Freed: Fifty Shades Freed as told by Christian

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Don’t think about that.

But that’s it.

In addition, I’ve developed a fuck-off-don’t-touch-me glare that’s proven effective.

However, not on Gia Matteo.

She’s fucking touchy-feely.

It’s irritating.

And not only with me. She reaches out to Elliot as he enters the main living room and gives him what

can only be described as a carnal smile as she takes his arm. Elliot gapes at her cleavage, which is on

show for all of us. Ana notices, and I see a frown cross her face. I wonder if what my brother says

about Ms. Matteo is true. She’s a woman who doesn’t take no for an answer, one of those overtly

sexual, tactile women who disregards all boundaries.

A bit like Elena.

The unpleasant thought pops into my head and makes me a pause. I don’t remember Gia being that

way when we met a couple of years ago.

Stop overthinking this, Grey.

But as we walk through the house I find myself putting as much distance as I can between her and me.

“A glass wall would be amazing at this end of the room,” Gia says. “It will really open out this whole


Ana smiles, but keeps her counsel and takes my hand.

Taylor weaves through the evening traffic back to Escala.

“What did you think?” I ask Ana.

“Of Gia?”

I nod.

“The Gia show,” she says.

“Yeah. She has a lot of personality. But she had some great ideas, and we’ve seen her portfolio. It’s


Ana bursts out laughing. “Yes. Her impressive portfolio was on full display.”

I laugh. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Ana arches a brow. And I laugh again and take her hand. “Thank you for being funny,” I whisper, and

kiss her knuckles. “What do think? Should we find someone else?”

“She did have some good ideas.” Ana sounds almost begrudging, but she smiles. “Let’s see what she

comes back with.”

“Agreed. Shall we go out to eat? We’ve been cooped up enough at Escala.”

“Is it safe?”

“I think so.” I turn and catch Taylor’s eye in the rearview mirror. “Columbia Tower, please, Taylor.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Mile High Club?” I suggest to Ana.

“Suits me.”

I clasp her hand.

“I did like her idea for opening up the view from the back of the house,” Ana says.

“Yes. Me, too, but we’re in no rush.”

She smiles once more. “I love your ivory tower.”

“I love having you there.”

Her eyes meet mine and her expression is suddenly serious. “I’m glad, because you’re about to commit

to having me there for a lifetime.”

Whoa. I swallow.

This is huge.

A whole lifetime with Anastasia…will it be enough?

“Good point, well made, Miss Steele.”

And from nowhere I’m overwhelmed with a depth of feeling that has become all too familiar, but it’s still

new and shiny and terrifying. I’m happier than I’ve ever been before—but I’m afraid, too.

It could all end.

Everything could come crashing down.

Life is ephemeral.

I know this. I’ve lived it.

From nowhere the image of a pale, still, young woman comes to mind. She’s lying on a grubby rug in a

grubbier room as a small child tries in vain to shake her awake.


The crack whore.

No. Don’t think about her!

Reaching over, I take Ana’s face between my hands, memorizing every detail: the shape of her nose,

her full lower lip, her stunning eyes. I want her with me for a lifetime. I close my eyes and kiss her,

pouring all my fear into her.

Don’t ever leave me.

Don’t die.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What do you think Elliot has planned?” Ana is sprawled over me, her index finger making small circles

through my chest hair. It’s a weird sensation, one that I’m not entirely comfortable with.


I grab her hand, threading my fingers through hers, and plant a kiss on the tip of the offending digit.

“Too much?” she whispers.

I slide her finger into my mouth, clamping my teeth gently around her knuckle and teasing the tip with

my tongue.

“Ah!” she coos, as a sensuous spark ignites in her eyes, and she tips her pelvis against my thigh.


She tugs her hand and I relax my jaw but close my lips as she eases her finger out of my mouth.

She tastes mighty fine.

Tenderly she kisses the spot on my chest that her finger traced, while I stroke her hair and revel in this

quiet moment. It’s early, and the only items on today’s agenda are my “bachelor party,” Ana’s

bachelorette party, and a shopping excursion with Caroline Acton.

Ana raises her head. “Do you think he’ll take you to a…a…strip joint?”

A chuckle rumbles in my chest. “Strip joint?”

Ana giggles. “I don’t know what they’re called.”

I sigh and close my eyes, envisioning the hell that Elliot probably has planned. “Knowing Elliot, it’s a

distinct possibility.”

“I’m not sure how I feel about that,” Ana replies, tartly.

I grin and, rolling over, press her into the mattress. “Why, Miss Steele, do you disapprove?” I run my

nose down hers and she squirms beneath me.



She makes a face.

“I’d rather be here with you,” I reassure her. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.



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