His Baby Mama



I think I was a little too harsh on her. This is what I wanted and she deserve it anyways! When I found out that she was the mother of Ethan. His biological mother, I wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss the living day light out of her. I wanted to love her, care for her and put a damn ring around her finger.

I was so damn happy and shocked that all this time, the mother of my son was right under my own nose. I mean they resembled and all plus they had this kinda bound together. It was so obvious that they were mother and son but for some reason I was blind. I was more than happy to start a relationship with her but the memories of what I had heard about my son suddenly flooded my head and I suddenly became angry.

You couldn’t just be in a relationship after what she had put your son through, right?

And after she was gone, Ethan cried his eyes out. He tried running past me to open the door and ran after Camila but I stopped him. He don’t need her in his life. He only need me, that’s all. I also thought that Ethna would get over it in the next hour or so but he kept on crying, begging me to bring her back. Tear stained face, red eyes and he hiccup as hot tears poured down his face. He never stopped crying

I later took him upstairs to his bed room after we had ate dinner in silence. Ethan didn’t eat much at dinner though, he just looked spaced out while he nibble on his food. And here I am today, sitting in my office, my mind still thinking about that f ** king woman.

“Mr. Alexander, Ethan refused to leave his room and eat” one of the servant report to me and I sigh, dismissing him. Ethan wouldn’t leave his bedroom since Camila left. He would barely eat too and I was scared for him.

I was worried about his health. He would hardly talk to me and try to avoid me every chance he got. He won’t even call me to read him a bed time story anymore and most of the time, he lock himself in his bed room and won’t come out for days. I thought that he’d already get over Camila and accept his new babysitter.

Yes, I’ve hired a new babysitter but Ethan won’t talk to her, he won’t even be around her. Most of the time he would just hide away in his room. And I didn’t want him to be like this. I want him to be happy again but I knew that won’t happen unless I bring Camila back, which I’m not even thinking to do. ljust want it to be Ethan and I. That’s all. Rising from my seat, I exit my office and quickly made my way over to Ethan’s room to try and get him to leave his room to eat but already knew my attempts would only fail.

Knock knock!

“Ethan sweetheart! Open up please” I knocked on the door and said but heard nothing fora while until he had decided to finally answered.

“Not until you bring Ms. Davis back” I sigh, rubbing my head in frustration.

“She’s not coming back Ethan. She can’t”

“Why ?!” He asked on the other side of the door, his voice sounded like he was about to cry again.

“Because I said so” I responded. I refused to tell him that Camila was his mother. I really don’t know how he’ll react after he finds out everything ..

“B-but I like her daddyl She even treats me like her own son–”

“You’re not her son and she’s not your mother!” I cut him off in a cold voice.

“But she treats me like her son though. Daddy, Did you know that she stood up for me once when those kids, who use to bully, made fun of me at the park saying I don’t have a mother? She actually told them that she was my mother and made them apologize before shooing them off. Dad, I really really like Ms Davis daddy! Please understand this and I want her back! No one else will ever replace her”he said over the door in a sad voice that was begging me to bring her back and 1 almost fell for it.

It was her plan! To get Ethan to bring her back and I won’t let that happen

“No Ethan! She’s never coming back!” I said in a cold voice and heard a sub over the other side of the door.

“Then I’m never leaving my room again!” he shouted in an angry tone.


I’m hurt, sadand depress. The way Damon yelled at me, dragged me away from our son and slammed the door in my face kept replying in my head over and over again.

It’s been a few days now since Damon had fired me and I haven’t left my house once. I would only got up, fed Coco and go back to bed. I wouldn’t eat sometimes too but I was a total mess. My hair was messed up on my head, my eyes were red with dark circles around them and eye bags and I really need to keep my body healthy cause I was losing weight from not eating as usual.

But I couldn’t eat when Ethan’s teary face flashed before me. My heart clenched seeing him begging his father to let me stay and I was hurt too, I was hurt seeing him in such state. I once had a son who was taken away from me and now that I’ve found him, after I had given up, he’s taken away from me again And now I have no one, except Coco. I don’t have any friends nor any family members. I’m officially a loner.

“CAMILA !!” A voice brought me back to earth and I sigh as I immediately recognize the voice. Oh God, what should I do?!

“CAMILA !!! I know you can hear me! Come out here this instancel!” Mrs. Jones shouted from outside and I hesitated before I finally got up and ran towards the door. taking a deep breath, I counted to three before I opened the door and was met with a very angry Mrs. Jone.

“What took you so long?!! Where you trying to ignore me ?!”

“I’m really sorry Mrs. Jones, I was sleeping when you called” I apologize then lied and she send a glare at me before opening her mouth to talk .

“Anyways, I’m here to talk about something else” she began and I nodded my head before I told her to go ahead and she continued. “Well today is the last day I’ll give you to pay me all of my rent you owed. I can’t do this anymore!” My eyes widen in total shock.

What? !!!

Everytime Damon paid me on weekends, I would take almost all of the money and pay her what I had owed but I would leave a little sum back from my own use. So I had already paid Mrs. Jones half of my rent I owned and don’t know where I’ll find the rest of the money to pay her since I no longer work. But why all of a sudden she wants me to pay her out in a day? Did someone tell her something? I’m confused.. but I can’t leave here. I have no where else to go. I’l just be homeless. So I had to do something. I had to beg even. I don’t care anymore! I just can’t leave

“M-Mrs. Jones Please. I beg you please don’t put me out! I don’t have anywhere else to gol I have no one to take me in, no other place to stay! I promise I’ll find a job and pay you out! just give me some time, please!” I begged, booming my head, feeling embarrassed of my actions but I was desperate. I couldn’t just leave, having no where else to go .. I lifted my head, after a while, when she didn’t say anything and saw her looking at me with a raised brow then she rolled her eyes at me before speaking.

“I don’t care Camila! I give you enough time to pay me but you couldnt so you have to go! There’s already someone waiting to move in this afternoon so I expect you to get your things pack now and leave early this afternoon! “She spat in my face and I looked at her even more shocked, taking in everything she had just said.

“M-Mrs. Jones–” “I don’t want to hear anything Camila! I already spoke so I hope to see your things pack and ready to leave this afternoon” She cut me off, saying in an tone as if she was annoyed by me.

“N-no! Mrs. Jones! You can’t just put me-“I tried to find an excuse to let her make me stay but she cut me off before I could be completed my sentence.

“Goodbye Camila” waving at me, she turned around and I watched as she dissappear into the dark shadow

What? She can’t just put me out.. i dont have no where to go! Why do I have to be so unlucky?! Everything is taken away from me! And I did nothing to deserve this. I grab a fist full of my hair and sigh in frustration. Locking the door, I slid down to the foor feeling so f ** ked up right now. Tears began to pour down mine eyes as I tried to not think about all the bad stuff that can happen when I’m gone .. Where will I go?


I sigh, grabbing my suit case. This is it! I’m leaving the place Ive grown up in for almost five years.

M officially homeless now with nowhere to go. It was the after noon already and I had all my things packed, read to go. After I had done crying, I have made my mind up to go to Mrs. Jones and beg her but I knew she won’t listen to me so I shouldn’t bother embarrassing myself any further.

Sighing, I walked to the door and a tears fell from mine eyes when I turned around and give once last glance at the house inside. I’ ll miss you Wiping my tears away, I turned around before I walked out of the house and locked the door behind me, not daring to look back I was officially homeless now ..

It was now dark .. I was walking the streets for almost two hours now and Coco was sleeping peacefully on her pen as if she had no stress in the world.

I was pulling my suitcase along with me and Coco’s pen in my other hand. I was exhausted from all the walking and have decided to rest for a minute so I stopped off at the front of a bar or something like that. I couldn’t go any further for now so I took a seat at the cold floor and rest my suitcase and coco’s pen down before taking a bottle of water out and gobbled it down like a hungry child.

After I had felt a little better, i’d decided to rest a little more then I’ll continued in another fifteen minutes but that was a BIG mistake I made because as I sat at the cold dark streets, there was a sudden noise that frightened me for a moment. I immediately looked around and saw that it was only two drunk me leaving the bar and I sigh in relief but hold my breath after I had realize their eyes were on me and they began making their way over to me.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Hey beautiful! What’s a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?” One asked and I completed ignored him, getting up to leave. It’s not safe here. F ** k, why did I even stopped here to take a break ?! Out of all places, here? !!!

Iquickly grabbed my suitcase and was about to grab Coco’s pen when a strong, muscular hand, harshly grabbed mine and pulled me towards him.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me you whore!” He shouted in my face while my heart beat sped up and I tried or wiggle my hands out of his. “Let go of me !!” I shouted on the top of my lungs, hoping that someone will hear me, after they had only laughed at me and began pulling me towards a dark alley. Oh no no no!

“Help! Someone! Help me !!!” I shouted again, just hoping that someone will hear me this time.

“Shut up whore! And you better keep that pretty mouth of yours shut and save some energy because I’m sure you’ll need it after we’re done with you!” He said with a smirk on his face and pulled me harder towards the dark ally while the other one just laughed and followed behind.

I continued to yell and shout for help but none came and I began to cry, thinking about all the bad stuff theyre about to do to me. I don’t want this !! Then he slammed me into the wall, trapping me between his arms and began to grind his body against me while I squirm in disgusts and tried to get away from him.

“Mmh. you like that don’t you ?! You want me to f ** k you so hard, you whore. Don’t you ?!” He asked, bitting his lips as he continued and I only had one option left . Beg

“Please! I beg you, please stop! I don’t want this !!” I cried aloud as he continued to grind himself against me, not bother listening to me and the other guy was looking at us in anger.

“Dude! You said we’d share her!” He said to the man grinding against me and he sigh before pulling away to speak.

“Fine. Take off her pants while I take her bra off and then I’ll have her first and you can have her after” he said to the other man and my eyes widen, my body quickly reacting as I used all of my strength to get away from them, screaming louder then ever.


“bitch! Shut the f ** k up! We know you want our d * cks. Don’t pretend you don’t” one cut me off by landing a slap on my face then said after and I cried out even more, wanting to die right now.

They then proceed to take my pants and bra off while I kept on wiggling and crying, screaming in disgust, trying to get the off and stay from me but nothing seems to work. But just when one of them was about to pull my bra off, a voice, out of nowhere spoke, making them stopped what they were doing.

“What the f ** k do you think you’re doing?!”

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