His Abused Mate

Chapter 42 Sweater weather

Cecilia’s pov

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some cookies and my cup of hot coco. It’s fall and it’s started to get cold here. I was wearing a huge sweater with some sweats and socks. Jason came inside from cutting wood. He went upstairs and changed he came back down and sat with me. He stole a cookie from my mouth, like I was about to bite it and he snatched it out my hand and ate it. “Hey that was mine.” I said “Not anymore.” He said he took my cup and drunk a little. “You’re taking everything from me.” I said he laughed. “Sorry not sorry.” He said giving me back the cup. I drink a little, it was really good. “I could make you a cup.” I said “I think I’ll just drink yours.” He said “Find I guess I can make me a cup.” I said getting up and waddling into the kitchen. I rested a hand on my stomach as I stood watching the coco being made. “Deanna.” Jason said. “What?” I asked “For our baby girl, her name. Deanna, do you like it?” He asked my coco was done, I poured it into a mug and went back into the living room. “Yeah I like it.” I said as I sat down. “Deanna Zoe Elizabeth Riles.” I said “Jason Alexander George Rupert Riles Jr” I said thinking of our baby boy’s name. “I like it, so it’s official that’s going to be their names?” Jason ask biting into another cookie. “Yeah I like both names.” I said taking a sip of my coco. “Than its official, little ones your going to love your name whether you like them or not.” Jason said leaning over and talking to my stomach. I laughed and Jason continued to talk to the babies. The moments like these I enjoy the most. The house phone rang interrupting the moment. “I’ll get it.” Jason said hopping up and running over to it. He picked it up. “Hello?” He said all I could make out on the other side of the phone was Garrett.. hurt.. critical condition. Jason looked at me sadly.”I’m on my way.” He said than hung up. “Garrett’s been hurt, real bad and they need me their just in case he might you know pass over.” He explained coming over to me and grabbing my hands. I teared up when he said pass over. “I have to be there too.” I said getting up. “I don’t want you to.” Jason said “You can’t make me stay, I have to be there for Val. She needs me, Garrett needs me! Please don’t make me stay!” I cried Jason kissed my cheeks than my lips. “I’m sorry but stay here.” He said he kneeled down and kissed my stomach. “I love you.” He said not only to the babies but to me. He grabbed his keys and shoes and quickly left. Once I saw the car drive away. “Look kids when me and your father tell you not to do something you better not do it, unless it’s a good reason. We are going to go see Garrett, he’s family and he needs us.” I said talking out loud and to the babies. I pulled on my shoes, it was a struggle but I did it. I grabbed the keys to the other car and got in. “Probably not suppose to be driving but hell whatever.” I said buckling up. I started the car and started driving to the pack house. “Garrett is going to be okay, I know it. He’s strong, he’s going to make it.” I told myself but than I started crying. What if he doesn’t make it? Val will be heart broken, if Garrett makes it. We are going to run it. I pulled up the the pack house and saw Jason’s car out front. I turned off the car and got up. I ran inside, pack members where sitting around in the living room. They looked surprised when I came in the front door. “Where’s Garrett?” I asked out of breath. “Infirmary.” Brady said I nodded and sped walked back there. I saw Garrett’s parents sitting outfit the door in tears. Fuck it’s that bad?? They looked shocked when they saw me. “Are you his parents?” I asked They nodded. “Garrett is going to be okay, I know it.” I said they didn’t say anything. They just nodded again and held each other. Aww they were so old looking and still together. I walked into the room and my heart broke when I saw the sight. Val was next to Garrett holding his hand bawling her eyes out. Jason was kneeling at the bottom on the bed, his head in his hands. I gently closed the door. I took off my shoes and walked over. I sat down next to Val, she looked startled when I sat next to her. She relaxed when she saw it was me. “Luna..” she sobbed than hugged me tightly. She cried into my shoulder, as a Luna I did what I knew was best. I comforted her, cooing soothing things into her ear. Telling her it was going to be okay, Garrett’s going to make it. “Val.. come on… let’s take a walk, his parents want to see him.” Jason said softly. “I don’t want t-to l-leave h-him..” she said burst into tears again. “I know it’s okay. He’s not going anywhere.” He said taking her arm. She slowly stood up, she leaned over and kissed his cheek. Than left with Jason comforting her. I moved over a seat and grabbed his hand. “Garrett I don’t know if you can hear me.. but I want you to know that you were always like a brother to me, you were the chillest and laid back person ever. Val needs you, your parents and the pack needs you. Shit I need you too, you gotta wake up. It won’t be the same without you. But if you have to pass on, it’s okay. You can let g-go..” I said crying at the end. “I a-ain’t going no where Luna, can’t get rid of me that easily.” I heard Garrett’s hoarse voice say. I looked up and smiled when I saw him opening his eyes. “You’re okay!” I said “I’ll be okay.” He said sitting up a little wincing. “Easy buddy take it slow.” I said “Is Val okay?” He asked looking around the room frantically. “She’s okay, she was scared she was going to lose you.” I said “I should go get her.” I said letting his hand go. “Please I only wanna see her.” He said I nodded. I walked out the room, his parents were about to walk in. “The Doctor is in there, he said no one can go in there.” I said stopping them I felt bad for lying to them. They nodded sadly and sat back down. “Val! Valentina!” I yelled as I walked through the house. I heard footsteps she was in front of me in a split second. “Yes Luna what?! Is he okay!?” She asked frantically. “He’s awake he wants to see you.” I whispered so no one would hear. She lit up and ran past me yelling. “Baby I’m coming!” I laughed softly and smiled. “Is he okay?” I heard a voice ask I looked and saw Jason. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. “Yes he’s okay.” I said “He woke up.” I added. “He did!? I gotta see him.” Jason said I stopped him. “He said he wants to see Val right now. He’ll want to see you, soon enough.” I said he sighed and nodded sadly. “Baby he’s going to be okay. He’s awake and talking.” I said hugging his waist. He wrapped his around around my shoulders, resting his head on top of mine. “I thought I was going to lose my best friend.” He said softly. “I know, he’s okay.” I whispered. I rubbed his back when I felt something wet hit my head. I pulled away and looked at him. “I hate crying.” He said “It makes me feel weak.” He said looking away from me. I turned his head back toward me, I smiled. “We all have to cry eventually, the strongest people cry. You can’t keep your emotions bottled up. You aren’t weak, you have feelings just like everyone else. You’re strong, we both know it. I love you even more when you show you care about someone, you’re a compassionate person babe.” I explained as I wiped his face. He smiled down at me “And I love you even more because you are the best thing that happened to me. You give wonderful speeches, the moon goddess gave the total package.” He said kissing my head. I blushed “A total package?” I asked “Yeah you’re the whole ba-bam.” He said I giggled. “Ba-bam!” I said I pecked his lips. “Just what I needed.” He said. “Excuse Luna Alpha.. Garrett wants to see alpha.” I heard Val said. I turned and Val looked tens times better. We all walked to the room and Garrett was talking to his parents. When they saw Jason they thanked him and left. Jason sat next to Garrett, and they started talking. I closed the door a little, me and Val sat in the hallway. I heard Jason and Garrett laughing after a while, I smiled at that. “Thank you.” Val said “For what?” I asked “Being here, waking Garrett with you emotional speech.” She said “I needed you.” She added. “I know I knew I had to come.” I said hugging her. I’m glad Garrett’s okay. We fell asleep to Garrett and Jason’s chatter and laughs.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

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