Daddy’s Little Pet

Art, Romance & Mystery 1


It had been four days since I arrived in Aspen-four blissful days since Robert had whisked me away on a private plane to the luxurious cabin he owned.

A beautiful recap? So, the day after we arrived, he was mostly involved in work-related activities while I was out and about in the city. On the second, however, we spent meaningful time together. The next day, he took me to a car racing event, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Then, we had lunch at a prominent Italian restaurant. When we returned to the cabin, Robert took me on a long romantic walk over the cabin grounds before taking me to the bedroom, where he passionately made love to me for hours. And I loved every minute of it.

I could still feel his body against mine, his firm, warm hands grabbing my hips as he pushed into my feminine warmth. The sensation of him between my thighs and being entirely consumed by him would always be etched into my brain. Being with Robert constantly altered my brain chemistry. It was nothing new.

At the recollections of all these memories, my lips curved into a smile, and my eyes fluttered closed briefly.

That night and the night after were perfect. So lovely, and-

“Renee.” I blinked my eyes when I heard the low rumbling of his deep voice. “We’re here.”

I peered out the tinted window of the limousine, and my mind returned to the present. My gaze was drawn to the vast gates ahead, the iron-wrought bars appearing impenetrable in the darkening sunset. As we neared, there was activity from within, most likely a guard unlocking the electric-controlled gates so the vehicle could drive in.

A little gasp escaped my lips as the limo sped into the courtyard, which housed a grand Victorian structure.

A massive marble fountain dotted with beautiful blossoms stood in the center of the circular driveway. Tall trees bordered the property’s perimeter, giving it an isolated feel, and the building itself stood tall and stately. A few white lights illuminated the area, but they weren’t bright enough to show the entire complex. Instead, they highlighted the mansion’s many architectural features.

With its columns and turrets, this place was easily one of the most magnificent I’d ever seen.

As the limousine stopped in front of the mansion’s finely constructed portico, Robert took my hand in his own.

“Are you ready?” He asked quietly.

I responded with a trembling breath. “I… I’m not sure. Am I? Do I look good enough? I…”

I swallowed a lump and looked down at my red strapless dress.

When Robert told me about the art gallery exhibit he’d been invited to by a friend, I hadn’t given it much thought. In truth, I had expected it would be a simple, unremarkable affair, held in a drab room with poor lighting and not requiring me to put effort into my appearance.

Robert, however, had proposed otherwise. He’d made me look my best for this event by hiring a stylist to pick an appropriate outfit and a makeup artist to whip my face to perfection. Even if no one knew who I was, my being by his side would make me stand out.

My hair fell in lovely waves past my shoulders, held in place by small pearl combs – a gift from him – that nestled within my curls. Matching gold necklaces and earrings made my face pop out, too.

I wore a pair of strappy gold heels that caressed my tiny ankles and carried a gold clutch purse. The accessory complimented my jewelry perfectly and completed my ensemble. Not bad.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“You look gorgeous,” Robert murmured, squeezing my hand. “Stunning. You would easily pass off as the most beautiful woman in the room. My most beautiful woman.”

My heart melted inside my chest as his blue eyes met mine. God bless this man’s capacity to calm me down. To keep a hold of my fears and let them disappear under his soft touch. And right now, that was all I needed.

He leaned in, kissing me gently, and my lips stretched into an easy smile.

“Ready now, darling?” He asked again, brushing his thumb against my cheek.

“Yes.” I nodded. “Yes, I am.”

With those words, Robert wasted no time collecting me from my side of the car as the limo doors slid open.

A flash went off, and I stiffened. Another flash followed, and I tried not to cringe as numerous cameras clicked away quickly.

They were here-the paparazzi. Robert had hinted that they’d show up to take photos of the event, and he’d told me that they wouldn’t be a bother. But as they put their cameras in our faces, flashbulbs going off like crazy, I began to doubt that.

Bodyguards stood on either side of us, shielding us, and Robert kept his arm tightly wrapped around mine.

He drew me close and spoke quietly into my ear. “Remain calm, love. We’ll be inside soon.”

His fingers traced soothingly up and down my arm, soothing my frazzled nerves. I slowly relaxed.

Breathing deeply, I tried to focus on nothing but the man standing next to me rather than the bothersome camera flashes.

We soon entered the mansion, and Robert’s security detail dispersed, leaving only one guard to take us to the VIP entrance of the main hall, where the art exhibition was being held.

“Wow.” We walked in, and that one word monotonously escaped my lips.

Just like its exterior, the mansion’s interior was stunning. The building was spectacular, with marble pillars from massive stone blocks framing each corner. Beautiful arches adorned the roof, and a chandelier hung from the ceiling, its glittering jewels dangling from the elegant metal chains.

Opulently dressed guests were gathered in small groups near the walls, animatedly conversing, while others admired the various artworks on display.

As I looked about, one of said artworks immediately struck my eye.

It was a gigantic glass display filled with wonderful ancient paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. They varied from the Renaissance era to more modern art, and while I wasn’t a big art buff, I had to agree these pieces held a defining beauty.

“Aren’t they stunning?” Robert commented from alongside me, his hand on the bottom half of my back, gently moving me forward to the display.

“Very much so.”

A waitress approached, offering champagne, wine, and sparkling water. I took a glass of champagne, and Robert did the same, raising his glass in my direction.

“To art, history, and…” I trailed off as Robert finished the sentence. “And us.” He said, his gaze fixed on me.

The waitress walked away.

My cheeks warmed at his words, and a faint laugh escaped my lips. “To us,” I repeated.

I took a healthy gulp, grimacing at the unfamiliar taste of the champagne, when Robert’s name suddenly echoed out from behind. Startled by the unexpected call, I turned around to see a stoic-looking young man walking briskly toward us.

As he approached, I couldn’t help but notice how the crowd parted before him with hushed whispers. It was almost as if he controlled the room, and he walked confidently with an air of power surrounding him.

In an instant, I felt increasingly intimidated by the approaching stranger. He didn’t exude a frightening aura per se, but there was something else about him – a sense of mystery. Something intriguing. It sent thrilling shivers down my spine.

All these traits aside, he was pretty handsome. No one was more attractive than Robert to me, but this man was different. The flirtatious looks from several of the ladies in the room appeared to emphasize my point.

The suit and casual blazer he wore accentuated his muscular build nicely, and the way he carried himself was oddly hypnotic. He moved with a confident stride and an elegant grace. His overall appearance wasn’t flashy, but it was striking enough to get everyone’s attention.

I drew my focus back to his face, where I noticed frighteningly dark eyes looking right at me-us, through thin-rimmed… glasses? Oh, wow.

“My man!” Robert exclaimed excitedly, wrapping his arms around the young man in greeting.

The stranger’s austere demeanor faded, and he grinned, warmly reciprocating Robert’s embrace.

“Hey, buddy! I was beginning to doubt you’d make it.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for anything, brother.” Robert grinned, stepping back slightly. He gestured toward me.

“Meet Renee Micheal, my girlfriend. Renee, this is Cade Stone. Our host for tonight.”

As I shook his offered hand, Cade flashed me a kind yet cold smile. “It’s lovely meeting you, Miss.”

“Nice to meet you too, Mr Stone.”

“Nonsense. Do call me Cade.” He insisted. “I can’t have a beautiful woman like you being all formal with me now, can I?”

A blush colored my cheeks, and I watched as Robert step closer and mumbled something into his ears. Whatever was said caused Cade’s mouth to twitch briefly, and his features softened even more.

He spoke again but to Robert this time. “Why, she’s such an excellent catch, and I’d keep my boundaries. She’s your woman, after all. I don’t want to cross a line.”

Robert burst out laughing, and I blushed even more.

He continued. “I’m not a big talker, Robert. Especially to her kind, as you are aware. I’ll only be free around Miss Micheal because she looks sweet. Rest assured.”

“Especially to my kind?” I blurted out, and Cade lifted his brows, perplexed.

I kept on, the inquiry spilling out of my mouth before I could stop it. “What exactly did you mean by that?”

Taken aback by my curiosity, Cade stared at me stiffly, and for a split second, there was no response. Then he cleared his throat. “You fascinate me, Miss Micheal. And that’s a surprise.”

Huh? What the hell was he saying? I bit my lower lip and glanced at Robert, who was amused. Oh goodness, gracious. Was he enjoying this banter between his friend and me?

“A very lovely lady. I’d say you’ve hit the jackpot with this one, my dearest friend.” Cade grinned, turning to address Robert before his gaze drifted back to me. “I meant it when I said you look like a sweet person, and you are my dear. But let’s leave it at that. You certainly don’t want me to bore you with my ramblings.”

I didn’t push the conversation any further. Instead, I nodded, trying desperately to rid myself of any mortification I felt. Thankfully, Robert and Cade turned to each other, discussing in hushed voices about business.

I sighed and took a sip from my champagne glass. I took another calm breath and looked around when an eerie sensation overtook me like someone was watching me.

A shudder ran through my body, and my breathing quickened. Turning abruptly, I looked around, and that’s when I saw it. A hooded figure clad in all black stood in one corner of the large ballroom, observing me.

He appeared male, but I couldn’t determine if it was because of his height or stature. The moment he caught me staring, he glanced over me and, without missing a beat, stormed away through the crowd filling the hall, exiting through a side door.

I stood there, puzzled, as I watched him walk away. Who was that man? Why was he staring at me? Why-

A hand touched my shoulder, making me jump in fear. Robert.

“Are you okay, Renee?”

“I’m…I’m fine.”

“You look pale? What the fuck? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I…” I trailed off, thinking of the perfect lie to tell him. “I got entranced by one of the art pieces.”

“Renee, that’s not true.” He hissed, grasping my shoulders as he inquired once more. “Are you certain?”

“Uhm, Hm.” I hummed, plastering a phony smile on my face. “I’m truly okay.”

“If you say so.” He paused, then continued. “Cade and I would like to talk somewhere more private. Would you mind coming with me?”

“Oh.” I sighed. “Don’t be concerned. I’ll stay here and observe all these beautiful works of art.”

“All right.” He said, planting a chaste kiss on my brow. “Don’t wander far off.”

“I won’t. Even if I do, the army of guards at our disposal will ensure you find me in time.”

Robert smirked in reply. Cade did, too, and before departing, he reached into his pocket and slipped a card into my hand.

“Miss Micheal, this is for you. A small thank you gift from me.”

With that, he pulled Robert along, and they vanished into the crowd. I stood still for a little longer, staring at the card in my hand, and my thoughts aimlessly raced as I processed different things.

The creepy man was watching me. The encounter with Robert’s friend and his thank you gift.

Another wave of anxiety washed over me, and I flipped the card over with shaky hands. It only had a single number scribbled in gold, but nothing else.

Oh well, what did I expect? Shrugging, I placed the small card inside my clutch purse and took another sip from my champagne glass.

“The fuck!” I cursed out loud, coughing as my stomach twisted violently. My head throbbed, and I staggered back, almost falling to the floor, but two strong hands grabbed my arm and held me still before I did.

“Easy, there. Are you alright?” A voice above me inquired, and I looked up to see odd brown eyes staring at me.

“Yeah. Yeah.” I feebly nodded, attempting to push myself away from the stranger, but his grip tightened. My throat became congested, and I coughed again.

The mysterious man slid a glass of water toward me and said, “Here, you need this.”

I gulped as I remembered the strange man observing me before, and my tongue rushed out, moistening my parched lips.

“Thank you, but I don’t need that.” I gasped out, refusing to accept the offered glass.

“It’s only water. It would relieve the internal discomfort caused by the champagne.” He shrugged. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.”

His tone was almost kind and comforting. I didn’t answer right away. Instead, I continued to stare, assessing him. He didn’t look like someone who’d do something harmful to me, and his presence was calming. This was not the creepy hooded man from earlier. He was just some random guest who had come to my aid. I relaxed a little.

Collecting the water and handing over my champagne glass, I took a long sip.

“Feeling better now?”

“Yes. Thank you so much.” I said gratefully.

“Not a problem.” He replied smoothly. “I’m never one to leave a beautiful damsel in distress.”

I let out a faint giggle. “Damsel in distress indeed.”

“You alone?” He asked, and before I could reply, he said again. “I’m very knowledgeable about the pieces on display tonight. I’d be happy to show you around.”

“Woah… no thanks,” I waved him off. “I’m fine.”

“Oh, please. I insist. Just let me. And if you want anything here, I’d buy it for you.”

“Knock it off.” I chuckled, rolling my eyes. “I don’t need your help or your money.”

What was it with all these arrogant rich men gloating in the face of others? I stared at the stranger irritatingly. He was starting to piss me off.

“But you do.” He persisted, disregarding my earlier remarks as he went on, a broad grin on his face. “You need my help. It’s obvious you’re alone and-”

“She’s not alone.” A familiar voice interjected, and suddenly, I found myself wrapped in Robert’s arms. “The lady is with me.”

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