Damian's rose

Chapter 29: 29) Slave ?

Chapter 29: 29) Slave ?

Authors pov


Jackson came running towards Rose who was standing in the middle of the practice hall.

He picked her up and swirled her in the air.

She got out of his hold and tackled him on the floor.

"Fuck... Why would you do that..."

He said getting up and rubbing his back.

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't touch me..."

She replied straightening her top which rode upward when he grabbed her.

"But I am your best friend I have a right to do that..."

He pouted and she rolled her eyes.

"By the way where are you going this early in morning?..."

He asked curiously when he saw her with ropes and bagpack.

"Rock climbing..."

"Ohh... Aren't you tired or something, I mean you have traveled alot in the last few days... First you

came here with renzo and then again flew back immediately and again came here last night. I mean do

you care to explain why you are jumping here and there. It looks like you forgot something important

there or may be someone..."

He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"It's none of your business, Jackson..."

She picked up her bagpack and walked outside of the the main door.

"Hey it is, don't tell me I have competition now... Dude it's already very hard to get you, I can't afford

another man in competition."

He trailed behind her.

"Shut up, stop troubling me and go inside, your students are waiting for you..."

She pushed him inside.

"Ok ok, bye take care beautiful, I love you..."

He winked kissing her on the cheek and ran inside with full speed so he won't get his ass beaten.

Rose huffed and shook her head.

" God... This boy"


"We are here boss..."

Ashton pulled in front of the big campus and informed him.

Damian came out of his car in his usual dark and dominating aura. He took of his black shades and

looked at the big board in which R agency was written. Jack was with them too.

He started walking inside, his shiny leather shoes tapped on the cement floor which was still wet from This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

last night's rain.

He entered the campus and saw many students practicing martial arts, everyone was focused in their

own work and tasks.


Jack said impressed when he saw few boys doing stunts.

Whereas damian's eyes was only searching for Rose, he was trying to figure out her in between the

crowd of students.

Ashton saw Jackson doing his practice and Jackson didn't noticed them as he was focused on his


"Hey, Jackson..."

Ashton called him and waved his hand.

Damian's eyes snapped towards him when Ashton called his name. He looked at the slim figured man

who was flawlessly moving in the air.

Jackson stopped when he heard Ashton. He smiled when he saw him and ran towards him.

"Hey, nice to see you after so long ash, how are you ?"

Jackson said and they gave each other a bro hug.

Damian was not looking pleased at all after seeing him. He knew that he is Rose's bestfriend and it

was enough reason for Damian to hate him. Jackson looked at him and from his dominating aura he

understood that he is the boss.

"I am perfectly fine, buddy... By the way where is senior Rose?..."

Ashton asked making Damian became too Eger to know the answer.

"Your senior rose and you..."

Jack shook his head chuckling...

"Come, I'll show you..."

He said and all three of them followed him.

Jackson guided them towards the open balcony. The beautiful nature was clearly on the view from

there, big green trees, high hills and clean weather. It looked more beautiful after last nights rain. The

area was blessed with beautiful nature.

"See, there is your senior Rose, torturing the poor rocks in the beautiful pleasent morning...."

Jackson pointed his finger in the direction of hill. Damian's eyes quickly followed the direction of his

finger and found her.

She was climbing on the rock like a monkey. Damian's heart almost skipped a bit when he saw her

climbing on that high and dangerous rock which was still moist and slippery from the rain.

His eyes was glued on her and suddenly her foot slipped from the rock and she stumbled a bit but

quickly composed herself and started climbing again.

"This girl is fucking crazy..."

He mumbled to himself.

"Where is Renzo ?..."

Damian questioned, Jackson frowned at his hard voice. He looked at him confused when he saw

Damian's eyes was locked on Rose with clenched jaw like he was controlling his anger.

"Well, I don't think he had any idea that you people were going to visit because. He is not present in his

office, but he will be here soon I guess, it's time... You can sit in the waiting area, Ashton please guide

them ..."

Jackson explained in his friendly way.

"Yeah, no problem... Thanks..."

Ashton replied and they walked towards the waiting area, Damian was still looking out of the balcony

but now Rose was nowhere to be seen.

He heard some students talking and turned his attention towards them listening them carefully.

"Hey where is senior Rose?..."

One boy asked his friends.

"She is doing rock climbing, why ?..."

Second boy asked...

"She is busy means she won't be able to train us today..."

He chirped happily.

"Stupid, she is senior Rose and you know how strict and punctual she is, she will join us soon..."

Another young boy said.

"But I heard she is tired from all the travelling and after doing rock climbing she will definitely give us a

off day..."

He claimed.

"Yeah I think he is right..."

Another boy agreed with him.

All of them went silent when they saw Rose entering the hall. Damian's eyes locked on her and when

she looked up her heart skipped a beat. He stood in front of her, glaring at her with his cold eyes.

She didn't reflect anything on her face and kept looking at him with her straight face but from the inside

she was shaking by his intense gaze. She was confused and curious to know why he was there.

Thinking it's none of her business and everything is over between them she pushed her thoughts aside

and turned towards the young boys.

"Boy's, take your positions. We will start the training in a minute..."

She ordered making those poor boys pout in disappointment.

Rose walked past Damian like she didn't recognised him and it made him more angry.

She started tranning the boys and the whole time she was feeling his heated gaze on her.

"How did you survive this strict teacher, Ashton..."

Jack said sarcastically when he saw Rose training the boys strictly.

"Don't ask me please, it still hurts..."

Ashton replied in an overdramatic way.

And Damian rolled his eyes hearing their backbitching.

"What a pleasant surprise Mr. Knight, I didn't expect you to come here..."

Damian turned around when he heard Renzo's voice. He was standing there in his blue suit and his

grey beard was clearly displayed his age.

"I wish I could say the same, Renzo..."

Damian replied arrogantly. Renzo scrunched his eyebrows making his wrinkles more prominent.


"No Mr. Knight, I can't do that... I told you class A fighters are not for bodyguards job..."

Renzo leaned forward on his desk and Said to Damian.

"And I told you that I don't give a fuck about your rules ..."

Damian leaned back in his chair, his one leg was resting on other. He was sitting there like he owned

the campus not Renzo that too in his own office.

"I can't change the rules ..."

Renzo shook his head negatively. Worry was plastered on his face as he knows that with whom he is

dealing with at the moment. He was well aware of Damian's power and he was the last person Renzo

wanted to mess with.

"Are you denying me Renzo..."

Damian's eyes hardened and his voice came out threatening...

"No Mr. Knight but..."

Renzo tried to speak but Damian cut him between..

"Let me complete your but..."

Damian arrogantly replied with smirking face.

"You are denying me now but you won't be able to see your fucking agency standing on the ground in

one piece. Don't forget FBI is already behind your Assassin's Renzo, one small hint and they will catch

all your Assassin's like flies. Don't make me use my connections here..."

Renzo's face paled when he heard Damian's threats. He was well aware of Damian's power and he

knew that Damian can destroy him and his agency within a snap of his fingers. A stupid thought of

killing Damian crossed his mind but he quickly threw it out of the window because he knew that Rose

will chop him in tiny pieces if he touched Damian. At this point Renzo was terribly regretting for making

Rose this perfect and strong in martial arts. Renzo himself was scared of Rose as he realised that he

no longer stand a chance against rose with her young energy while he was getting old day by day.


Renzo accepted and Damian smirked in victory.

"But we have some rules regarding this too.

1) If you ever fired her, she has to join the agency back.

2) 2) If she betrayed you, then I will have to hire other Assassin's to kill her, it's important to maintain

the reputation of our agency.

3) 3) Once you sign this contract she will become your property, I won't claim her neither I would have

any rights on her till you decided to let her go.

4) 4) You will have full rights to kill her in any circumstances as she will be your slave from now on, our

agency will not take any actions or question you on that."

5) Renzo slide the contact in front of Damian.

6) "Sign this and she will be yours..."


Damian read the file carefully and signed it.

"But the girl you want to hire is one of the best Assassin of my agency Mr. Knight, her price would be

high too..."

Renzo said and Damian clenched his fist tightly.

"The money will be transferred in your account Renzo, don't worry..."

Renzo called Rose inside the office and she came shortly after that.

She bowed in front of him in respect and he gave her a firm nod.

"Rose, you will be working for Mr. Knight from now on as he had hired you permanently, you will be


Before Renzo completed his sentence she said with gritted jaw..

"His slave..."

She looked at Damian disappointingly.

Damian kept his eyes cold while he was sitting on the chair relaxed.

"Yes, and I am sure you remember the rules Rose, if you..."

She again cut him between.

"I know..."

She gritted her jaw tightly.

" I know chief... You will kill me, you don't have to remind that again and again..."

She kept her voice calm but inside her she was burning in anger, she never thought that Damian will

buy her as his slave.

Renzo looked down in guilt when he recognised the pain in her voice. Even if he never accepted it, he

admired Rose too. She was always like a daughter to him and that's why he trained her like one. And

he only threatens her to keep control on her, he never actually thought about killing her.

'i don't understand why he is buying her when she already belongs to him'

Renzo thought...

Damian stood up from his chair and looked at her smirking.

"Come to the car in 10 minutes, I don't have time to waste on unnecessary things..."

He said coldly and left the office.

Rose frowned at his cold tone, she wasn't able to understand why he is behaving like this.

She walked towards her dom and started packing her stuff, most of her stuff was already packed, so

she was just packing the basic things.

"What's wrong with him, why is he doing this...

I was just a challenge to him, only a bet whom he wanted to win and he did it. Then why is he doing

this, does he want to make my life difficult now... What's going on in his cunning mind..."

She zipped up her bag annoyingly and threw it on her shoulder...

"Come on Rose you can do it, just don't let him know that he affects you, hide everything just like you

did before... He doesn't need to see your vulnerable side..."

She motivated herself and left the dom with her luggage.

When she went outside she saw Damian standing in front of his car alongwith Ashton and jack. Jack

was boring holes in her with his hateful gaze and Ashton as usual gave her a small smile but she

couldn't read Damian's eyes as he was wearing his shades.

"Hey, Rose..."

Jackson yelled from behind and she turned towards him.

"Why do you always leave me without saying goodbye..."

Jackson scolded her...

She looked down in guilt...

"I am sorry Jackie, you know I don't like saying goodbyes..."

Jackson smiled widely when heard his nickname from her mouth.

"It's been so long since I heard this name from your mouth, I will miss you Arie..."

Jackson said with glossy eyes, Rose's heart tightened in her chest when she heard him calling her with

that name...

She gave him a small smile and Jackson engulfed her in a loving friendly hug...

"I love you Arie..."

"I love you too Jackie..."

She replied and hugged him back...

Jackson was her only friend with whom she lived since her childhood, and Jackson knew everything

about her and her past. The two friends were comforting each other and giving their farewell.

When Damian saw Jackson hugging Rose he controlled himself from blowing his brains out. He had

never seen Rose this comfortable with any boy like this before and it was igniting the fire of jealousy in

his heart. Jackson's name was now on the top in his hitting list. Thankfully he wasn't able to hear their

conversation otherwise he would have started the war here by hearing their love you's...

"Who is he ?"

Jack asked curiously looking at the scene in front him...

"Jackson, senior Rose and him are childhood friend and they were inseparable in the agency. Jackson

never leaves her alone..."

Ashton said chuckling and Damian's knuckles turned white in his tight fist.

"Ohh... Boyfriend ?"

Jack asked to Ashton not taking his eyes of Damian.

"No not actually but he is madly in love with senior Rose. Every student in this campus knows it but she

only sees him as a friend nothing else..."

Ashton's words made Damian partly relieved...

Rose pulled out from their hug and waved goodbye to him walking towards the car. Ashton helped her

to keep her luggage and all of them sat in the car.

Damian didn't looked at her neither did she. His face was angry while she kept herself calm with

straight face. Ashton and jack were joking and laughing ignoring the deadly silence behind them.

Ashton pulled in front of Damian's private jet and all of them stepped outside.

Damian walked inside and his 3 minions followed him behind.

Everyone took their seats, Ashton and jack was sitting on other side and Rose alone with her devil


She sat on her seat infront of Damian and looked at him. He was already looking at her with cold eyes

his stare was so intense that it made her feel like she is standing naked in front of him so she averted

her eyes from him awkwardly and ignored him.

Soon the plane take off and she closed her eyes, she was already tired from all the travelling she did in

the last few days. She was continuously flying here and there and it her jet lagged and to put cherry on

the top she did rock climbing in the morning which has drained all her energy. Her body was screaming

for rest and as soon as she closed her eyes sleep took over her.

Even in her sleep she felt his eyes on her.

When they were about to land, Damian looked at her sleeping form and smirked, he stood up from his

seat and walked towards her.

He picked up the glass of water from aside and poured on her face. She gasped and woke up from her

sleep with a jolt when cold water hit her face...

She looked at his smirking face in disbelief...

"I didn't pay millions on you for this, enough of your beauty sleep now get back to work..."

He ordered harshly...

She closed her eyes frustrated and took a big deep breath.

"Yes boss..."

She replied with clenched jaw.

Ashton was beyond shocked and jack was silently laughing at her condition, her shirt and hair was

totally wet. Jack picked up the tissue papers and handed her...

"Welcome to hell, slave..."

Jack smirked making her look at him with frown.

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