Her Mafia Lord


CHAPTER Eighty Five

Everyone was settled at the round table, waiting for Giovanni to arrive. It had been close to one hour and when no one was coming forth, Luke decided it was the perfect moment to carry out his plan.

He stood up from his seat, while others watched and approached the head of the table and sat down comfortably on it.

“How dare you!” Xavier asked as he wat he’s Luke sit comfortably at the table.

“Gentlemen, I am amazed that you all aren’t seeing what I am seeing; why haven’t the table progressed positively over the past few months? Are we so daft to see that Giovanni has clearly being the problem of this table?” Luke asked, looking at every corner at the table.

“This is a very stupid thing for you to say Luke!” Xavier commented.

“Old man, your time is up at the table. You don’t have a say in what we do at this table” Xavier was pissed that he stood up to go slap Luke, when all the escorts at the table, aimed their gun at him.

“Are you people nuts? Don’t you know who I am at this table?” Xavier asked, staring at every member of the soldiers whose guns were on his head.

“Like I said before, your presence in this table is becoming a nuisance, and it is only befitting to put an end to it!” Luke stated.

“Who are you to even think that you are worthy of seating at that table Luke? Even if Giovanni was to have himself divided into two, you would not still reach up to the height he has been able to achieve all these years” Xavier blew hot at him

“Enough of all this stupid talks, get him out of this table at once” Luke instructed his Men who without hesitation, grabbed Xaveir and forcefully threw him out of the round table, into the empty hall and locked the door.

“Anyone else wants to go with him?” Luke asked, staring at each member with no one, daring to challange him.

“Very well then. Gentlemen of this great table, I am not just forcefully using a coup to take over this table, I am doing this for a very important reason. As you all know at the moment, the elections are coming up and the fact that we are at the loosing end, is a thing to worry about” There was murmuring at the table.

“You all might be thinking I am wrong, but the truth remains that; Tina at the moment, does not stand a chance against Buddy. She is really weak and unfit”

“So what do you propose?” Millie asked, with a smile on his face.

“I propose that we throw our support on Buddy and atleast earn his favour, once he is in government”


The day for the meeting at the round table came surprised to every Elite members, they were all of the opinion that it was always held at the end of the month.

Brown had summoned the meeting owing to the fact that Rondon had pleaded that the meeting be held, as he had something very important to say.

Once everyone was gathered, Brown entered the room and every single Elite member, stood up as a sign of respect to the king.

“I greet you all, you may have your seats” Brown said, making a gesture for them to sit down.

“You all may be wondering, why I have summon for this unexpected meeting? I need you to understand that this meeting today, is not of my making, but if President Rondon’s making” Brown explained, pointing towards Rondon, who had a smile on his face.

“So your excellency, the table is all yours to speak” Brown urged him to go on with his speech.

“Thank you very much Brown. I must thank all of you, for honoring my invite to this great meeting today. As you all know, the elections are fast approaching and there are indeed two candidates for this year’s election. Although both are not from this table, it is pertinent that we give our support to a candidate that would have our interest at heart. That is why, at this very minute, it is important I reveal that i have backed Buddy up as the candidate to win this election” There was applause at the table. Brown on the other hand, had a scowl on his face. He was not a fan of Buddy, ever since his artricious act on his daughter.

“Now, I need everyone to decide collectively, should we go for Buddy or go for Tina?” Rondon asked.

“Who will not want to go for Buddy. It is an important fact to draw our attention to the fact that Tina is a woman. Having a woman, rule the seat of the nation would only cause chaos and pandemonium, especially amongst the underground world” One of the members of the Elite stated.

“We are all speaking with one voice at the moment, but I noticed that our king has a different view, judging from the look he has on his face” Another member pointed out, causing everyone to look at Brown.

“What are you talking about, I am for this table and it would be the ultimate abomination to betray this table and you know that” Brown was pissed with the fact that some of the members at the table did not trust him in any way.

“I need you to be honest with us, do you or do you not support Buddy?” Rondon asked, staring at Brown sternly.

“I owe my allegiance to this table, and whatever the table decides, I stick with it” Rondon looked at Brown for a moment, and nodded his head to agree to his opinion.

“Now that we have collectively decide on this matter, it is to say that we the Elite, hereby support Buddy for presidency” There was loud cheer at the table as Rondon, made the official announcement.From NôvelDrama.Org.


The bishop was settled in his office, when Tina arrived. The moment their eyes met, the bishop sighed in frustration.

“Young lady, you are really getting on my nerves. I have told you on several occasions that there is no way I can help you”

“I am not here in the ground of politics bishop. As you can see, I am not with my usual escort” The bishop turned to look around to see that she wasn’t truly with her escort

“Why are you here then?”

“I am here because, I came to seek advise” Tina approached the seat and sat down comfortably. She was trying not to cry as she seek comfort with the Bishop.

“Tina Marco, whatever the problem is, I need you to understand that there is one man that can listen to all and would not judge you”

“I am tired bishop, many people don’t see the pressure mounted on my head to win this election at all cost” Tina explained.

“Look, if there is anything God wants for his children, is for them to be happy and be glad in hia sight. I want you to understand that, no matter the situation, no matter the circumstances, he is in control. You may be thinking all hope is lost at the moment, but I need you to understand that you still have hope in God” Tina surprisingly, found his words very comforting and so, cleaned up her tears.

“Bishop, I need you to be honest with me. What do you think of my coming out as president? I know that you are a very strict and disciplined man, but I want to know what you feel about my coming out for presidency” The bishop sighed for a moment and looked at Tina.

“I understand that you are tensed about this presidential election coming and let me tell you a little secret, Buddy was here and unlike you, he threatened to make my life unbearable if I don’t find a way to announce him as the God chosen candidate” Tina was shocked at what the bishop was saying.

“That is really bad” Tina commented “I may have forced the president to endorse me but they were just empty threat. No one should be put in a state of duress, we all have our choice” The Bishop loved the fact that Tina was thinking logically and not like Buddy who was more ruthless and aggressive.

“It’s all in the past now. But I told myself, if anything were to happen to me, I would lay an inevitable curse in him that would follow him, all the days of his life” Tina was listening deep into what the bishop said, when she suddenly had a phone call from Giovanni.

“Sorry I have to take this bishop” She left the office and stood by the side to pick up the call. “Hello?”

“Hey Tina, where are you?”

“Why are you asking?” She was curious as to hearing the tone of desperation in Giovanni’s voice.

“I need you to come up right now, there is serious trouble at the table. Luke has practically forced himself as the head” Tina couldn’t believe it

“That is impossible, how did he do it?”

“We cannot talk on phone, I need you to come over to my place, we need to have a serious meeting with Uncle Xavier” Giovanni finished off and hanged up the phone.

Tina returned back to the office “I am so sorry Bishop, but I have to go. A matter of urgency has arisen that needs my attention” Tina said, picking up her purse and was about leaving, before the bishop called abruptly.

“Becareful in all your endeavors young lady, i need you to stay alive” Tina, saw those words as encouragement before heading out of his office.


It was nightfall and Bianca was fast asleep, when she suddenly felt a hand, crawl over her body. She immediately jolted up to her feet, to see who it was that had touched her.

“My God! Amore, you scared the shit out of me” Bianca stated, holding her chest to ease her fear.

“I am sorry baby, but I need you right now, I am damn horny” Bianca didn’t know if she was hearing straight and said

“What did you say?”

“I said, I am horny, I need you right now” Amore whispered to her.

“You must be out of your mind” Bianca stated, throwing the duvet over her body and going back to sleep.

“You cannot possibly leave me with a hard boner!” Amore mentioned, getting irritated by her denial.

“Listen here real quick, if you don’t give me what I want this very minute, I will have the boys kill Alonso” Amore threatened.

Bianca straightened, upon hearing this and immediately rose up to look at Amore, who had a smirk on his face.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked

“Because you are my wife remember? We wedded few days ago”

“It was a marriage of inconvenience and you know that. You had a gun, pointed to my head and forced me to say those vows. You even forced the bishop to bless the union” Amore didn’t care about all she was saying.

“Well, the fact remains that I am horny at the moment and i need you right now. Of you don’t satisfy me, I won’t hesitate to have my men kill your son” Bianca felt like crying. She was going to have sex with Amore under duress. Thinking about it, she wondered why all her life, she had to do peop’s bidding under duress. It was hard to swallow that she couldn’t loose her son and so, decided to do the unthinkable.

“Okay! I have heard you” She mumbled but Amore was sharp enough to caught on to what she had said.

“Alright then, I need you to strip at once!”

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