Kimberly stared at him and bit her lower lip. Wondering what she had done to make the man dislike her so much. It wasn’t her fault she got kidnapped and she didn’t force him to come rescue her. She was sorry about his friend if that was what he was so mad about… And she was grateful for their help

But that wasn’t her fault either.

She breathed deeply.

“Mr Adams” she said. “I’m assuming my father hired you to find me? You didn’t answer me before and I just wanted to be sure”

He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes, your father came to me a week ago. He didn’t want to contact the police because he didn’t want to spook the kidnappers. He hired another company to locate you after the kidnapping, but they didn’t have much luck.” He raised one shoulder and let it fall. “I’m better”

“How is he?.. My father” she asked.

He shrugged. “Really worried, obviously. His daughter is missing”

Kimberly nodded. She wanted to ask more questions, but lack of sleep made her fuzzy.

“There was a ransom” she said.

He nodded. “Forty million”

Kimberly felt her head start to swim. “That much, huh”

She crossed to the bed and sank down onto the mattress. “Was it paid?” she asked.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“It would have been,” Asher replied. He glanced at his watch. “In about two hours. I put in a call to have it intercepted. I will be returning the money to your father when I take you back to him.

“Thank you,” she said. “and thank your team too”

Asher gave her a smile that didn’t come close to reaching his eyes. “Miss Blake, you have been through a very traumatic experience. I’m sure that when you are back home with your husband and your father, you will feel much better. In a few weeks, you will be able to put this whole experience behind you”

“I hope you are right,” Kimberly said.

He turned to go and she stopped him by touching his arm.

“Wait” she said.

Touching him wasn’t such a good idea. The man hated her for… For whatever reason. But boy! Did he have impressive muscles that stretched out the cotton of his shirt? If he was so busy being a commando guy and saving the world, when did he have the time to work out? Because he had to -no guy was so physically perfect without a little effort. She thought.

He stared at her hand for a few seconds before he lifted his gaze to her face. Kimberly wasn’t sure of what she saw in his eyes. She dropped her hand like she had just got burned.

“Ermmm… My dad. I have to see him. And honestly I’m tired of being locked up in here like a prisoner.”

“Is this room is not good enough for you… Princess?” he asked, lifting his eyebrow.

Kimberly gasped. “Excuse me?” she said. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means exactly what it means,” Asher replied carelessly. “You are not here to make demands and just get whatever you want… Obviously that’s how life has always worked out for you. But not here.

“You can’t talk to me like that,” she said.

“Oh really, I can’t?” he asked sarcastically.

“Yes you can’t,” Kimberly shot back. “Look, I’m grateful for you rescuing me and all that. I really am. But I really don’t like your attitude. I don’t know if you are just having a bad day or you just hate me for some reason. I honestly don’t care but I won’t let you speak to me that way”

Asher held a groan. He had neither the time nor the patience to deal with a drama queen right now. He wanted Kimberly Blake out of his life so he could focus on what was important. Damn it all to hell, what was it about rich women and their need to be the center of the universe?

The more annoying thing was this attraction thingy he had for her. He had known the woman for just a few hours and he had caught himself a few times thinking about how her mouth would taste. He hated when people got into his head… And she had… Even without trying.

“My dad…” Kimberly repeated, wrapping her hands around herself. “I’m so worried about him and I have to see him. I know you probably have a lot of things to do, but please just take me to him now. Plus I’m tired of being locked up in here” she said.

Asher watched her. She looked so vulnerable, and tired, yet, she was trying so hard to look tough. His eyes dropped to her hands, which were still wrapped around her. She looked cold, and he suddenly had this urge to wrap his hands around her.

He shook his head, wondering where that thought had come from. The woman was his responsibility, but only till he returned her to her father. And she wasn’t the kind of woman he would go for.

“Are you cold?” he asked, when his eyes found hers again.

“It doesn’t matter,” Kimberly replied. “I just want to see my dad”. She did that lip biting thing again and he groaned inwardly.

“You can’t right now” he said simply.

Kimberly’s eyes widened. “You can’t keep me here. Mr Adams. I don’t appreciate being locked up in here like a prisoner. There’s actually no difference between you and the people you rescued me from.”

“Wasn’t the kidnapping enough for two weeks?” Asher asked, barely able to restrain his temper.

“I’m not playing a game,” Kimberly replied. Her eyes wide with a lot of emotion he wasn’t interested in reading.

“It’s late” he said in a calm manner that made Kimberly want to throw something at his head.

“Those people are going to be looking for you right now,” he said. He came into the room and stepped closer to her. “And if you had any sense in that pretty, little head of yours, you would sit down, and wait till I know it’s safe before I take you back to your family. Do you understand me?”

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