Faux Vows, True Desires

Chapter 453

Chapter 453

Nathan and Zachary strolled out of the Skywatch Hotel shoulder to shoulder, the crisp night air greeting them as they emerged from the opulent entrance. The Skywatch Hotel, a crown jewel among the Blue family's assets, stood as a testament to luxury in the heart of the city.

The atmosphere between the two men was congenial, their conversation easy and light, despite the weight of the matters they discussed. A respectful distance behind, their personal bodyguards followed, close enough to protect, yet far enough to afford privacy.

At the hotel's grand entrance, they paused, their exchange drawing to a close.

"I should be heading out," Zachary said amicably, before adding with a brief hesitation, "You know, about the whole situation with Madeleine, you two should really sit down and talk it through. The girl's been head over heels for you since forever, and everything she's done, it's out of love, Nathan. You know that."

Nathan fell silent for a moment before replying, "Zach, you and I go way back, and I'm not one for self-deception. If Madeleine had been played, I wouldn't hold it against her. But she made her choices and that man happens to be my own flesh and blood brother. Come on, Zach, you're a man of the world. How would you handle this? Would you just pretend nothing ever happened? I can't. I can't pretend it's all fine and dandy. This whole mess is tearing me up inside."

Nathan's voice carried the weight of sincerity, leaving Zachary momentarily at a loss for words.

"Hayden, he's willing to step up, take responsibility," Nathan added, his expression a mix of discomfort and anguish, as though the thought of Madeleine and his brother's indiscretion genuinely pained him.

Zachary exhaled heavily. "I get it, this is rough on you. Let's just let Madeleine make her own choices, alright? And Nathan, we're still good friends. I'm counting on you not to let this mess with

Madeleine get in the way when I need your help."

"That won't happen," Nathan assured him, a determined edge to his voice. "I've always been one to keep business and personal separate. Won't let personal affairs mess with our ventures."

Zachary studied Nathan for a moment, not detecting an ounce of deceit. He trusted that Nathan wouldn't let the situation with his daughter Madeleine interfere with their business dealings. After all, Zachary needed Nathan to be on board his venture. With Nathan's involvement, profits would be shared, but so would any misfortunes—Nathan bearing the brunt of them.

Zachary had laid out a trap, waiting for Nathan to fall in. He recalled Nathan's promise—before the scandal with Hayden—that he would never stand idly by if the Porter family needed aid. Not wanting to wait any longer, Zachary decided it was time to pull Nathan in deeper.

"Well, I'll be off then," Zachary said, turning to his waiting luxury car.

Minutes later, surrounded by a convoy of security cars, he left the Skywatch Hotel.

Nathan didn't linger after Zachary's departure. He stepped into his car and instructed the driver, "Head to the Annex."

In a lower tone, he commanded his trusted bodyguard in the passenger seat, "Call Keith. Have him meet me at the Annex. Be discreet, we can't afford any tails."

The Blue family's Annex was a secret haven, unknown to many, appearing almost derelict to outsiders. It had stood quietly for over two decades, its tranquil solitude perfect for a candid father- son discussion away from prying eyes.

It was well into the night when Keith's car rolled into the Annex grounds.

"Mr. Porter is waiting for you inside," the butler informed Keith respectfully as he stepped out of his car. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Having been here before, Keith knew this place was staffed with his father's most loyal. The seclusion and anonymity the Annex offered meant they could talk freely.

Nathan had built the Annex for his wife, though she never spent a single night there. Each visit stirred a complex mix of emotions in Keith.

He acknowledged the butler with a nod and made his way inside, his own entourage remaining behind.

The Annex was serene. Keith crossed the courtyard and entered the understated opulence of the main hall, where he found Nathan alone, lost in thoughts over a cup of strong tea.

Snatching the cup from Nathan's hands, Keith remarked coldly, "What time do you think it is? Drinking tea this strong, planning on staying up all night?"

Despite the frost in his tone, Nathan heard the underlying concern. "I can't sleep anyway," Nathan responded, retrieving his cup. "Same leaves, same brewing, but it lacks something. It's nothing like the tea your mother used to make. Watching her was like witnessing poetry in motion. Just seeing her brew made the tea taste sweeter. Your mother was a woman of grace and talent. She had her strong, astute side, though I doubt she'd show that to me anymore."

A wave of nostalgia washed over Nathan's face.

Keith sat down, his expression still stoic as he asked bluntly, "Why do you want to see me here in the dead of night?"

"The Porter family is trying to drag me into their mess."

"And you're considering boarding their pirate ship?"

"I have to," Nathan said thoughtfully.

Keith fell silent, pondering. After a moment, he spoke, "Dad, if you're not absolutely sure, don't step into this. Don't get yourself hurt."

"If we don't get inside, with Porter's cautiousness, it's tough to gather any evidence of his crimes. Without proof, even if we suspect he's behind a lot of things, we can't touch him."

Nathan picked up the teapot, but his thoughts were on his wife's delicate hands pouring tea with such grace. She had an ethereal charm, her movements so elegant that just watching her lifted his spirits. With a good mood, anything he drank felt like ambrosia.

"Keith, you're the future heir of our family and my successor. I didn't want to burden you with these matters, but I need your cooperation, so you have to be in the loop. Porter is likely involved in smuggling arms, drug trafficking, and money laundering. The cops might have an undercover in his circle, but Porter's been untouchable for years, which means their man hasn't gotten close enough to collect any evidence. Here in Skywatch, our family, the Blues, we're like kings in our own right. Dragging us into the mud would give Porter a massive boost, of course, it'd also make us the fall guys. But only if I step into the fray do we stand a chance to take them all down in one fell swoop."

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