His Baby’s Mama



I stood there frozen. Damon? What’s he doing me? And how the hell did he know I live here?

“Who’s there?!” Marcus shouted from the living room and Damon frown looking behind me to get a glimpse of who the voice belonged to, I guess and I didn’t bother answering Marcus because I was way too shocked and speechless to see Damon standing at the door but I later found my voice and opened my mouth to speak in anger.

“What are you doing here?!” my voice came out harsher that I wanted it to but I don’t regret anything. He deserve every bad thing that happens to him.

“I um came to talk to you” Damon responded, looking away after clearing his throat and I almost busted out in laughter.

He came to talk me? Why? To hurt me more?

Seriously, just leave me alone! My anger for him was rising by every passing second and I really tired to keep my mouth shut before I say something to him that I might regret but I just couldn’t BUT thankfully before I could’ve spoke, i was interrupted by Marcus and Bianca .

“Who are you and what do you want?” Marcus said as soon as he was now standing besides me and I jumped a bit when I felt one of his arms around my waist. I looked down at Marcus’s arms almost immediately and then up to meet his face. He just send me a smile and I gulp before turning my focus back to Damon, who was staring at Marcus’s arms around me and who’s expression had changed to more of an angry one.

“Oh um this is Damon” I introduced and Marcus and Bianca’s expressio changed right away to a glare. I guess they had figure out that this was the Damon I’ve been telling them about. “And Damon, this is Marcus and Bian-”

” Brian. I’m Brian. “Bianca cut me off and introduced himelf in another name and his voice sounded so musculine that I wonder if this was the same Bianca I knew. Then I almost jumped again when I was suddenly pulled into a chest.

“And what do you need from her?” I heard Marcus spoke and I pulled my head out of the mysterious chest to see that it was Marcus’s and he was sending angry glares at Damon who now had his hands fold and his jaw clenched.

“It’s private. So if you can let me borrow her for a few minute, I’m sure I’ll be out of your way and gone before you know it he said in a cold tone before pulling me out of Marcus’s chest and dragged me out of their house. I tried to fight back but it was no use and I looked to Marcus and Bianca from a far to see them both waving for me to go on and Bianca mouthing’He’s hot! Tell me everything when you get back then winked at me.

Rolling my eyes at them, I give in after a few more minutes and let Damon dragged me far away from the door. Bam! I was suddenly pushed into their fence, hitting my back slightly hard and looked up to see a furious Damon. I was now trapped between his arms, no way of escape and I could also se that he was angry, very angry.

“Really Camila?!! Living with two guys?!” He shouted in my face and I suddenly got angry. I had let him shout, dragged and hurt me enough I’m not gonna let that repeat it’s self!

“So ?! I can do what ever I want and I don’t see how that concerns you!” I shouted back, folding my arms and he just ignored. Swearing under his breath, he inhale before looking up to meet my face.

“Why did you move?”

“Because I can?” I responded but it sounded more like a question and Damon let out another breath, his eyes softening a little.

“Was it because you owned her a months rent and couldn’t pay her all of it?” He aksed and I looked totally shocked. how did he know?

I looked away after a few seconds and opened my mouth to lie since I didn’t want him to mingle in my business but I was interrupted by Damon again.

“Don’t lie to me Camila. She told me when I came looking for you” Why was he tooking for me?

“Why were you looking for me?” I asked with a frown on my face and he looked away and opened his mouth but close it again. He was hesitating to talk, I guess but he finally spoke after a few minutes of hesitating.

“Camila I know this might sound stupid of me but I want to ask you if you can work for me again. I.. want you to babysit Ethan again”

So he thinks I’ll just forget what he did to me and accept the job like some fool ?! Don’t take the job Camila! You don’t know if he might hurt you again. He had done enough plus Ethan had probably forgotten about you’my conscious said to me and I choose to go with what it said.

Memories of what he did to me suddenly flash back into my mind. He hurt me, kicked me out not even letting me give Ethan a proper good bye. Not even tetting me explained myself.

“No! I will not!” I said, tears pricking my eyes.”Just leave me alone and don’t even come here again” I said, pushing him away and walking as quickly as I can, back to Marcus’s and Bianca’s house.

“Wait! Camia!” His voice was heard from behind and l ignored it, walking faster and faster so that I could get back into the house and slam the door in his face but that couldn’t happen because I suddenly felt strong hands grabbed unto one of my arms and pulled me back. His familiar scent hit my nose again and I already knew who it was.

“Let go of me Damon!” I shouted loud but that damn guy didn’t listen and only held unto my arm tighter, bringing me to look at his face.

“I know you don’t want to because of what I did but Ethan really needs-”

“I don’t want to hear anything!”

I’m waiting for his apology of hurting me but apparently this bastard still don’t know what he did was wrong! So I didn’t want to see him!

“Camila, please listen to me. Ethan’s been cryin-”

“No! I don’t want to hear! Just leave me alone Damon and don’t show your face here again!” I cut him off again then forcefully yank my arm away from him

I ran towards the door hoping that he’s gone but he just won’t gave up! Damon was running behind me, almost catching up with me and I ran faster, holding in my tears, not wanting to cry in front of anyone and I was so thankful that Marcus and Bianca was still at the door. Marcus had his arms around Bianca and they were about to kiss but pulled away immediately when they saw Damon and I came into their sight and I ran straight into Bianca’s arms, burying my head in his chest, hoping that Damon will see this and leave.

“Oh sweety! What happened?” I heard Bianca asked then felt his hands stroking my hair while he held unto me firmly and I couldn’t hold the tears in any longer. I bust out into tears, just wanting Damon to leave.

“Camila.” Damon began and I guess he was standing in front of us now but I didn’t want to see him so I buried my head deeper into Bianca’s chest, hoping that he’l take that as a sign to leave but he still stood there.

“Camila Please listen to me. Ethan–”

“Stop! Please! Please let him leave” I begged while crying to Bianca and heard a growl from Marcus.


“Dude! She said leave! Are you deaf or something ?!” I heard Marcus shouted in annoyance and heard a sigh from Damon.

“Please. Please leave” I begged, speaking directly to Damon and peaked a little to see Damon looking in my direction. He let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hands through his hair then turned around and began walking away.From NôvelDrama.Org.


What do I do now? I had went to visit her after Ethan begged me and was ready to beg for her to come back since Ethan didn’t look good at all but I let that thought slip from my mind when I saw her in that oversize male t-shirt and became even more furious when I heard a voice of a male speaking.

I went to Camila’s apartment to look for her but the landlord said she had moved and that made me even more frustrated. How was I gonna find her now? It took me a few weeks, searching and looking around where she used lived but there was no hope. Then one day Mr. Slavay suggested we looked in the city and I decided to look there. It wasn’t that hard to find her though, since there were less houses and more hotels, cinemas and other business places there and I knew she won’t stay in a hotel since she didn’t have money, that’s what the landlord told me. So I went on and on checking every single house until I finally found her.

And when her beautiful face showed up at the door, happiness was bubbling in side of me. I wanted to wrapped my arms around her and pull her in for a hug but that stupid male voice made that thought leave my head.

I never though Camila would live with two guys. It just make me so angry just thinking about it. I f* cking hate them too! Especially that Marcus guy. I was trying to tell Camila that Ethan really misses her and needs her but he just had to cut me off then chase me away. He was so lucky that I didn’t want to do anything to him in front of Camila. I wanted to beat his ass up but instead, I clenched my jaw and walked away.

Now I driving home with Millions of thoughts running through my head. I was thinking what I’d say to Ethan when I got home. He’s really expecting to see Camila with me but I failed him. I hope he doesn’t cry again and throw a tantrum. I can’t stand to see him not eating, not sleeping and I never knew Camila was so important to him. Ethan had never acted like this because of a woman that he grew close to. Hell, he never even talked to anyone else expect Camila, my parents and I

Pulling into my garage. Turning my car off, I took another breath and tried to come to a decision whether to stay in the car or face Ethan. I really don’t want to see him cry .. But I can’t stay in here and let him continue to have hope that she’s with me. He needs to know. So letting out one final breath, I counted to three before l got out my car and entered my house.

I was immediately greeted by a happy Ethan charging towards me. I smile as he jumped into my arms but my smile immediately faded when he spoke.

“Daddy !! Is Ms. Davis back?!” Ethan asked happily. I really didn’t know whether to tell him that I have found her but she doesn’t want to listen to me or that I haven’t found her as yet. I didn’t what to see him hurt “Daddy?” Afer all it’s my faut If I hadn’t let her leave, Ethan wouldn’t be the way he is right now. It’s al because of me.

“Daddy? Where is she?” Ethan asked again, his happy expression fading away. He was now looking behind me, eyes searching for Camila and I guess he figured out she’s not here. That’s why his expression changed.

“I haven’t brought Ms. Davis back with me Ethan” I said truthfully and his eyes instantly became teary. He was about to cry and I didn’t want to see him cry. He had cry enough. So I had to do something. Something that will make his tears vanish and bring a bright smile to his face. The bright smile that he always look cute in. So I opened my mouth, about to say something that might not be a good idea but I think it might be sorted out in the end.

“But I can take you to her”


“Oh my god Camila! If you can’t cheer your ass up then imma make you regret you never listened to me!” Bianca said to me in a tone that sounded as if he was annoyed by me and

I let out a breath, running my fingers through my wavy yet messy hair. Damon haven’t too long gone and my head is exploding. , F**k! I should have accepted the job back! I don’t think I was in my right mind when I refused to listen to Damon. Ethan must be crying like crazy and I only hope that he’s fine.

“Camila honey, you need to cheer up. It’s not over as yet. You’ll see your son again, I assure you that and your baby daddy is a f ** king, hot, jerk to ever do shit like that and if he ever ask you to look after your son again, don’t deny this time. We know it’s hard but your son needs you and I’m one hundred percent sure you need him too.” Bianca said and Ihugged him, a tear falling from my face.

Ding dong! The door bell went off and Marcus, who Iforgot was here, got up.

“I’ll answer it “he said to us then walked off to the door and I lay my head on Bianca’s chest, comfortable silence filling the air.”

Uhh.. Camila ?!” I heard Marcus called and I snapped my head to the door, where he was, then answered.”

“I .. um belive there’s someone here to see you”he responded and I frown getting up. Walking towards the door, my eyes grew angry once more when I saw Damon standing at the door.

I walked closer to the door but suddenly froze when I saw a small shadow beside Damon and I looked down, my eyes widening again.

“Ms. Davis!” The little, familiar, voice squealed in happiness and the next thing I know, Ethan was in my arms. Is this a dream?

“E-Ethan?” I stammereda bit. I never thought he’d be in my arms so soon.

“Ms. Davis, it’s really you! You won’t believe how much I miss you!” He said, wrapping his arms around my neck and a sob escape my lips. I can’t believe this!

“Mommy misses you too” I said, a tear falling from my eyes and I also held onto him firmly, not daring to let go. I’ll never let go now that I have him in my arms.

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