Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Forty Eight

Madison wrapped her blanket tighter around her as a light wind blew through her window.

Her teeth chattered as she pulled the blanket over her and slowly got to her feet. She winced in pain from the ache in her joints as she quickly shut her window to stop some of the air from coming in.

When she was done with that, she wobbled into the kitchen to find something to eat, as it was already quite late, and almost time to take the third dose of her medicine. Thankfully she had some leftover pasta from the day before, and this would be sufficient for her to take her drugs.

Madison felt so terrible.

She rarely fell sick, but whenever she did it was always bad, and now she had a feeling she had come down with the regular flu.

Her temperature had skyrocketed, and her joints were aching so much that she had to take a sick leave for a few days. She had been scared to do so at first because she didn’t want anything that would put her job at risk, but her colleagues had advised her to go ahead and she had obliged.

Surprisingly when she had told her supervisor, he had been so understanding about it and let her be, even telling her to take good care of herself.

Now she had been on a sick leave for two days, staying at home all through. She was making sure to eat, drink plenty of water and take the drugs she’d bought. She was a little bit better than she was before, but the fever had not abated yet.

When the pasta was hot enough, Madison dished out a small portion for herself and quickly took her drugs before eating. It helped kill the taste of the bitter medicine, currently laying in her tongue.

Madison hated rushing her food but currently she had no appetite, and she really wanted to just get back to bed.

When she was finished she managed to clear up the dishes before going back, and as she gently lay down on the bed again after putting on the thickest sweater she owned, she then used the blanket for her legs.

Shivering violently, she wrapped her arms around herself, and just when her eyes began to droop slightly wanting to fall into a painful slumber the sound of her doorbell filled the room.

Madison groaned in frustration, hating the interruption already. She had just gotten comfortable, so who the hell was this?

Hissing under her breath, she managed to get up, and with the doorbell ringing out a second time, Madison paused in her steps.

Who could possibly be at her door by this time? She wondered. Last she had checked, she wasn’t really expecting anyone, and she knew it could not be any of her neighbors as they never rang the doorbell.

They would just yell out her name from the back, or knock frantically, so who was this person. Madison started to think that maybe she should just ignore it and go back to bed.

More so she was starting to realize that anytime she unlocked her door after getting a strange knock, it always seemed like a bad idea.

First it was Mason, and then the postman with the threat letter and now who could it be? Anyway, it was always a mistake on her part, and the thought of that threat letter sent a chill down her spine. Also the fact that she was being stalked really did not put her at ease, so the wheels in head were turning as to who this could be.

It was late in the evening, and anything could happen.

Trying to get a hold of herself, Madison walked into the kitchen, grabbing a knife from her shed already arming herself. So even if anything did happen, she would be capable of protecting herself, and fighting back.

If she was to die, then she wouldn’t die a coward.

It didn’t make her any less scared but she willed her legs to move on, summoning a little bit of courage and her breath quickening when she got to the door, she gripped the knife tightly in her hand, and spoke up, “Who’s there?” She managed to keep her voice steady so she wouldn’t give away the fact that she was scared.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Madison, Madison it’s me.”

“Gina?” She started at the familiar sound of her friend’s voice, and sighing in relief, she rubbed her forehead and set the knife down on a nearby table.

Quickly she unlocked the door.

“What’s up?” Gina smiled as she walked in, “We just closed from work at the bakery, so I decided to come check up on you. I thought you weren’t home as I’ve been ringing the doorbell since and I was actually about to leave.”

Madison sighed, “I’m sorry, I was asleep. I’m not feeling too well.” She apologized, locking the door and coming back to join her friend on the bed.

Gina looked worried, “I didn’t see you at the bakery yesterday and today. I got pretty worried too and I had to speak to some of your colleagues and they said you took a sick leave.” As she spoke, she placed the back of her hand on Madison’s forehead, and then snatched it off in surprise, “Oh my goodness, Madison. You’re burning up.”

Madison sighed, “Yeah, sorry I didn’t tell you about it, but I have my medication to take. I’m feeling better than yesterday. I think I’m down with the flu or something.”

Gina frowned, “Just take your medicine and get better, okay? Work can wait for now please.”

Madison snickered despite the headache she was having, “Yeah, I know right but my bills can’t.”

At that, the two of them began to laugh lightly.

Remembering her manners, Madison straightened ushering Gina further into the small room, “Refreshments? What should I get you?” She asked Gina who only rolled her eyes.

“No thanks, I’m okay. Don’t treat me like a guest please.”

“But you are my dear friend. Now, would you like some tea?” Madison asked and Gina just laughed and shrugged.

As she made her way into the kitchen, her chest began to hurt and the ache in her joints were becoming worse, but she tried to be strong and she prepared the tea and added some small sandwiches she prepared quickly. Gina thanked her and then they began to have the tea in silence.

“God, Madison. You really don’t look so great.” Gina suddenly said, dropping her tea. She must have been observing her, “And you say you are taking care of yourself?” She asked.

For some reason, that question made Madison look down at her feet, but she nodded, gripped her cup tighter and took another sip of her tea.

“Madison… I don’t think you’re strong enough to take care of yourself in this condition. I mean in times like this it’s helpful to have someone around, but then you stay alone.”

Madison didn’t know what to say so she shrugged.

“No one? A sibling who lives around? A boyfriend? Nothing…”

Family. Sibling. Boyfriend.

Those three words were enough to bring tears to her eyes. In the past, whenever she fell sick her mother would give her sponge baths, and make this chicken soup that she always enjoyed but now those memories were bygones. Tears spilled from Madison’s eyes as she remembered it all, and heart clenched in pain.

Everything had been so perfect.

And her boyfriend, she had been so in love and…

She sobbed harder, clutching at her chest as she let her emotions wash over her. Damien was always so sweet about it. First he would go into panic, wanting to do anything in his power to make sure he was okay, then he would get her chocolate, give her foot rubs and massages, brush her hair, and all but be with her till he was sure she was okay.

She smiled through her tears at the memories, dropping her cup of tea on the table so it wouldn’t spill from her shaky hands.

“M-Madison, what’s wrong?” Gina asked, alarmed as she began to rub Madison’s back.

“I don’t want to talk about it… please…” Madison whimpered, trying her best to stop the tears that continued to spill.

Gina looked confused but she nodded. “Okay then, I won’t pester you too much though. I’m sorry for asking.”

After a few minutes, Madison calmed down and wiping away every trace of tears on her face she excused herself to the bathroom to wash off. When she was clean and better, she walked back in with a smile.

“So, how are things at the bakery?” She asked, lifting her cup to her lips. It was already a bit warm but Madison did not mind.

Gina looked a tad bit worried at Madison for a while, and then sighing she began to narrate her day at the bakery.


“Sir, you called for me?”

Damien looked up to see his secretary walk into his office.

He could see the tiredness in her eyes. Today’s work had been so hectic, that he wasn’t even done with all the work he had to do but it was already getting late.

“Yes, I did. You can go home now, it’s already 7PM.”

She stared at him in surprise, “But sir, there’s still a lot to do and I-”

“Nina..” He stopped her, “Go home, get some rest. You worked very hard today and you deserve it.”

She nodded gratefully, bowing a little as she left the office gently closing the door behind her. Damien could hear her packing up her stuff and walking out when she finished.

One thing he never did was keep his employees way past their working time. It was a strain, both physically and mentally, and the only thing that would result from keeping them up all night was inefficiency the next day and mental stress from lack of rest.

He looked down at his work and quickly continued. He was already getting tired himself, and he would have loved to go home to a long shower and warm food, but he had a truckload of things to do and he didn’t want to stop till he was done, so he concentrated on his work.

After about fifty minutes of working, that’s almost an hour he was finally done. Sighing in relief and eager to get home, Damien began to pack up his stuff.

Just he placed his phone into his pocket and cross-checked all the files once more, placing them neatly into the drawer, his office door clicked open.

Damien looked up in surprise, wondering who could possibly still be around. The only ones usually around this late were the security guards, and his guess was little bit confirmed when his eyes fell on Alvarez.

“Oh, hey man.” He greeted. “How are you doing…” Damien trailed off when he saw the look on Alvarez’s face, “What’s the matter?” He asked, surprised.

Alvarez said nothing for a while but continued to stare at Damien. Then he tossed the files in his hand at Damien, “What is that?”

“I’m not sure what you’re asking about.” Damien said, giving Alvarez a weird look before opening up the files and flipping through them. He paused when he realized what it was.

“Your secretary came to me, asking about arrangements for some guards to escort you for your flight to London.” Alvarez finished, eyeing Damien suspiciously, “London? What is this about, Damien. I am your best friend and I know there’s only one reason why you would fly to London. This is about Madison isn’t it?”

Damien looked up. Hearing her name made him start to think, and he didn’t want that right now. He just wanted to get home and shower.

Raking his fingers in his hair he turned to Alvarez, sighing, “Yeah you are right, but I’ve had a change of mind. I canceled the flight already, and this is not happening okay? So don’t worry about it.”

Picking up his briefcase, he continued, “It’s getting pretty late. Wanna hitch a ride home?” He asked, moving to lock the door to his inner office and then returning, “We could get something to eat on the way too.” He continued already moving to leave, but Alvarez stopped him by standing in front of him.

“I know what you’re trying to do, Damien. I’m not stupid, and I’m not a kid to. Just stop trying to switch the subject, and also tell me why you cancelled the flight again?”

Damien felt his jaw begin to tic. He did not want to have this conversation, or discuss anything at all that concerned Madison. “Look, there’s no point, okay? Tell me, what’s the point? She obviously wouldn’t even want to see me or talk to me. She made that pretty obvious that night when we talked.” The memory of that night sent anger flowing through him, and he added bitterly, “And I think it’s pretty evident from that call the other night that she prefers you to me now. So what use would it make if I spend my time going to see her, and come back without any answer? What fucking use is it?” He spat, gritting his teeth.

Alvarez moved back a little in surprise, and then he laughed, “Seriously, Damien? You’re my friend, but please whatever you do, don’t paint yourself as the victim here. And speaking of her preferring me to you…” He scoffed, “Well, I’m not the one who made weeks of her life a living hell, humiliated her in public, ordered her to pay for a dress she ruined by mistake and which you very well knew she couldn’t afford, threw her out of a club disgracefully amongst other things. Just don’t try to feel like a victim, just don’t!”

Damien fumed but said nothing, his lips in a thin line. He knew Alvarez was right, but he couldn’t be fully blamed for it.

However Alvarez wasn’t done as he continued, “You do all of this to that poor woman and still she decided to reach out by sending letters, but what did you do, you diverted the damn letters. You refused to read them so now give me one good reason why she would want to see you.”

Damien quickly looked up. Letters. This talk about some goddamned letters he didn’t even know about.

He suddenly remembered the night he had spoken to Madison on the phone, and she had also mentioned something about sending letters to him, but he was just as confused as he was right now. Now Alvarez was mentioning it too.

“Wait, wait. What are you talking about? What letters? She also mentioned sending letters to me, but I’m confused honestly.”

Alvarez stared at him as if to ascertain if he was telling the truth, “Madison sent a letter about two weeks ago. And she has been sending follow-ups ever since. When she saw that you refused to reply to any of them, she stopped.”

Damien frowned, “I never got them. Are you sure she really sent them?”

Alvarez glared at him, “Madison would never lie about something like that. At first she didn’t even want to tell me she sent a letter, but then she did. I didn’t like it because I knew something like this would happen. You would ignore them and then she would be in even more pain, but she didn’t give up and she was adamant. She wanted to try. It was some kind of request for your time and understanding for something she wanted to discuss, but when you ignored them she was obviously hurt. It was another slap in her face. So she has every right to be angry at you, man.”

Alvarez’s words sent Damien reeling in shock, and then slowly it all began to make sense. The anger in her voice when she lashed out at him. She must have thought that he was trying to mock her by pretending not to know about the letter, and that’s why she was so hurt.

“Shit!” Damien raked a hand through his hair. It all made sense now. All this time, the misunderstanding was from those letters. He would never have ignored her letters if he had gotten them. He honestly wouldn’t have.

He turned back to Alvarez, “Believe me, man. I didn’t get any letters. I-I’m confused.”

“Really?” Alvarez asked, and added, “That’s…. weird.”

“I would never ignore her letters, believe me. And you remember I was already seeking an audience with her back then. I sent my private investigator to find out where she was lodging in New York so I could talk to her, but she had left already. So why would I ignore her if she demands for an audience, or a chance to speak with me? Damnit!”

Alvarez nodded in agreement, “That’s true. I remember.”

Damien began to pace around the office, trying to think of ways to fix this mess he was in.

“Maybe your girlfriend saw the letters first and decided to do away with them, just saying.” Alvarez joked his hands raised up and chuckling a little, he proceeded to sit on a chair nearby.

It was a joke to Alvarez, but Damien had already paused mid-stride. Everything was beginning to piece itself together, and right there in the middle was that cunning piece he called his girlfriend, Katherine.

He remembered that morning about two weeks ago when Katherine had slept over, and the doorbell had rung and she had answered, thinking he was still deep asleep. When she had come back in, he had questioned her about it, and she had said the person had knocked at the wrong house.

Now that he thought of it, he realized it must have been the mailman. It also explained why he had been charged for a home post delivery bill, some days back. He had seen an email of the transaction a while ago and he had been surprised because he didn’t receive any post, but now it was now making sense.

It wasn’t farfetched either because he knew how Katherine felt about Madison, and so she must have received the letters and diverted them.

Damien was raging in anger as he picked up his briefcase, his jaw ticking furiously, “Make sure the offices are locked before you leave. I have something to take care of.”

Alvarez nodded without any questions.

Still fuming, he stormed out of the office and headed straight to Katherine’s house.

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