TODAY IS MY first time going to visit my patient after a week. I was busy with something, and she had the three of us looking after her. I’m the one on duty today to fix her because I requested a CT Scan to find out if we missed anything with her.

“Valle?” I asked, from the door entering the ward. “Laura Valle?” I asked again, after walking inside to see where she was, because no one was answering. There were six beds, and they were all full. Until..

“Doc, she’s over there, at the corner,” said one of the patients in the ward as he pointed to the woman with her back bent over looking outside the big window.

I smiled at the patient and just nodded. I immediately walked closer to the person, he said.

“Laura Valle?” I said to the woman looking out the big window. “How are you? Mrs. Valle?”

She turned and looked at me.

When she looked, I saw the rest of her face. It is she and none other than the woman who I say looks like Mama Mary. Her long, curly hair was stretched up so that her beautiful face appeared even more. I can’t be wrong; this girl is not a pure Filipina. I think she has Black American blood because you can notice it in the look of her round eyes with beautiful long eyelashes, as well as the color of her skin.

“Ah! How are you, Ma’am?” I asked.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

She didn’t speak but kept looking at me. Her round eyes are lovely, but they hide her sadness.

“Who is with you, Ma’am?”

She just shook her head.

“I need to talk to him about your CT scan tomorrow morning. Where is your partner? Is it your husband or child?”

She shook her head again for an answer.

“Friend? Mom? Dad? Relative?” I asked one question after another.

And finally…

“I’m not with anyone, Doc,” she said in a low voice.

“Who’s taking care of you, ma’am?” I asked, still smiling at her.

“He didn’t come back, Doc,” she said softly, almost whispering as she looked into the distance.

“Ma’am, when is it?”

“He just brought me, then he said goodbye and wouldn’t come back,” she answered seriously.

I sat at the end of her bed, which I usually do not do, and then I looked at the clipboard I was holding. I really don’t know why I seem to be so affected by this person. Ever since I saw her on the first day, she has become of interest to me. My heart was pinched even more by what I found out now.

“How do you eat, Ma’am? Who takes care of the things you need? How do you bathe or shower?”

“They are, Doc,” she answered quickly while pointing to the people who were there, and then turned her gaze back to me. “They also bathe me and give me things because I don’t have anything with me.”

I was speechless at that instant. I also looked at the people she was talking about. There are also some patients in the charity ward where she is now. It is obvious from their looks that they are a bit poor and in poverty. That is also one of the reasons why I want to go to a public hospital. I also want to help people who are unable to receive treatment due to a lack of finances. There are also foundations that I join and give financial assistance to. It feels good to help, even with small things. I earn enough to be able to share, and Mom and Dad don’t like us giving them money, so we have ours as our own.

“Ah.. Ma’am, will you be with someone tomorrow?” I asked.

“I can do it, Doc,” she answered.

I stood up and approached her. “Ma’am, you need assistance,” I said.

She just looked at me and didn’t speak.

“Come on, Ma’am, let me clean your wound first. I’ll be back here tomorrow morning before you go to the CT Scan, so don’t you eat first, okay? Your stomach needs to be empty,” I politely told her.

“Doc, when can I go home?”

I was surprised by her sudden question.

“Doc, I need to get home. My husband might have left,” she said, looking distant.

“Ah ma’am, you’re going to have to wait a little longer here in the hospital. You’re not even halfway through the healing process yet; your stitches are still fresh and we’re still seeing something in your kidney,” I answered, slowly turning her over to check her stitches.

“Doc, I can do it.”

“Oh, Ma’am! I won’t allow it! You’re not well yet, you’re my patient, so I’ll be the one to say when you can go home, but for now, ma’am, it’s not possible,” I answered again. “I’m sorry about that, but I can’t take the risk.”

She didn’t move. I just continued to clean her stitches. While I was fixing it, I simply glanced at her. Her face is beautiful. I also noticed that she doesn’t have any signs of giving birth yet because her skin is still smooth, even the part on her stomach and thighs, and the big seam on her side is her first mark. Her chest is also big in size which is obvious from the hospital gown she is wearing, and I also noticed that there is beauty in the shape of her body because her thighs are also big. She was not wearing a double bottom and only panties. I also put the catheter in her. I’m used to things like this. I don’t even care about seeing a naked body anymore. Until..

“Ma’am, how old are you?” I couldn’t help it and asked.

“Thirty-three, Doc,” she answered quickly.

“How many children, Ma’am?”

“None, Doc.”

I can’t believe that at that age she doesn’t have a child yet. Despite her age, her skin is still smooth and beautiful. Even though it is dark, it has smoothness without any scars, and it is obvious that she takes care of herself. In just a moment, and I’m done.

“Tomorrow morning I will come back to fix your wound because you need to be comfortable during the CT Scan because you will lie there for a few minutes and your wound will be affected,” I explained to her.

She just nodded while looking into the distance. I have arranged the gauzes that have been exchanged and thrown in the trash. I noticed that it’s still hard for her to move when lying down. She’s only been there for a week, so she’s not really okay yet. I also noticed that there’s no stuff or even food and drink in her cabinet, just a few old pieces of clothing that are still sitting there.

I said goodbye to her. She didn’t pay attention to me, so I went out continuously.

And when I arrived at the nurse’s station- “Nurse, please fix Mrs. Valle’s bed, E17, then please give her a clean gown and a blanket. Okay, just put in the request by Doc. Tuason, of URO. Thanks!”

“Yes, Doc, noted,” the nurse answered politely.



Why is it like this? Where did I go wrong for Paul to leave me? I feel like a stray cat! I did everything for him. I have been a good wife to him for almost ten years and a good friend to all his friends as well as his relatives. I have done everything. It’s not my fault that I can’t give him a child. I don’t have any health problems, so I don’t believe what he says that we have no hope of having one. That was also one of the reasons why he got cold towards me and looked for someone else.

He has been cheating on me for almost two years. He argued that we are not married, so I have no right to call his lover a hooker. I assumed we were fine, so I put up with everything he did to me, including his beating and humiliation. With all the heartache! I love him so much and I really don’t want to lose him, so I’m fighting even though I’m really broken. I almost neglected myself because of him. I was torn at work just to give him all he needed. I did everything just to make him happy, but he still left me! He just left me as if he just didn’t care when he told me he didn’t want me anymore, and said that he needed rest! Rest for what? It’s so easy for him to forget the few years we’ve been together just because I can’t give him a child.

Honestly, I don’t know how I am now. This hospital was so far away; he purposely took me away so he could never come back.

“Hmn.. how am I now?”

I don’t know what will happen to me here in Manila. I don’t know anything or anyone here. How can I get home? What about all the fees here? Whom do I approach? Oh my God! Please help me. I’ve been here for almost a week but no one is looking for me. Some of my friends don’t even know where Paul took me. He really kept me away. I also don’t have any numbers that I remember, so that I can contact someone and tell them that I am here at the hospital in Manila. I no longer have any communication with my family either, because since I abandoned them for Paul, they have completely forgotten me.

“Hmmn.. My God.”

Now I am alone.

Where will I go after this, Lord? Whom am I going to run with? Who can help me?



“DOCTOR TUASON.” The nurse handed me the clipboard with records.

And when I looked, those were my requests to Mrs. Valle. “Ah, is it okay? Just make sure she’s complete for the whole stay, okay? Charge everything to me if she ever asks for anything that isn’t here, anything personal for her, or anything, just anything, okay? Tell me right away.”

“Yes, Doc, it’s noted. You’re really kind, Doc!” replied the nurse, who I often instructed, and then left.

I went to the other building early because the last patient I was going to see was Mrs. Valle. Today is the day I gave her the CT Scan. When I entered the ward, I saw that she was already awake. It was only six in the morning, but she was already awake and looking out the big window where her bed was placed. The sun was already hitting her.

“Good morning,” I said as soon as I arrived.

She looked at me. Her round eyes are still sad, and it seems like she hasn’t had a good night’s sleep because they are a bit puffy.

“Please change your clothes, Ma’am, before going out,” I instructed. I saw that the things I had requested for her were already there. The gown is new, there is a pillow, and the sheets are clean. I kept smiling.

I said with a smile, “Come on, let’s clean your wound and I’ll put some thick gauze on it so you’ll be comfortable later.”

She just nodded and leaned. I have started cleaning her stitches. And again.. I couldn’t help glancing at her face. She’s looking far away, and her mind seems to wander. Until..

“Doc, what’s your name?” She asked, then looked at me.

“Tuason, Doctor Tuason,” I answered quickly.

“Tuason?” she uttered.

“Mrs. Valle, right?”

“Just miss Doc,” she answered. “My last name is Valle.”

I glanced at her. I was even surprised when she also looked, so we both looked at each other. Her eye color is light brown.

“Ah.. who will be with you later?”

“I’m the only one,” she replied sparingly. “I can stand a little now, Doc.”

“Ah, no! I’ll assign a nurse since you don’t have anyone with you from the start to end of your session,” I said.

We looked at each other again.

“Thank you, Doc. Tuason,” she said, followed by a lazy but beautiful smile.

I smiled too. “Um! Done!” I took down her hospital gown that was slipping because I finished fixing the cover of her wound.

I just nodded to her after walking out of the ward. I don’t know, but I was really smiling while walking out, still shaking. And finally..

I stopped for a moment and stood in front of the ward door. I don’t know why my feet seemed to stop on their own, and even glancing at her, who was now facing the big window, I did. I don’t know what made me stop and look back. And after that…

“Shucks.. What’s wrong?” I shook my head and whispered to myself.


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