn’t be considered cheating. Right? Because, technically, Jason and I are broken up? I squared my shoulders and nodded my head. I’m going to do this for my family’s safety. There could be worse things than losing my virginity to Killian ‘Killer’ Black.

“Okay, but it has to be done tonight.”

I was proud of how strong and steady my voice sounded. And also if I got the dreaded act done tonight, I can tell Jason yes tomorrow and it wouldn’t be cast as cheating.

But then he laughed a humourless laugh causing me to look at him confused.

What? Did I say something funny?This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

He quickly closed the distance between us and I stumbled back a few steps trying to get away from him, but his hand came around my waist just as fast. I looked into his eyes and saw the first emotion since I asked him for his help. It was just there, dancing there… The amusement.

“First rule, no one tells me what to do. And secondly, it is going to be done tonight and tomorrow and the day after and for as long as I want… understood?” He said as he held me still.

I gulped and nodded from fear. Then the second emotion for the night showed itself… anger.

“Good. From this moment on you no longer have a boyfriend. You do what I say when I say it, just the way I want you to do it and wherever I want you to do it. It is that clear?”

Stupidly, I nodded my head like an idiot agreeing to everything he was saying. Could I be any dumber?

Without saying another word, he grabbed my hand and started walking back to his car, and like the idiot that I am, I followed him without question. It was as if I had become possessed. I just followed.

I only caught my senses when he got out his keys and opened the passenger door for me. It was at that moment I began panicking. My eyes were wandering all over the place as I search my mind for a way to get out of this predicament. As if sensing my inner trauma, he slammed the door shut causing me to jump. I was then pushed roughly up against the car and my jaw held tightly facing him.

“Let’s get one thing straight, Red, once a deal is made with me there is no backing out. There’s no loophole, no back door, no side gate, nothing. I own you now!” He shouted as he glared at me.

His hands were once again around my waist. They stayed there. He started to slowly run his hands up my body causing me to get hot in places I didn’t even know I could get hot. I lost my breath when his hands grabbed my breasts and squeezed lightly, then they moved higher taking my hands with them until they were pinned above my head. A strange feeling began to gradually take over my entire body. A feeling I did not recognise. Then, his hot soft lips crashed down onto mine and I swear I felt like gravity abandoned me.

Fire. That’s what it was, fire. One that started in my soul and was working its way out, trying to take over my entire being. As his lips moved against mine, teeth forcefully tugging at my bottom lip for entry. I felt like if I didn’t obey, the world would end. And I couldn’t let humanity down now, could I?

I moaned when his tongue entered my mouth and pressed my body to him, feeling the need to be closer to him. Just when I started to feel like I couldn’t take it anymore, he ripped his mouth away from me just as forceful.

Moving me away from the car he opened the door and said,

“Get used to being owned. Now get in!”

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