Her Mafia Lord


CHAPTER Seventy Nine

“These are the things I love to see” Amore said, as the young lad from the Elites table laid down flat before him

“You have been much more ambitious than Giovanni would ever be. All he knows is dangling around like a certified dog who had just been given bone to eat and give us his ‘I have a huge project speech’ Giovanni is not a good leader” Luke said.

Luke was one of the members of the table and seen how he could not get the righr attention he need, he had decided to come over to Amore and team up with him.

“I like the fact that your eyes are finally opened to the truth. You see, one of the reasons Giovanni didn’t want me as leader of the table was because he felt our late father had already made him an acting leader before his demise. And the fact that I am better than him when I comes to ruling people irks him alot” Amore explained.

“I want to join forces with you, I want to show Giovanni that he had discriminated me for long and I am ready to rain heavy commotion on his table” Amore smiled seeing the determination on his face.

“You are still young kid and i like the spirit of enthusiasm you have coming. I must warn you however, I this is all a set up by you, then we have no choice than eliminate you” Amore warned.

“My loyalty lies with you Amore”

“How can you be trusted? Your loyalty swings from trees to trees”.

“I came with my legs and i have given It a huge thought. Working with you is the only way to have my voice recognized” Like explained.

“Very well then, stand up to your feet and let’s talk” Luke brushed off the imaginery dirt on his skin and sat down opposite Amore, staring at him attentively.

“You may already know that Buddy is coming out for Presidential ambition and we need all the support we could get to knock Tina off the pole”

“So how do I come in? How do i fit into this scenario” Luke asked.

“You will be the black sheep at the table. As it stands, everyone at the table would definitely support Tina. This is a huge disadvantage because it means places like New York, Kansas, California, Hollywood, Boston and Brooklyn would all be given to Tina. Buddy may have his few alleys in other state but where there is a block vote from these states, the election is definitely over” Amore explained. “I want you to be the one that causes commotion at the table, I want you to make sure there is unrest at the table and no one agrees to whatever Giovanni has to say. Everyone with opinion of their own”

“But I am one of the youngest in the table” Luke reminded him.

“I like the fact that you are young. This mean that your energy and enthusiasm would be very important to our role in this election” Amore finished off.


“You still haven’t told me your motive of coming over to the Bureau Mr. Jeffery” The head of the Bureau, Anderson asserted.

“I am here because, I know you very well” Anderson chuckled at rhe foolish reply he had gotten from Jeffery.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Everyone knows that I am the head of the Bureau services, here in New York City, so what are you talking about?” Anderson asked.

“There is something you hiding, something you and I know that if the public finds out, you would be roasted by the unending rage of the people”

“Young Man, clearly your don’t have anything to do in my office. I will want you to excuse me because I am busy” Anderson was fed up already by the man’s antic.

“Do you know Marco?” Anderson was thrown off balance with the question. He hadn’t seen that question coming and kept mute for a second.

“Oh! You do know Marco. It is written all over your face. There is no way you can deny it my dear”

“And what do you care if I know Marco or not” Anderson asked, covering up the obvious shock he had encountered when the question was thrown to him.

“Mr. Marco, one of the powerful and dominant leaders in the Elites bloodline. First married to Ellein and had a twin named Giovanni and Tina and a step son from another woman named Amore. These names I just mentioned happen to be the for figure runners in this election today. Isn’t it?” Anderson just gawked at Jeffery as though he had grown two heads. How was he able to figure out the entire history with such clean ease.

“I know Marco, he was a reputable man in the whole of New York and he was lived by many. Yes Tina is his daughter and she is running for Presidency. While Amore on the other hand is the manager of Buddy who is Tina’s opposition in the polls” Anderson revealed.

“So, if you truly believed that Marco and these set of kids are good people, then you are only lying to yourself. I for one, know how they run shady business underground. The first ever Mafia family who have Intels, spread across the major cities of the world. Wouldn’t it seem odd that Marco had a hand in President Rondon election into power” Anderson had heard enough already and so, stood up to his feet, walked up to the door and opened it wide enough, so Jeffery could go away.

“You are only doing this because you know the truth. Why do you all choose to hide such horrendous act from the public but choose to praise them in the public, because of the benefit you may likely have”

“Watch your words boy, I am not the type that likes to be talk to in such a rude manner. Now if you will excuse, I wish you to take your leave” Anderson said, showing him the door


Anderson had just finished acquiring major groceries at the mall and head into his car and was about leaving, when he noticed a black Range Rover packed at one side and causing a hurdle do him to pass through

“Why did you have to park your car that way!!” He exclaimed, raising his hands in frustration.

“Mr. Anderson” Giovanni had whined down his car glasses and had made gestures for him to step into the car.

“Is nice to see you again Mr. Anderson and i must say you are looking good than ever” Giovanni complimented him as he settled in the car.

“So, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise visit” Anderson asked

“A little birdie told me that you had a visitor today and he was from the Sky TV. How true is this?”

“Indeed Giovanni, and I must warn you, this guy knows alot. He knows something that I myself don’t probably know” Anderson explained.

“Funny enough, when the picture of the scumbag was shown to me, I remembered the time this same person had asked Tina critical questions at her Question and answer session with the journalist”

“You must be wary of him, I think he is going around, making research about who and why are you guys been underground and haven’t come up to the surface. Consider this a billion dollar story for every Journalist” Giovanni was in deep thoughts as Anderson explained things to him.

“I need him to be out of the picture before, before it’s too late. I don’t want any stupid journalist having to coms ad ruin what my ancestors have built for years” Giovanni knew that with that story published, it tend to also expose all their shady deals in the past and the people they had also killed.

“I need to ask a question though, why didn’t you inform me that your father had a twin?” Anderson asked.

“Thats because he kept it a secret and it turns out that my uncle Xavier happen to be the only person aware of the situation” Giovanni explained accordingly.

“I must say, she possess almost the same trait as you and i have this intuitive feeling which is telling me that she is even mkre dangerous than you are” Giovanni laughed for a while. Anderson sure had a way of keeping serious situation turn into ahalf lighted situation.

“Anyways, what do you intend to do” Anderson asked.

“Forst thing first, stop the journalist behind the scene and secondly, I will be needing to speak with the president soon”

“You do know that the president has silently endorsed Buddy?”

“Ofcourse, it doesn’t change the fact that he has forgotten real quick that he came into power through my dad’s influence. I meed to remind him of that” Giovanni said to himself, while Anderson looked on to him.


The entire scene was covered all white as some of the members of the Elites gathered together, having conversations amongst themselves, until Luke entered the room. He was escorted by one of Amore’s escort.

“I am glad that you all came through to this short noticed meeting” Luke mentioned as he took his seat.

“We were surprised that someone other than Giovanni would call us up for a meeting and so we decided to see what it was all about” Millie, one of the members spoke.

“Indeed, I orchestrated the meeting because I need to open our eyes into some certain truth that we have all chosen to ignore for so many times”

“What are you talking about?” Miracle another member asked.

“The fact that the end of the table is near”

“How can you say such a horrendous thing” Millie asked, staring at his cousin in disbelief.

“Its the fact. Take a look at the elections coming up, Buddy has been working tirelessly to see that he seats on thag sit. But Tina on the other hand is relaxed about it” Luke watched as every member at the table allowed what he had said sunk into their thoughts.

“I think Luke has a point. I mean, I heard the fact that the Bishop is also behind him. Aside that, Buddy also met with some of the said godfathers in the nation. I am certain that Tina hasn’t even booked an appointment with these people” Millie said.

“Thank you Millie for understanding everything I am saying. If there is anything we want as a syndicate is to ensure that we still stay relevant and if by staying relevant involves having someone to be at the seat and respect us, I suggest we support Buddy” Luke revealed

“That would be pure betrayal Luke, how did you even come up with such an idea?” Miracle said, looking at him in disbelief.

“You are nothing but a coward, your cold attitude towards my ideology shows how you have been poisoned by Giovanni to believe that he has project that he is putting in motion for our future. I hope you do understand that we are the younger generation? Anything we do right now will influence us at the future. So, let’s take the right step. Who is with me” Luke asked looking around to see they were all in deep thoughts about it.

“I am all in” Millie said, raising his hands boldly.

“Though I didn’t say anything, but i think it’s a good idea” Balo one of the members also indicated. Everyone gathered at the table had their hands raised in agreement except Miracle who still had doubts.

“I hate to be partaker of this abomination” Miracle said, standing up to his feet to leave. There was a sudden gunshot and Miracle laid down to the floor, staying lifeless. Other members looked up and were in shock, seeing one of their own die.

“Anyone who is not for us is against us” Luke commented, watching the blood flow down his body

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