Chapter 22

” Tess, that isn’t it and we both know it.. first, I’m sorry I kissed you without your permission but just like you I couldn’t help nor could I resist it.. and since you don’t want to openly admit the ‘why’, I will have to admit mine first” I began but I was already developing cold feet

I couldn’t help wondering how Tessy will likely react or if she even felt the same way towards me, I had fear of many things altogether

I was scared of Tessy’s reaction and also scared of hurting Sophie, whom I thought loves me so much

I was also scared of running faster than my shadow only to end up getting hurt, if truly Tessy is in a serious relationship with someone else

” Admit what? Sorry but I don’t understand what you mean!” Tessy answered bringing me out of my thoughts, and I knew right there that I needed to clear the air by confessing my feelings for her no what the outcome would be.

It’s either today or never! I thought inwardly

After deciding this, I looked at Tessy straight in the eyes and boldly told her all the words in my heart;

” I don’t know when or how it happened but Tess I think I have fallen in love with you… infact I no longer think nor am I confused, I know and I’m one-hundred percent sure that I have fallen in love with you and want you as my woman..” I confessed and stared at her to see her reaction before I continued unabashed

” … at first I didn’t want to admit it, I even tried fighting it… I kept living with the denial that it is my wife Sophie that I love and not Tessy my hired wife, but Tess after hearing all those phone conversations and weighing all the jealousy and emotions in my heart…. I realized without a doubt that it is you that I am now in love with but I kept on running away and living in denial for fear of the unknown.. now I am openly admitting to you that I love you Tess!” I concluded and after the confession felt as though a weight has been lifted off my chest

I watched as Tessy eyes kept flickering, and then it became unreadable

” Okay I’ve heard you Ton but unfortunately for you, I don’t feel the same way towards you… I came here to work for money and would love to do that without any distraction or anything or anyone getting in the way.. so please let me focus on my job by keeping whatever happened between us today behind us.. thank you” Tessy said and boldly walked out on me

I stood fixated there, unable to take a move

This was one of the things I was scared of and trying to avoid, rejection!

God knows how Tessy thinks of me now; maybe as a loose boss who is only trying to get in between her legs.

I heaved heavily before finally walking away from where I stood.

I went into my bedroom to rest my head as I knew that I needed it badly after that rejection from Tessy.


We continued living like two strangers in the house, only using casual and monosyllabic words with each other.

It got to a point Angie noticed the cold atmosphere between us and had to ask us what the problem was, but we simply told her it was adults matters.

Thursday evening I decided that enough is enough, I’ve accepted the fact that nothing is ever going to happen between us, we are boss and employee and that is how it might likely remain forever.

Moreover my wife Sophie is coming back on Saturday so I need to put my acts together, who knows? probably after re-channeling my love and attention to her, my love for her will return back afresh.

I just want us to return back to how we were as cool friends, before that kiss and confession I made happened.

After making that decision, I moved to her bedroom so as to talk to her, this was shortly after bathing and putting Angie to bed.

I opened the door and got into her bedroom to see an impressively arranged bedroom

I smiled at the new change I have been seeing lately

I heard sounds of stifle cries from across the bed which immediately got my attention because Tessy is the only one laying on it, which means it’s coming from her.

But why is she crying? Did something bad happen at home?

I thought in concern as I walked closer to her bed, only to meet Tessy crying face down on her pillow

” Tess why are you crying? is everything okay?” I asked getting alarmed

After hearing my voice, Tessy slowly lifted her head from the pillow and with puffy eyes answered that she is okay, but I knew that she is lying to me

“.. please Tess talk to me, why are you crying? did something bad happen at home?” I asked for the umpteenth time since I came in but she still kept quiet sniffling

” it’s nothing Ton, I’m fine… It’s just personal affairs which you don’t have to worry about, I will sort it out myself.. that aside why are you here?” Tessy said wiping her tears and trying to appear all strong, but on her face it was clearly shown that whatever it is that is breaking her down was clearly still hurting her

” Since you don’t want to tell me what is bothering you… No problem! I came for us to discuss on what has been going on between us lately” I said plainly looking at Tessy

” What do you mean by that?”

Tessy asked pretending not to know what I mean

” Tess I have accepted that we can never have anything together aside a boss and employee relationship… so please lets go back to how we used to be as good friends instead of all this cold treatment you keep showing me… Angie too is getting emotionally affected even though she tries not to show it” I told her all with all honesty

” Do you honestly think that we can still go back to how we used to be as good friends after those love confessions you made to me?” Tessy queries looking at me squarely

” Well I know it will be difficult but lets just give it a try, at least for Angie’s sake!” I answered shrugging

” Okay but I’m still curious though.. why do you love me when we both know that you are married? what is it you really want from me? or are you trying to keep me as a side chick? I don’t get it Ton!” Tessy inquired and I smiled

Oh! how much I’ve missed this her questionnaire side of her.

” One question at a time Tess.. I am not a computer you know!”

” Okay.. first question; why do you love me as a married man that you are?”Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

” I do know that your looks, talent and personality is what first attracted me to you.. but with every passing day I’ve lived with and gotten to know you.. I’ve grown to love you deeply as a person beyond your looks, talent, personality or flaws! I love you Tess” I confessed unable to control myself

” Okay.. the second question; what is it you really want from me?”

” When I am sure about my feelings for a woman, I will want a serious love relationship with her.. that’s the same thing I want from you Tess!”

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