Chapter 32

Nina’s POV

After using the washroom, I went back to meet Danny. He was done eating and cleaning his mouth with the serviette when I got back. There was a remnant of food on my plate but I had lost my appetite. My mind and soul were elsewhere.

“What took you so long, Nina?”He asked with a worried expression.

“Not really”, I answered. “Can we get out of here?”

He looked surprised at the question and replied, “Sure.”

He stood up as I picked up my purse. My body was shaking probably because I was about to do something I hadn’t done in a while. Something that my pregnancy had deprived me of as a teenager.

Danny led me out to his car after paying the bills. He was about to drive out of the parking lot when I remembered I went along with my driver. I pulled my phone out to call him.

“Richard, go home”, I ordered, when he picked.

“Ok, ma’am”, he replied and I disconnected the call.

“The night is still young. Should I take you to a club?”He inquired from me. I nodded my head as he pulled out of the restaurant. I leaned in the seat to rest my back. There was complete silence as he drove. I was thinking about my life….. everything that concerns me. I didn’t know when I slept off.

“Nina”, Danny tapped me gently.

“Uhm?”I opened my eyes to see we were at a club. It didn’t look familiar either. I heaved a sigh of relief because I didn’t want to bump into anyone I know over there, especially our colleagues from the office.

“We are here”, he smiled at me.

“Ok”, I got up.

“Are you tired? Should I just take you home?”

“No, it’s fine”, I didn’t feel like going home at that moment. I was still feeling weird and hot, going back home at that moment will only add to my frustration. “Let’s go”, I opened the door before he could come down to open it for me. He held my hand as we went in.

The loud music was the first to hit my ear. I was tempted to run back but I was also determined to make the night a memorable one, worthy enough to make me forget my sorrows, even if it was just for one night.

Danny led me to a seat before going over to the barman to get us some drinks. I looked around me and saw some young lads, then I began to feel out of the place all of a sudden. I felt like going to a more secluded area.

I was thinking of raising it to Danny when he came back with our drinks. He poured my drink into a glass cup and my eyes fell on two couples sitting opposite us. They should be in their mid-thirties and they looked so in love.

They were kissing each other. The man’s hand was curly and long and the woman’s hand was tangled in his hair. I closed my eyes trying to block out the image already forming itself in my mind. The night Amar and I made love. His hair was also long and curly and I couldn’t keep my hand away from touching them as he made sensuous love to me.

“Shit”, I cursed and shut my eyes.

“What’s the matter?”Danny asked me.

“Nothing”, I replied and gulped down the whole wine he poured for me. I asked him to pour some more and he did. I was able to get my mind off my personal problems after drinking more glasses of wine.

Danny sat beside me and we talked as we kept drinking. He was an interesting man and he gave me a listening ear as I ranted about work, my love life, my home, my family, my loneliness, my sadness, and my sorrow.

I talked non stop as he looked at me in amusement. I kept going on and on till we got interrupted by a friend of his. That brought me back to my senses and I was glad he didn’t introduce me to his friend as Nina Gomez. That would have been more embarrassing. His friend bade us goodbye and I heaved a sigh of relief.

That relief was cut short when two more men came closer and recognized him.

“You are really popular around here?”I asked and he shrugged. I hid my face as they talked and the moment they left, I stood up abruptly. I staggered a little and I realized I had taken a lot of alcohol.

“Let’s get out of here, Danny”, I said to him and walked out without waiting for his reply.

“What the hell am I doing here?”I asked myself when I got out. The night air was chilly and everywhere was dark, except for the light coming from the club “This can tarnish my image. What the hell is wrong with me?”

“Nina, I’m sorry”, Danny apologized when he caught up with me. “I never knew I would meet these people here.”

“It’s ok. Let’s get out of here.”

“So sad. I want to spend more time with you”, he said and chuckled lightly. “Today is indeed my lucky day and I might not be as lucky as this tomorrow”, I watched the sad smile on his face.

“I’m not comfortable being here, Danny”, I uttered softly.

“I know. It’s ok, let’s go.”

“You don’t need to take me home now, you know?” We were already inside the car. “I would prefer we go to a more secluded place”, I grinned.

“Really?” He beamed in excitement as he hurriedly ignited the car engine into action.

When he drove out, I giggled and said, “I am not drunk, you know?”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Of course you are”, he laughed.

We fell silent as he drove. I was wide-eyed, probably because I slept on our way to the clubhouse. I didn’t know where we were going but I was appreciative that he knew when I wanted to talk and when I wanted to be quiet.

I was hoping where he was going to take me is going to be secluded like I wanted. I don’t like attention. A few more minutes of driving brought us to a big house and he pulled over in his garage.

“Your house?”I asked.

“Yep. I have a bar. We can drink as much as we can now.”

I wasn’t bothered about the fact that he took me to his house. “Yeah”, I replied and opened the door. Before I knew it, he was also out of the car, he swept me off my feet and carried me into the house. It was really a big house. He was still carrying me and wasn’t showing any sign of dropping me.

I turned to face him so I could compliment him for having such a beautiful house like that when I saw the way he was quietly staring at me. He began to walk, with me still in his arms. I guess he was walking towards the bar because I could see it already. It was stocked with varieties of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic wine.

“Danny”, I called when I saw him still gawking. I was beginning to get uncomfortable in his arms and under his stare.

At that instant, Danny hit his leg on the sofa because he wasn’t looking where he was going and we both stumbled to the floor. He groaned in pain as he dropped me. He fell on top of me and I laughed.

“Serves you right. You should look where you are going next time”, I was sprawled on the floor, still laughing. I was less concerned about him dropping me. The look on Danny’s face was making me reeled back in laughter.

“Not my fault”, he replied, still on top of me. “You are too gorgeous. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

I stopped laughing at the statement. I thought Amar is the only man who finds me attractive. I thought I would never be able to keep a man.

I tried to make Danny fall to his side but he was too heavy. He was gazing at me, pinning me down with his elbow beside my face.

“Dan…..”, I called but he was quick to interrupt me with a kiss.

At first, I was shocked and still. I couldn’t believe what was happening and after a while, I allowed myself to enjoy the slow kiss, moving up for him to explore more of my mouth. My hands found its way to his hair and I played with his short hair just like I did with Amar. But Amar’s hair was longer.

I opened my eyes and realized what I was doing. I wanted to scream but no words were coming out. I knew I wanted it the moment he let go of my lips. He stood upright and carried me in a bridal style to his bedroom.

We took me to his bedroom where he made me forget my sorrows for once by getting myself pleasured. The pleasure I hadn’t gotten in more than 13 years.

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