Daddy’s Little Pet

Love In Captivity


Cigarette smoke wafted down the corridor and into the cell where I’d been confined.

My cuffed hands reflexively went to my nose, attempting to block out the stench but to no avail. My lungs were burning, and a gag formed in my throat.

One day. It’d only been one goddamned day since everything had gone to shit. I’d gotten arrested and locked in a place I’d sworn never to step feet in again-a place filled with the memories of some of my worst nightmares. Oh, but I was on the verge of insanity. I was going crazy.

Even though my cell was luxurious by jail standards, I couldn’t breathe or sleep.

There were two windows with a thin curtain that let in natural light. A vanity table and a broken mirror sat to one side. A little closet stood next to it, but it held nothing but the toiletries a guard would bring me every morning.

The bed was also really comfy, with thick cotton sheets, a soft blanket with a pleasant scent, and pillows that supported my head as I leaned back on them.

Overall, the room was quite comfortable, but with money, anything was possible. And in my case, it included this cell, with its comfortable bed and decent food-a stark contrast to what other criminals were entitled to. It was a mockery of what I’d been accustomed to over the years.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew my attention away from the window. I heard keys rattling together outside my door and a loud ‘ding’ as someone unlocked it.

Two guards entered the room when the hefty metal door swung open. They wore rumpled uniforms-dark blue trousers and old boots – and looked shabby. They also had pistols strapped to the sides of their right arms, and their stoic facial expressions gave nothing away.

One of the guards came to a halt a few feet away from me, held up what appeared to be a ballpoint pen, and then spoke, his tone solemn.

“Mr. Clarke, you’ve got a visitor.”

“A visitor?” I raised my brows, wondering who it could be. My lawyer? No, he’d been by already and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow to finalize my provisional bail request. So, I wasn’t expecting anyone.

Except… my eyes widened.

“Renee.” I said quietly, just as the guard spoke up again. “Mr. Clarke, if you would please follow us. We’ll take you to her.”

Her. The visitor was undoubtedly female, and my gut twisted into knots.

Renee was here. Without a doubt, to ask questions I most likely couldn’t answer. Or rather, questions I didn’t want to answer.

She was the last person I wanted to see right now. Why? I couldn’t stomach looking at her. I couldn’t bear to look into those brown eyes I adored without feeling a piercing, scorching ache. The mere sight of her would make my misery worse. It would cause me more pain. More agony. More anguish than the loss of my freedom.

“Fuck!” I said under my breath, staring at the ground and clenching my fists so hard they turned white.

My breathing became more rapid as a feeling of panic overtook me. I closed my eyes tightly, praying for this horrible feeling to go away.

“I’m such an asshole.” I muttered to myself. “A fucking asshole. What on earth was I thinking? That she wouldn’t co-”

“Did you say something, Mr Clarke?” The guard, who was still several feet away, inquired.

I blinked, opened my eyes and mouth to respond, but snapped it shut.

“Mr Clarke?” The guard spoke again, stepping closer. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” I repeated. “No. Not at all.”

“Good. Because I would hate to inform your visitor you’re indisposed and cannot honor her visit. We need to leave now.”

I swallowed hard. “Sure. Lead the way,” I said, standing on wobbly feet.

The guards led me out without saying another word, and I followed closely behind. We strolled down a long, curving corridor, past cells with locked doors, some empty, some full of convicts.

I could feel the stares emanating from the jail walls as I walked by-hostile stares, judging, or both. I despised it. I loathed every single look, whether one of pity or scornful judgment. I hated the whispers as well. They were louder than the voices in my head. And just as unbearable.

Damn! I felt sick.

After what seemed like an eternity and a couple of turns, we came to a halt outside a massive, intimidating set of steel-barred double doors. This was the entrance to the visitors’ room, and I’d been here before. To see my lawyer. Of course, my heart didn’t race ten times as fast as it was now, nor did my knees shake like jelly.

At the time, I was calm and collected. But things were different now. I felt nervous, afraid, and uncertain, like my life depended on what Renee would say.

“You can go in now,” One of the guards said, breaking me out of my thoughts, and the other pushed the door open.

I stepped forward hesitantly, entering the all-too-familiar room. And I froze. There she was, sitting against the far wall on a stiff wooden chair. Her strawberry blonde hair fell in soft waves down her shoulders. Her eyes met mine immediately, and the brown orbs pierced through me-penetrating my soul.

Her gaze moved up and down my body. From the top of my unkempt hair to the bottom of my scuffed sneakers. And when she saw my shackled wrists, her attention lingered for a minute longer on them. She noticed my sore and blistered fingertips and my exposed skin, which was a bit dark from the jail’s day-old tan.

I noticed her countenance shift and felt fury radiate from her. Something resembling pain also marred her features, but it was impossible to know what she was thinking or feeling because she kept her calm.

Then, a tear streamed down her cheek, and she stood up abruptly. She ran to me and threw herself on my chest in a bone-crushing hug.

“Ro… Robert.” Her voice wavered as she clutched me, her whole body quivering.

I wanted to return the hug, but the handcuffs made it impossible. Instead, I remained stiff, allowing her to cling to me and bury her face against my chest. The sounds of her sobbing broke me. Shattered my insides.

And that agonizing ache from earlier reappeared. It came with a twist this time, stiffening my ribcage and squeezing tighter still. So really fucking tight.

“Renee…” I managed to utter, my voice raspy as I begged. “Please, stop crying.”

“I… I… I can’t.” She mumbled, burying her face further into my shirt and sobbing even more. “I just can’t. What… what happened?”

I swallowed hard, unsure of how to respond to her query. Or even where to begin.

“What happened, Robert?” She asked, and this time, her grasp gave way, allowing her to pull back slightly, revealing her tear-streaked face.

Her cheeks were coated with mascara and eyeliner as she stared at me. More unshed tears glistened in her eyes, and many emotions danced around their depths.

Sadness and sorrow. Pain. Fear. Confusion. Guilt. Anger. Betrayal. And, of course, love. All of these feelings could be seen in her eyes. As much as I wished I could reach out and smooth the creases between her brows, I knew I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything and felt so bad about it. I felt ashamed, too. I was embarrassed at my inability to make things better. Guilt gnawed at my bones and clawed my insides.

“I’m sorry, Renee.” I whispered, looking away, unable to meet her sad gaze anymore.

“What are you apologizing for?” She asked, and before I could respond, she spoke again, “Let’s take a seat. Maybe then you’ll be able to start telling me everything.”

With that, she took my arm and led me to the seats in the center of the room, which had a table in the middle. I sat down carefully, trying not to jostle the cuffs that held my wrists together. Once again, Renee’s attention briefly flickered to my wrists as she sat across from me.

A long silence followed. Then she sniffed, cleared her throat, and barraged me with questions. “What in the world happened, Robert? We were together yesterday afternoon, so how are you here now? Why didn’t anyone tell me? Why didn’t your PA notify me? My bodyguard, Harry, was completely unaware of your arrest. How? Or is he lying? I was shocked when Mrs. Andrews told me the news, and at first, I thought she was joking, but…” She trailed off, and I sighed deeply.

“In truth, I told them not to say a word of my arrest to you.”

“Who’s them? Harry? Or who? And why would you do such a thing? Why?” Her voice cracked as she half yelled.

I reached across the table and gripped her right palm. I whispered an apology, hoping she’d accept it.

“I apologize for that, Renee. I didn’t want you to be concerned. I-”

“Please, please!” She stopped me off, yanking her hand away from my hold. Her lips trembled uncontrollably, and her face distorted in rage and fury. “Stop saying that! I’ll always be concerned about you. Always! Because it’s the right thing to do. It’s what people in love do. We worry about each other. For better, or for fucking worse!”


“If this situation had been reversed and I was the one here, you would have razed down the entire building. You would have done everything possible to get me out, regardless of the repercussions or what I did. Why can’t I do the same? Why shouldn’t I worry? God, no, Robert!”

Again, tears streamed down her cheeks, and she sobbed gently, covering her mouth with her trembling hands.

I stood there, powerless, as she broke down. I watched as the fury in her eyes faded and was replaced by something else. Something infinitely sadder.

“I’m such a bad girlfriend.” She muttered. “A terrible, terrible girlfriend. When all of my phone calls went to voicemail, I should’ve known something was wrong. God, I’m such a moron.”

“Don’t say that, Renee. Please.” I begged.

She didn’t say anything at first. She just sat and shook her head, wiping her tears away with both hands. Then she asked, looking at me. “Why are you here? What happened? Tell me everything.”

And I did. Without any hesitation this time. I told Renee everything. Starting from the moment I left her apartment and continuing through the events that led to my arrest. I’d been accosted at my workplace, and when my lawyer arrived at the station, he informed me of the charges laid against me.

Murder. Assault. Assorted felonies. These were the three words he’d used to describe my actions.

“Murder?” Renee gasped, and I saw the questions forming in her eyes. But before she could ask, I told her the answers anyway.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Remember when I told you in Aspen that someone was trying to blackmail me?”

She nodded.

“This is it.” I said, taking another deep breath and continuing. “My fingerprints were found on the dead body of a guy I beat up at the club some months ago.”

“What guy? Which club?” She frowned.

“His name is Darren. And the club is…” I paused and nibbled the inside of my lower lip. I didn’t want to say this because I knew what would happen next. I damn well knew the turn this would take.

“Robert,” She said softly. “Tell me.”

“The club where you were assaulted.”

“Is Darren the guy who…” She didn’t finish her sentence because I nodded in response.

Silence, again. Then Renee’s shoulders dropped, and she buried her face in her palms. “Oh, my goodness. This is my fault.”

“No. No. Renee, don’t blame yourself.” I tried to reach for her hands, but she wouldn’t let me.

“Fuck, yes, it is. None of this would have happened if I had never stepped foot inside that place. I followed that stranger mindlessly. I’d taken the drink. I caused this,” She blurted, letting out another strangled sob and sliding back from the table.

My heart clenched, and my chest tightened. I never knew that a single act could break me like this. That I could feel so empty and hollow inside as a result.

Seeing Renee cry…it crushed me. Fucking destroyed me.

“This isn’t your fault, Renee.” I finally answered, trying to sound tough despite my trembling voice. My words were firm and full of conviction when I spoke again. “It’s entirely mine. I laid my hands on him. I beat him to a pulp and would gladly do it again. He fucked with your drink. He was trying to harm you. I don’t regret doing those things, so don’t you dare blame yourself. Don’t!”

Still staring at me with watery brown eyes, her gaze burning into mine, Renee asked, “But he’s dead. How come? Did you…?”

“What? No! I beat him black and blue but believe me when I say I didn’t kill him. He was still alive when I let him be and handed him over to the cops. I know this. They are aware of this. And there’s evidence. So don’t worry too much, and don’t blame yourself.” I paused to catch my breath. “I’ll get through this.”

“Okay,” She replied weakly, nodding.

“Good. That’s my girl.”

“So…” She sniffed. “How long are you going to be here for?”

“I should be out by tomorrow. My lawyer is working tooth and nail to secure an early bail request for me.”


“Yeah. I’ll figure this out. We’ll figure this out,” I assured her and continued. “Once I’m out of here, however brief, I’ll be in the right frame of mind to deal with the problem. There might be minor problems like legal challenges and lawsuits. But I’ve got lots of resources on speed dial.”

Renee’s lips twitched into a sad smile. “A lot of resources, huh?” She hummed. “But that’s why you’re Robert Clarke, and I know you’ll find a way to fix this.”

Even though my face was numb, I grinned. When I reached out my bound wrists to her, she removed her palms from her face and took my hands in hers.

We stayed like that for a while, holding hands and staring at each other, not saying a word or moving. The warmth of Renee’s hands in mine provided me with strength. I felt a sensation of calm flood over me, and I almost believed in the possibilities. That things would be better now. Everything would work out in the end. And whoever was behind this, they would pay. I could feel it in my bones, deep down, in my heart and lungs, that justice would eventually come.

“Robert,” She began, breaking the silence. “What about the company?”

“My company?”


I let out a sigh. “The case is already having a drastic effect, and shareholders are withdrawing and selling their stocks. But it’s to be anticipated, and I’ll handle it. I’m not worried.”

“God, Robert.” Her voice cracked again, and she tried removing her hands away from mine-probably so she could cover her face with them while she cried. I didn’t let her.

“I said I’ll take care of it, Renee. Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay. Okay.” She whispered, the words almost inaudible, but I heard them. “Have you eaten yet? How are you feeling?”

“I feel like shit, honestly, but at the same time I’m fine. I’ve eaten, and before you ask, no, my cell is not that bad. When you have money, you can get anything; in my case, I have plenty of it.” I winked at her. “I’m in a cell called the solitary. It’s like a private room with certain features and privileges.” I said with a chuckle, hoping to lighten the gloomy atmosphere but failing miserably.

Renee remained silent, and I noticed her glancing at her stomach now and then. She even withdrew one of her palms from my grip and placed it on her tummy.

“You having a stomach ache?”

“No.” She answered sharply, looking up and dropping her hand. “No, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” I persisted. “You look pale, and your eyelids twitch as if in pain. Is there-”

She snapped. “I’m fine, Robert. Please, stop asking.”

My brow furrowed, but I chose to drop the subject. I was about to say something else when the door behind us flung open, revealing a guard on the threshold.

“Visiting hours have ended. Get your ass up.” He said, approaching us.

He tried to grab my hands roughly, but I maneuvered and stood up on my own accord.

Renee stood up as well, and before I could say a word, she walked over and hugged me tightly.

“I don’t want to let go.” Her words were muffled against my chest as she clung to me.

“Neither do I.” I murmured back, placing my chin on top of her hair.

Her fingers grasped my shirt fiercely, and her breath caught in her throat. As we remained locked in the embrace, tears streamed down her face, and her hands shook heavily.

When she pulled away, wiping the tear from the corner of her stained lashes, I heard her say, “Take care of yourself, okay?”

“Right back at you.” I smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you more.” Her lips trembled as she faked a grin.

The guard grabbed my arm, making me tumble backward. “Let’s go.”

I hissed slightly but complied. Turning around, I looked at Renee one last time, gave her what I hoped was a comforting smile, and disappeared out the door into the jail hallway.

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