Her Mafia Lord


CHAPTER Seventy One

The tension at the table was high as Xavier stared down on Giovanni, surprised to see that his nephew was actually caught up with Tina’s fever all of a sudden.

“Look, I know you may see me as being an hypocrite because I am being handed over this power. The truth is, it is about time the world know of the Elites as the powerful force” Giovanni explained.

“You both don’t get it so you?” Xavier said pointing at Tina and Giovanni “The Elites was built on secrecy and if anyone would dare try to tamper with this secrecy, the law…….”

“Who still gives a damn about the law Xavier?” Tina interrupted him, causing another stir at the table.

“You should understand that this is a new generation. The type where we are being known as a force to the people but they would have It at the back of their thoughts that we are not necessarily real” Tina added

“That’s the point, if we do this, there is no essence of secrecy” Xavier had lowered his tone, seeing that his point was not being considered by the twin.

“Giovanni, you should be the one who understands this process, your father would be disappointed in his grave seeing how his children has turned the philosophy of this table around” Giovanni folded his fist in rage.

“Uncle, the last thing you would do, is to mention my father’s name into this conversation and if you think my father would be disappointed, what would my grandfather had done if he found out that Marco actually had a twin, which is against the laws at the table!” There was series of gasp from people seated at the table. Xavier knew that Giovanni had a point and it irked him to know that he was only fighting a lost cost.

“Look here Xavier, we are not asking to be known in the light of gaining popularity from the people. They could for all I care, see us as a group of criminals who have been hidden behind the scene for ages. All I am asking is the fact that Tina here contest for the presidential ambition and everyone at the table, uses their influence to support her. We need someone at helms of affairs to be able to cover up our shits. The past years have been hell seeing that the gang has been in power and the only reason why president Rondon hasn’t tried to use his power against us, is because of the respect he has for Marco” Xavier sighed and went into deep thought. All that Giovanni had said made lots of sense to him and the fact that it would not only raise the bar high at the table, Tina at government would pave way for business to flow at the table.

“Fine, I accept”

“Excellent! So, since I am handing over power to Giovanni, I think it is necessary that the appropriate thing be done; the initiation process for Giovanni and my oath of acceptance” Tina stated.


It has been days since Giovanni had been installed as leader of the table and he had been going about, putting in lots of measures at the table to see that the Elites glory days was back again. He had returned back to New York city and while in his house, he got a call from Tina which was never expected.

“Turn on your Tv set, because the world is about to know of my presidential ambition” Giovanni smiled at his sister’s statement. These past few days, he had learnt alot about her and had came to the conclusion that Tina wasn’t as bad as he had presumed her to be, she was only misunderstood by many.

Giovanni dropped his phone and switched his television set on and the first headline he saw from the news was ‘Miss Tina, announces her bid to run for presidency’ he smiled in content knowing that plans were finally in motion.

“Greetings, great people of the United States of America. My name is Tina Marco and as you may have seen from the headline, I will be contesting for the forthcoming presidential election which ofcourse, would be coming up in few months time. Now alot of speculation has been going about already that it is inappropriate to have a woman seating in the helms of the power house of the world’s power, and I am here to put a stop to that misconstrued conception. Our constitution does not discriminate the right for women, to participate in politics and so, I find it absurd that someone all because of their sentiment would discriminate my ambition. I would not say much, I am only going to be brief as possible by saying once more that I Tina Marco would be your next president and I shall uphold the tenets of our great nation America”

Amore and Buddy had watched the announcement made by Tina and Amore in particular, was really pissed seeing that Tina was coming out for that position.

“Wait, I never knew that your bloodline had a woman and gosh! The striking similarity between Giovanni and her” Buddy indicated his sight, still fixed at the television screen.

“That bitch is just nothing but a megalomaniac” Amore pointed out, ruffling his hair in frustration.

“Are we to be worried about her coming out for the presidential election?” Buddy asked.

“With an Elites competing with anyone in anything, you should be worried. I am not trying to boast but every Elites is gifted with intellect” Buddy rolled his eyes at his friend’s statement.

“So, how do we make sure that she isn’t a threat any longer?” Buddy asked, sipping his drink.

“Well, I have a particular idea”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Then shoot, I am all ears”

“Using the mainstream media to our advantage” Amore commented, earning a questioning look from his friend.

“What are you talking about?” Buddy asked.

“What am talking about, is the fact that the Elites have been keeping a low profile since it’s inception, it is about time we reveal to the world who they are” Buddy had a smirk on his face understanding where his friend was driving at.

“This would definitely be interesting!!” Buddy stated.


President Rondon was seated at his office, when he got a call from his personal assistance claiming he had few guests from Canada.

When the door opened, he was shock to see Buddy and Amore dressed up in corporate attires, standing by the door and staring at him.

“You know Mr. President, you are becoming very hard to reach” Buddy commented as he walked up to shake the hands of Rondon, who offered them seats.

“When my personal assistance told me that I had persons from Canada up to see me, I was particularly surprised because I hadn’t booked an appointment with anyone” Rondon stated.

“We have our ways of seeing the president any day any time” Buddy replied.

“So, what brings you both to my office?” He asked, standing up to his feet and going to get them drinks from the fridge.

“Alot Mr. President. I believe you must have seen and heard that I am contesting for this seat?” Buddy asked as Rondon poured out drinks into two separate glass cups.

“Indeed and I am aware of the fact that your contender happens to be from the Elites, which is rather surprised seeing that there hadn’t been a time than now, when an Elites would be seeking to enter politics” Rondon said, staring intently at Amore, who had been quiet.

“Look, I need you to help me Rondon” Buddy stated, as Rondon walked up to his seat and sat comfortably.

“And why should I? There hadn’t been message from my Mafia group which had instructed me to aid you” Rondon pointed out, sipping his own drink.

“I know! But the point is, they would eventually turn up for me and I am certain about it” Buddy said with conviction.

“Confidence, a fools subtitute for inferiority complex” Rondon commented.

“Listen Mr. President, my friend and I came here today, because we are aware of the fact that aside the Gang’s endorsement to your election bid, we know that there are godfathers who had pushed you to where we are today” Amore finally spoke.

“And if I may ask, what is an Elite doing seated with you?” Rondon asked with a curious look on Amore.

“Amore happens to be my friend and he is on the same course with me”

“If I were you, I would not trust an Elite. I have had a sheer experience of their betrayal. An Elite would only care about himself and no one else” Amore wasn’t comfortable, seeing the statement being made about him. He was particularly not surprised either knowing that Rondon was aware of how he hadn’t paid the Elite when they took out Shrevolsky’s men.

“I trust Amore and there is no reason for me to doubt him. So, back to the main topic for discussion; how can you help me?” Buddy asked once more.

“I know a few people that would be of help to you. However, there would be prices to pay if you want to get there” Rondon warned.

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