Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

The Joker’s Face

Chapter 40 The Joker’s Face

JACKSON’S HOME, NEW YORK. “That witch! How dare she come into our lives and try to come between my man and me? I am going to show her what tough is like.” Dawn kept talking to herself as she washed her hands in the restroom. Nina stepped into the space, happy that Jace had caught a clue, and directed her towards where Dawn would likely be. “Were you saying that to me?” She asked from behind with a smirk. This time, Nina didn’t bother to cover up her baby bump. She had handed her jacket over to Jace. Dawn scoffed in distaste when she looked down at the bump. “You have no shame, do you? Following another person’s man when carrying someone else’s child.” “What man are you talking about?” She cackled dryly. “Are you trying to play dumb? If you two were ever going to work, you never would have broken up in the first place. Keep to yourself, or I will make your life hell.” Nina sucked her teeth and took intimidating steps towards her. “Do you know what I detest the most? It’s people like you who think they can get whatever it is they want. I have no interest in your man, and even if I did, I wouldn’t have to fight anyone to get his attention. Unlike you, who is shamelessly trying so hard. I feel sorry for your pathetic self.” Dawn growled and raised her hand to slap Nina. Nina already saw it coming and held her hand painfully behind while grabbing a fistful of her hair firmly. Just as she had guessed, Dawn doesn’t weigh that much. She had learned a bit of taekwondo in college and never thought it would come in this handy. “Let go of me, you bitch. I was trying to be lenient because of your pregnancy. But I am not going to take this.” Dawn struggled within her hold, trying very hard to free herself. However, Nina seemed determined not to let go. She pushed her head into the sink and turned on the faucet. Dawn gasped at the effect of the water, struggling for her life. Nina tightened her grip and pressed the head further down. “I am only going to warn you this once: If you ever disrespectfully talk to me or talk trash around about me. I promise to help you sign up for plastic surgery. That would be the extreme level I will go to ruin your face. You bitch!” Nina growled, not recognizing her voice. It felt like she was choking Andrea. Her everyday desire is to snuff life out of the friend she spent most of her years loving. Dawn’s strained gaggle sound brought Nina’s mind back to the present; she let her go hurriedly, causing Dawn to hit her head slightly against the wall. She winced in pain. Dawn coughed and shivered, “y…you will pay for this.” Nina laughed at the smeared makeup that made her look like a Halloween character. “Yeah, right. Mess with me again, and I might bury you alive.” She growled, walking out with no scratch on her. While Dawn screamed like a banshee, her voice got muffled by the walls and crowd noise from the party. “How did it go?” Jace asked when she returned, and he seemed eager to hear from her. “It would take her a while to mess with me again.” She grinned with pride, taking back her jacket. He raised his hand for a high five. “That’s what I am talking about, girl. I am proud of you. You should head back now; Xander must be looking around for you.” “Thank you, Jace.” She mused sincerely. “Anytime, Nina.” Xander had gone bonkers when he couldn’t find Nina, and he seemed to be searching the entire space for her. They bumped into each other on her way to the table. “Nina. I am so sorry I left you by yourself. How are you?” He asked, panting heavily. Nina rubbed at his arm. “I am fine. I just went to ease myself. Didn’t anyone care to mention?” “Nobody did, and I couldn’t find Jace.” He paused and glanced around for a moment. “I am getting tired here. Would you like to go somewhere? I will have to introduce you to my parents properly.” “There would be no need for that.” “Does that mean you won’t accept my invites ever again?” He blinked. She chuckled. “No, I was just-” “I get it. So until next time.” He grinned. “Come on now. Let’s go get some street food like we did back then in college.” Nina practically winced at the memory. She never understood why Xander enjoyed it more than she did. The street foods were lovely, but she had to eat them most of the time since she was low on cash. She often wished for a proper meal that wouldn’t dent her purse; Andrea usually came through with too much show-off. She should have known right off the bat that it would be trouble. As Xander mentioned, she suddenly felt hungry for something out of the box. “What would you like to have?” He asked. “Hmm, I think I might be craving some corn dog.” “Corn dog it is, then.” After driving for a while, they finally found a spot. After buying what they wanted, they sat down and watched passersby while eating. “This tastes so good,” Nina commented amidst a mouthful. Xander wiped at his lips. “I am glad you like them.” He paused for a second. “About Dawn, I am sorry.” She sniffed, taking a sip from her drink. “Why are you sorry when she should be the one to apologize?” “I bet if I weren’t so freehanded with her, she wouldn’t have the guts to insult my guest.” “It’s not about what you did. Dawn only portrayed her behavior. Why are you to be blamed for that? It would be best if you didn’t get involved at all. I will handle it on my own. It’s not that bad.” “I just don’t want you to be stressed. You are in no condition to have your health distorted.” “Dawn is the least of my worries, Xander. What matters to me now is keeping my job and getting my pound of flesh from those two. Nothing else.” “How is the baby?” “The doctor says we are fine as long as I keep taking my medications.” “And have you been doing that well? I see how hard you work and the stress line on your face. I hope you are doing as told.” “You sound like a dad. I am doing as told, Xander. You don’t need to worry.” He smiled, bowing his head. “I never thought in a lifetime that I would see you again.” “Me neither. Not to be boastful, but you never crossed my mind again. I just thought it was best to forget you.” “Wow! That hurts.” Xander exclaimed. “I am sorry.” “It’s okay. Judging by the circumstances, you had no other choice.” He replied. “So, are you ready to go home?” Nina nodded quickly. She can feel the fatigue in her back and legs. “Yes, please. I need to put my feet up.” “Alright, mama. I got you.” He smiled at her genuinely, and she felt rest-assured. ***************This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

XANDER’S HOME, NEW YORK. Xander let out a loud yawn as he stepped out of the car. It has been quite a long day for him. His mother made sure he and Jace returned to the house after the guests left for something she referred to as family alone time. If not for his affection for her, he wouldn’t let himself be like that. Venus seems to be trying so hard to unite Xander and his father. But they seem to be two hard nuts to crack, making all her efforts go to waste. Xander grinned at the sight of the door. He can’t wait to get into his bed and be wrapped by its warmth. A loud, unmanly yelp escaped his lips as he climbed onto the porch. His heart nearly left him when he stared down at a face that looked almost close to a joker’s face. “What the hell, Dawn? How the fuck did you get here? And why didn’t I see you with all the lights on?” He questioned all at once. Dawn blinked tearfully. “You weren’t paying attention. Why did you change your door code? Did she tell you to do that?” He furrowed his brows in confusion. “What are you yapping about?” He queried, punching in the code discreetly, and she followed. “What happened to your face?” He asked when the light shined brightly on her face, and the left side seemed to have received some hits. It looked sore. “I thought she was going to boast to you about what she did to me,” Dawn replied, sitting on the edge of the couch. Xander sighed in exhaustion. “I have told you time and time again, Dawn. I do not appreciate anyone wasting my time. Despite all my stern warnings, you still appear unannounced at my door. I thought you were at the party?” “She beat me up, Xander. Nina beat me, and you don’t even seem to care.” The shock was evident on his face. “I don’t know what you are saying, Dawn. Because this lady you are saying is pregnant, and you look fitter than she does. If anyone beat the other here, it would be you. Moreover, it is safe to say you deserve it for being so disrespectful towards her. I will tolerate a lot from you, Dawn, but not that. Who I hang around or choose to be with shouldn’t concern you. You are not my mother. Stop letting yourself get carried away by my mum’s dreamy wishes. It is not mine to fulfill.” He exhaled, feeling stressed. “I will call for a driver to take you home. I am too exhausted right now to do so. And also, I think you need to get a grip on yourself. Whatever you are doing, it’s becoming too low of you. I won’t warn you again.” He said, turning his back to go upstairs. Dawn felt she was losing a grip on him. She would hate to see Xander become someone she can no longer reach. Rushing forward, she wrapped her arms around him tightly from behind. “Don’t be like this to me, Xander. Only you and Minny are aware of the many things I have endured. You make me feel hopeful about my life again. I do not have anyone to count on except you. Please, Xan, don’t let anyone come between us.” She sobbed. Xander felt torn between leaving her to return to his room or console her. He got hurt by her uncouth attitude towards Nina at the party and had only let it slide because Nina assured her that she could handle herself. “You acted foolish, Dawn. I can’t keep making excuses for you. I am putting up with you because I care about you. It doesn’t feel right to know you are taking advantage of my affection. You don’t want to see the other side of me.” “I am sorry.” She wailed louder, tightening her grip. He huffed in exhaustion and turned to embrace her. She leaned in, holding onto him like her life depended on it.

************************* Xander’s lashes fluttered as the morning sun burned his eyes. He tried to turn, but there seemed to be a heavy weight on his arm. He opened his eyes to find Dawn sleeping peacefully. It took him a few seconds to remember how she joined him in bed. He let out a tired groan and struggled to remove his hand without waking her. His head ached badly. He went downstairs to grab a coffee, only to find Jace in his kitchen. Xander frowned and glanced towards his door. “How the hell did you get in?” He questioned. Jace turned to him with a sheepish grin. “Well, you aren’t a hard nut to crack. I just had to think of significant dates in your life, which I happen to know, thankfully. So here I am.” Xander cursed under his breath. “Jace, you get under my skin every damn time.” “It’s not my fault that I am your younger brother. You should have wished to be an only child instead.” “Whatever. Make me coffee.” “Does this look like a cafe?” “You want to get that coffee or leave my house.” “Jeez! Calm your balls down. I was just about to ask if two sugar cubes are enough.” “You know how I like it.” He replied, paying him less attention when he remembered his phone. “What are you looking for?” “I don’t know where I left my phone.” “It’s probably upstairs. Before I forget, why is Dawn in your bed with you?” Xander held up a mischievous grin. “I thought you liked us being together?” Jace squinted his eyes at him. “You know that isn’t what I meant.” “That was how I heard it.” “We will see then.” Jace chuckled all of a sudden. “I just thought to tell you that Dawn had herself dealt with as it should be yesterday.” “What? Did Nina do something to her?” Xander asked, looking surprised. “No.” He lied. “It was just an exchange of words, nothing more.” “Alright. I hope these women stop this, and I don’t know what is happening.” Jace hummed absentmindedly. “Here is your coffee, sir.” “Right. Now make breakfast since you can’t seem to keep to yourself.” Xander ordered, heading to his study. “Stop being so frugal and hire a bloody chef!” Jace retorted. “When I no longer have you as a younger brother, I will have a rethink,” Xander replied, laughing as Jace kept whining about the chore.

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