His Mate, Her Fate

Chapter 2: My Mate

As we park into my family’s drive way, I notice Ian fidgeting with distress.

“Babe, is everything okay?” I caress his thigh.

“Just a tad nervous,” he admits. He knows everything about my family, so it seems only fitting for him to be anxious. Well, not everything, but the most outrageous thing – that we can shift into wolves.

“Just don’t let them see you’re blond, that really triggers their werewolf gene.”

He looks at me both shocked and confused. “What? How can I not show my hair? You should’ve told me earlier to bring a hat or -” he stops when he notices me smiling.

We both burst into laughter.

“You…” he messes with my nose, shaking his head. Ian is a really great guy. We met at college and started dating at our second year. We’ve been inseparable ever since. He’s so easygoing and uncomplicated. I always know where I stand with him. We’re each other’s support system and best friends. I am so lucky to marry my best friend.

I lay a gentle kiss against his lips and we leave our Prius.

As soon as we approach the porch, the door opens and three crazy boys run into me, hugging, tugging, and lifting me! Of course, they’re my brothers.

“Hey!” I shout, laughing. “Showing off, huh? Don’t let me shift, you know I can eat all three of you for breakfast!”

“Oh, yeah?” Jamie says, amused, tickling me and trying to tackle me down.

That’s when Dad comes out of the house. “Chill out you wannabe beasts,” he shrugs them off with love in his words, and they back off immediately, still laughing.

“What a pleasant welcome!” I say honestly, walking towards my father. “I haven’t realized how badly I’ve missed you guys until now.” Dad meets me half-way and we share a strong, loving hug.

Even though he says nothing, I can feel his eyes piercing through Ian.

“Dad, I’d like you to meet Ian,” I say as we part and I motion for him to approach.

“Good morning,” Ian holds his hand out. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

My dad shakes hands with him, openly checking him out. I bet he is confused with his gelled hair and perfectly groomed suit styling.

The werewolf men and women are all dark haired and tan. Most of them have dark eyes, deep brown, and some have green in them, like me. But none of them look like Ian – light tanned with blue eyes and golden hair.

“Where did you find this lady?” he finally speaks.

“Dad!” I shout, shocked at his words. My brothers are dying out of laughter on the other side.

“Oh, chill out, Lily. I’m only messing with you. Come on in!”

“I’m so sorry,” I mouth to Ian as our dad gestures us into the house.

* * *

We spent the entire day talking, laughing, and eating. My brothers seem to like Ian a lot. They think he’s very fun. I do, too.

My dad, on the other hand, barely spoke a few words to him. I will pin it to him missing me very much, so he is paying me his full attention. Even though deep down I know he is hoping I would find somebody else. From the pack, preferably.

I suddenly feel like it’s time to announce my engagement.

“Dad, there’s something I want to tell you,” I begin cautiously and look at Ian.

I now have the attention of my brothers as well.

“Ian and I…” I nod, “we’re getting married.”

My dad drops his fork and they all stare at me. Ian takes my hand into his and smiles. “We would very much like to have your blessing.”

My dad is still staring at me, and I notice his eyes are welling up. I can’t tell the reason behind it, though, but my psychology skills tell me it isn’t pure happiness.

“Well,” he looks at his plate and picks his fork up, “you have it.” Then he continues eating.

The awkward silence entails the table, so my brothers hurry to stuff their mouths as well. Jamie is the only one smiling. “Congratulations, Lily!” He stands up and goes around the table to squeeze me into a tight hug.

“Thank you, Jamie,” I kiss his cheek.

“Congratulations,” my two other brothers say as well, although not as enthusiastically as they notice my father’s dissent. “I wish you all the luck,” Jason adds, giving me a half smile.RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“I think we should stop eating, because the party’s gonna begin in two hours from now, and I don’t wanna be too full for the feast,” Jake announces.

“More eating?” Ian asks, shocked, and we all burst into laughter.

“It’s a werewolf thing,” I explain, patting him lightly on his shoulder.

We leave to our rooms to prepare for the party. I am very excited to see all of my friends. It’s been so long since I last saw them. After having showered and brushed my teeth, I put on a simple attire – tight black leather pants, a black silk blouse, and red heels. I finish off with some mascara, subtle eyeliner, and bright red lipstick.

At 8 o’clock, Simone’s the first guest to arrive, along with her partner, Beta of Carter Pack. They look magnificent together. He is pretty tall and masculine, while she is petite and feminine. Although I agree with my father’s statement about them not really being mates. I’ve seen how mates around each other and these two simply can’t measure up.

“Lila!” she rushes to hug me.

“Simone, it been so long!” I hold her tightly. “You look amazing!”

“It’s love that makes me look this good,” she laughs and motions toward her plus one. “This is Derek. He is Darius’ Beta.”

“So I’ve heard,” I hold my hand out and shake hands with Derek. He has a firm handshake as expected. “I’m Lila. It is nice to meet you.”


“Congratulations for snatching the best gal in our pack,” I say warmly, and I mean it.

“I thought you left your pack,” he says.

He makes it sound as treason.

“Yes, I now live in the city,” I say as politely as I can. “And this is my fiancé Ian,” I take his hand and pull gently over.

“Oh my God!” Simone screams excitedly. “You’re engaged!”

Derek and Ian shake hands and the Beta narrows his eyes, seemingly displeased. “You’re not one of us.”

“No,” I lay a protective hand over my fiancé. “Ian is fully human.”

“Does he know?” he asks in a code.

“Yes, he does.” I answer confidently, not trying to sound polite anymore. If he is to be rude, I might just enjoy ripping his head off his neck. Maybe I’m being too protective over here, but I hate Ian feeling uncomfortable in my own home.

“That’s wonderful!” Simone says, amazed. “It’s like a movie love story!” She tries to subtly hit Derek and let him know he should stop being rude, but I still notice. That is a nice gesture of her anyway.

Other guests arrived soon as well. My three best childhood friends – Rachel, Helena, and Campton – missing one, the closest one I’ve had – Dione. But he’s gone now. He’s been gone for 8 years. All because of me.

My friends families have come with them, my father’s friends and their families, my brothers’ friends and their families, the Alpha and Gamma of our pack – Jorah and Graham – and a lot of people from the Carter pack. I guess now that Simone is linked to their Beta, the packs became tight knit.

A small group – consisting of my father, Alpha Jorah, Graham, Derek, Simone, and myself – gathers around the buffet and we start talking wolf stuff while sipping wine.

“How’s Jamie’s training going, Patrick?” Jorah asks my father.

Dad waves his hand off. “He is still learning.”

“Jake and Jason improved,” Graham comments. “I saw their progress yesterday on the field. Jacob has fast reflexes… Jason’s got a strong grip.”

My father nods. “They did improve. But they have a long way to go.”

Jorah’s eyes shift to me, suddenly. “This one never had to train hard, though. She is a natural. We all saw it since she was only a kid.”

Dad laughs to himself. “I’ve got three sons, gentlemen, and it’s this lovely lady that steals the show every time. Go figure,” he cheers.

The crowd laughs.

“It’s a real shame we lost a fighter like you, Lila,” Jorah tells me.

My dad nods absentmindedly. “Her wolf has always been the strongest of my kids’. Well, she’s the strongest in human form as well. She’s always been the rock of this family.”

My eyes well up without notice. I never knew my father felt that way. “Are you trying to make me change my mind and stay?” I jokingly say, caressing his hand.

“Oh no, I know that boat has sailed off long ago,” he says and throws a glance at Ian behind, as if blaming him for my absence.

I leave to greet my other friend and Ian follows me this time, along with my brother Jamie. He has been serving Ian as his personal guide slash encyclopedia tonight, and might I say enjoying it greatly.

“That’s Rachel,” he whispers to Ian as we approach my friend. “And the girl next to her is Helena. She’s super hot but already taken. She’s one of few people that has a mate. Mates are a complicated -”

“I know what it is, Lila explained,” Ian says.

“Ah, she really does share everything. Well, probably not everything,” Jamie winks at me, chuckling.

I roll my eyes with love. Little brothers…

“Helena! Gosh, you’ve changed so much! I wouldn’t have recognized you in the street.”

“Same goes for you, hot stuff. I already forgot how tall you were,” she says hugging me off the tip of her toes. Helena is a charming girl, reminding me of a seductive latina.

“It’s the heels,” I motion to the skyscrapers that are my shoes. But I notice the look in her eyes – she still blames me for what happened. And I can’t stand the look.

“I heard you’re getting married! That’s wonderful. Have you set the date yet?” Rachel asks. But her eyes tell the same story. Dione’s on all of our minds.

“Yes. It will be on December 20th, our five year anniversary.”

“How lovely.”

All of a sudden, a weird feeling envelopes me. My body starts to sweat and my heart is racing like crazy, even though I have no idea why.

I turn, scanning the room, as if looking for something. Then I notice somebody.

A muscular tall man, somewhere in his late twenties… He’s dark tanned, tattooed, slightly wavy hair falling to his buffed shoulders. One of his thick arched eyebrows is cut down the middle – probably something he earned himself in a fight.

His lips are manly, yet sensually full. His nose is rough and masculine, his eyes… black copper, yet two shining daggers. And I can’t stop watching him.

“Who is he?” I ask.

“Who?” Rachel follows my gaze. As if she could miss him. He’s the biggest guy in the room.

“Oh, him?”

I nod, unable to speak for some reason.

“That’s Darius Carter. The new Alpha of the Carter pack. You really have been absent from here long,” she laughs.

I force a smile even though I feel like I am about to faint.

“He’s just arrived. Without a date if I may notice,” Helena adds. “He’s the most desired bachelor in the area.”

“I think there’s something wrong with him, though,” Rachel says to Helena, but her words seem too muffled for me to hear properly. “Isn’t he acting weird?”

My heartbeat accelerates so badly, that I put a hand over my heart, fearing it might jump out of my chest. Even though my lungs feel stuffed with air, I struggle breathing. My hands are sweaty all of a sudden and my knees too weak. I want to sit down, but am unable to move.

Then our eyes meet.


“Lila! Are you okay?”

I hear the girls’ voices somehow. Why are they whispering? And why is everyone in the room spinning?

On the other side of the room, across from me, Darius is frowning, piercing me with his eyes. My stomach turns and tingles run down my spine, making me feel completely naked.

Then he starts walking towards me determinedly, even though it looks like he’s struggling to move.

I see people touching him, asking something, concerned, but he ignores them completely. I hear people saying my name through the muffled sounds of my heartbeat banging in my ears. Then suddenly everyone in the room disappears and there are no voices. The only sound is that of his footsteps and the only scent is the most beautiful, sensual, masculine smell I have ever felt.

Darius approaches me slowly at two feet away, but doesn’t stop. As everything seems slow motioned, I try to step back to avoid collision, but my feet won’t listen. Instead, I take a step forward and we meet at only an inch apart.

He is not frowning anymore.

He looks at me so intensely, so passionately, that I feel devoured.

Then he speaks in a low rugged voice.

“Hello, mate.”

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