His Mafia Bride

I own you


I pulled out a chair from the dinning area and shambled myself into it.

With nervousness building up in me, I took out a plate and served myself some food. As I did so, my breathing suddenly became hitched within me. It caged in my lungs and and I had to try calm myself.

“So how long have you and Dante being married?” Stella cheekily asked with a wink.

I downcasted my eyes and I pressed in my lips tightly. “Not for so long. Barely two months” I replied.

From the corners of my eyes, I could spot Dante’s face contorted and his knuckles were so balled up that I could swear it was turning white.

Oh my God. Why was Dante so vexed and tensed? I could clearly see that he was trying so hard to control his anger.

He was so inflamed with exasperation and it was without any fucking reason.

I mean it’s just dinner.

Am I not also allowed to relate with other people?

Dante’s over bearing attitude was just too much.

I sighed within me and took a drink of the glass of water kept beside me.

“So when will I be an aunty?” Stella’s excited voice chirped.

I instantly choked on the water I was drinking and my eyes lifted to face ecstatic eyes.

“Huh.. Excuse me?” I asked whilst nervously moving in my chair.

“I mean…” Stella trailed her eyes over to Dante’s who brooded nothing but anger in them.

“Dante I am expecting a baby girl from you both. You are too strict Dante and I know if you have a son you will definitely infect him with your attitude so a daughter will be so lovely” Stella smiled widely.

Her gazed walked back to me and she softly pinched my cheek. “Right Alina?”

I gave a faint smile and nodded my head.

“That’s enough” Dante abruptly spoke.

“Alina has had enough to eat. Alina leave here” Dante ordered me out rudely in everyone’s presence.

Luca, Enzo and Fabio all had a sorry expression for me written all over their faces.

It wasn’t their fault that Dante was mean towards me.

I flashed them all friendly smiles as I stood up.

“C’mon Dante. Why can’t she just stay?” Luca intervened.

“She’s my wife not yours. If I say she leaves then she leaves” Dante raged.

Fabio attempted to speak but I cut him in an instant.

“It’s fine. I’ll leave” I said.

Intervening more would spite up Dante and I wasn’t in any way ready for his brutal attitude.

I suppressed my already heighted discomfort for his unruly attitude and stood up pondorously.

“Dante you are so mean. She’s your wife not your slave” Stella scoffed with a roll of her eyes.

“But she’s my wife. It will be best if you don’t intervene Stella” Dante rudely replied.

“Why don’t I join you Alina?” Stella offered.

I was confused. Join me for what?

“I don’t seem to get you. Join me in what way?” I inquired.

Stella bolted up in a swift motion. “Since you are leaving let me accompany you. I can’t let you stay all by yourself. Let’s leave the guys and go have our ladies time some other place”

Stella seemed hyper and she grinned like a baby given candy.

“Uhm I don’t know about that” I declined the offer with my eyes repeatedly glancing Dante’s way.

Stella sighed and huffed. “Dante doesn’t mind. Or Dante do you mind?’ Stella inquired, her curious gaze at Dante.

Dante forced a plastic smile on his lips. “Take her with you”

I had my heart palpilating but I supressed my tremor and smiled at Stella.

“Let’s go Alina. We could become best friends you know” she was as happy as a lark.

Stella was so friendly and amicable. Enzo was very fortunate to have her as his woman.

“Sure stella. Right this way then” I took Stella’s hand, heading upstairs.

“Where are we going?” Stella asked.

“My room” I gave her a reply.

“You want to take me to you and Dante’s room?”

I could sense her apprehension and it made me chuckle out.

“No dear. Yes we share a room but I and Dante have our uhm private rooms. You know” I tried explaining in a way that wouldn’t give a hint of I and Dante’s strained relationship.

“Oh I love that. You know you need your own space girl” Stella concurred.

I gave a nod as we kept on walking until we reached the doors of my room.

Pushing apart the double of doors of my room, I pulled stella in before shutting it close.

“Welcome to my personal room” I chortled, adjoining her to sit on the bed with me.

“It’s very beautiful and lovely. You are so fortunate you know Alina” Stella told me laying her back on the bed with her arms folded and placed on her chest.

I had my brows furrowed at her words and I faced her intently.

I was nothing close to fortunate.

I was forced into an arraigned marraige with a man who not only hates me but has plans of killing me in the nearer future.

Dante practically hates me so much. He detests me to the core and every little thing I do spites him so much.

My family literally abandoned me and left me at the mercy of Dante.

Hate was probably an understatement of what that man felt for me and yet I was the fortunate one here.

“How am I fortunate?” I inquired.

Stella glanced at me, “I know Dante can be a bit overbearing and hard to deal with but he will always stand by your side and protect you”

I let out a pained chuckle.

Dante protect me? He was going to kill me very soon.

My killer was going to protect me? From what?

“What will Dante protect me from?” I sarcastically asked, my tone bitter.

Stella heaved a sigh and placed a hand on mine.

“I know you are Nikolia’s daughter. Your family and the Morelli’s have always been on each others throat for like generations. But this marraige you have with Dante, it will definitely end the feud and I believe there are people who are against you and Dante’s union”

Well I was definitely part of the people against I and Dante’s union.

Ever since I got married to Dante, my life had become hell.

But how does stella know so much about me?

“How do you know all these though?”

“I am Enzo’s girlfriend and a trained assassin in the mafia. My family; the Constanzo’s, are saddled with the responsibility of running Dante’s hotels, casinos and bars. I know alot about your family Alina. But I also feel you are different you know. I believe you can change Dante” Stella meticulously explained to me.

“Change him? Change him to what and why?” I threw Stella another question.

“Change Dante for the better. His parents death really messed him up. He is a hollow shell of his former self. Dante will learn to love you ok” Stella tried assuring me.

I let out a laugh and reluctantly accepted. “Ok. Whatever love means to him”

“I like you Stella. You are nice” I complimented her.

Stella smiled at me. “You too. So Alina tell me, how does it feel to be the wife of the most dreaded mafia leader?”

I erupted into fits of laughter. “Well it is….”

Stella made me feel good of myself. She was such an optimistic cheerful young lady.From NôvelDrama.Org.

But the thing about Dante coming to love or accept this marraige, I doubt it will ever happen.

I’m on a death row and I’m counting my days.

* * * * * *

My hands danced in the kitchen sink as I did the dishes. Dante had escorted his guests outside.

Stella really kept me company whilst the men discussed downstairs.

We talked about a lot of things and munched up a lot of snacks.

From boys, to first loves and first kisses, hobbies and preferences; literally everything talkable.

The surprised expression on Stella’s face when I informed her that I had never dated before was so hilarious.

I truthfully had never dated before. I don’t know why. Probably no man never met up to my taste.

Well there was no use dating now. I was fully married to Dante.

But in a nut shell, Stella made my night memorable.

The kitchen doors pushed open and I heard silent footsteps making its way towards me.

That was Dante.

My heart sank at once. I had totally forgotten how angry he became when I joined them for dinner and also when Stella offered for both of us to spend time together.

Gulping, I turned to face the formidable profile of Dante who stood right in front of me, his arms across his chest.

“Dante can I help you with anything?” I asked putting a brave mask.

Dante had his eyes burrowed into me. “Some guts you have there huh?”

“I don’t understand you?”

“Who gave you the authority to sit and have dinner with my guests? You accepted without even thinking twice. Tell me Alina who gave you such authority because I know I didn’t” Dante replied taking long strides towards me.

“Well your friends all wanted me to stay. I couldn’t turn them down” I explained.

“Did you marry them or you married me!? Do they own you or me?!” Dante demanded gripping my chin forcefully.

I flinched and had my face scrunched.

His nails were practically digging into my skin and I bet I would be bleeding once he lets go of my face.

“You are becoming so stubborn Alina” Dante scoffed.

“I-I am not. Let-t go” I stuttered as his finger nails drew blood from my skin.

“I own you” came his gruff response.

“Say it!” He sharply commanded.

“Y-you own me” I forced myself to speak as I tried to writhe myself away from Dante’s hold.

“Good. Make sure it sticks in that empty skull of yours. You better watch your back Alina” Dante gravelly threatened before letting go of my now bruised chin.

He walked out without even glancing back at me.

I let out muffled sobs as I watched Dante walk away.

Heavens I could not bear this longer.

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