Fall For My Ex's Mafia Dad

Chapter 0299

Chapter 0299

“What are you hiding,” Kent snaps, grabbing Daniel’s arm and attempting to spin him. But Daniel struggles, working to keep his arm behind him.

| moan a little, knowing that it’s done, and stressed almost to my breaking point as | watch Daniel and Kent struggle in my bathroom, Kent pulling hard at Daniel’s arm and Daniel working hard to twist away from him. Jerome takes a step away, coming to my side, likewise staring in shock as it starts to get rough — as Kent yanks hard at Daniel’s arm and the test falls from his hand

The test goes spinning across the floor and we all go still as we stare at it. Kent's the only one who moves.

He takes two steps over to where the pregnancy test come to rest. Then he stares down at the test's face, at the two lines which stand stark against the white plastic of the test, against the white marble of my floor.

Kent doesn’t touch it, though | watch him freeze as he stares down at it, as he understands.

After all, he’s seen a pregnancy test before.

He stands still for far...far too long.

And | can’t help it. | start to pant in anxiety, in fear, desperate to know what he’s thinking —

Because of course — of course his first thought is the same one that Jerome and Daniel had — that this baby can’t be his.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

And my breath comes faster and faster, the harsh rasp of it echoing in the still room, as | think frantically that it can’t not be his — that | haven't slept with anyone else —

Ridiculously, my mind flicks through my memories as | stare at Kent, who stares at the ground — because am | — did | forget something? Did | sleep with someone else — was | drunk!? But then | shake my head at the ridiculousness of it — obviously | would remember -

But how? How did this happen?

Slowly, Kent turns his face upwards to meet mine. My heart starts to pound harder when | see the insane range of emotions cross over his face — rage, and betrayal, and fear, and confusion, and hurt —

“Is this yours?” he asks, his voice too low, too even.

Hesitating, but not coming up with anything | can say to hide it — obviously, | am the only one here who could produce a positive pregnancy test — | nod.

He straightens his shoulders and prowls towards me, the predator in him taking over. Kent comes to stand close, close enough to grab me, and | feel the trembling in my muscles intensify until my whole body is shaking.

Kent stares down at me, studying me, his teeth clenched, his eyes full of rage even though his voice stays quiet. “Who have you been fucking, Fay?” he asks.

| gasp a little breath as | look up at him, undone by the harshness of his words.

But then | snap my mouth shut and lift my chin a little, because | know that I haven't done anything wrong. That no matter what he throws at me right now — no matter what Daniel or Jerome think either — | know the truth.

That I’m pregnant with Kent’s baby. No one else’s.

Before | can open my mouth to tell him precisely that, Kent snaps a hand up and grabs the fabric of my shirt in his fist, yanking me forward so that | stumble against him, gasping in surprise and fear.

“WHO,” he roars, shaking me a little, “have you been FUCKING, Fay!?”

“Hey!” Daniel shouts, and | feel a _ go aan Kent’ body-as)1!

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er. iat your hands off of her!”

— read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

“She's —“ Jerome starts, stepping tae but Kent drops me,

“It was you, wasn’t it?” Kent snarls, bearing down on Jerome now, who stumbles backwards. “What!?” Jerome gasps, “No! | —*

But Kent advances on him, cutting him off. “I've seen you,” Kent seethes, moving forward until acu teaits back up aingt thaWell holding her Hand, ae with her, all your little touches in the car in your secret moments — is that what you've been doing? Taking her to the stables every day and fucking her —“ Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

“No!” Jerome protests, putting up his hands, a very literal fear for his life passing across his eyes. “I swear, | —“

But Kent, faster than | can see, whips his arm up and cracks his fist across Jerome's face.

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