Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Blossom was baffled, her brow furrowed in thought. “You passed out after work, and normally, if someone was to rescue you, they’d take you straight to the hospital, not drop you off in the middle of nowhere. But if you ran into some bad news, well, they didn’t hurt you or the babies. They just left you in the wilderness. It’s like they wanted you to fend for yourself, but that doesn’t quite add up either. If someone wanted to harm you, they wouldn’t bother letting you give birth, let alone perform a C–section and stitch you up afterward.”

It had slipped out during their daily walk that Elysia and the children lived in the woods. But Elysia had skirted around the details of her saviors and life in the wilds, mentioning only a quaint village at the foot of the mountains.

Elysia was just as puzzled, this enigma nagging at her.

The person who took her to the wilderness didn’t seem to want to harm her, but didn’t exactly seem to be helping her either. It was just… weird.

“Didn’t they leave any clues behind?” Blossom asked.

Elysia shook her head. “None.”

“And they never showed up again?”

“Not once.”

“That is so weird…” Blossom pondered for a moment, then shrugged. “Oh well, why rack your brains over it? The truth will come out sooner or later.”

Elysia nodded in agreement. That was often how things went; you could think until your head hurt and get nowhere. But the moment you stopped trying, the answers would hit

like a lightning bolt.


“Enough about me and the kids. I want to hear about you and Winona these past years,” Elysia urged.

it’s my mom

Blossom chuckled, “Same old, same old. But if I have to pick something, driving me up the wall with her matchmaking shenanigans! Can you believe it? A woman of her intellect, turned matchmaker! She’s relentless! Between her and my aunt, it’s like they’re on a mission. I dread their visits. The second I see them together, I feel like it’s doomsday…

Elysia couldn’t help but laugh. “I can’t picture Hollis getting into the matchmaking business.”

“Oh, the Hollis you knew is long gone. I swear my aunt has brainwashed her. Not only does she want me hitched, but she’s aiming for blue blood! Like, seriously, why would any tycoon want to marry an average–looking, average–built, average–educated, average–job

woman like me? They’d have to be blind!”

Blossom’s self–deprecation was ruthless, and she didn’t stop there.

Back in the day, she’d get so mad at how slow I was, even cried over it. Kept wondering how two brainiacs like her and Dad could have produced such a dunce. She even toyed with the idea that I wasn’t theirs. If it weren’t for my striking resemblance to them, they might have dragged me to a paternity test by now. They used to lament about how two positives made a negative. If they weren’t so caught up in their careers and getting on in years, they’d probably try for a do–over with a new kid.

Once I got a job, she stopped nagging, only to start her marriage crusade. All that smarts, and now she’s turned Into a full–blown matchmaker.”

Elysia smiled, “Well, you’ve been out of school for a while. It is about that time to settle down, isn’t it?”

“Not interested. I’m loving the single life. Why mess it up with a relationship? Best–case scenario, I land a guy like Zane – treats his wife like gold, faithful, a real gentleman. Worst case, I get stuck with a deadbeat. Why would I risk that? I’m happy where I am. I’ve got my job, my friends, my own little world. I can party when I feel like it or enjoy some peace and quiet. I can jet off on a whim or lounge in bed all day without anyone nagging me. I make enough to get by, splurge on treats when I want. But if I got married? Ha!! might end up supporting him, and there goes my snack money. Just the thought gives me the shivers!”

Blossom had a point.. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Marriage could go either way: it could be your making or your undoing.

And the thing about men? You can’t always tell a saint from a sinner right away.

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