Contract Marriage: I’ve Always Loved You

Chapter 17 An Evil Person

The next few days blur into a repetitive routine: I leave for the office early in the morning, often before Grace is fully awake. I return late in the evening, and our interaction has reduced to the bare minimum.

We communicate through eye contact with little conversation exchanged.

One morning, as I step out of the bathroom after my shower, I find a servant apologising to Grace, “I’m sorry-”

“Sorry, my foot.” She hurls the cup of coffee at him, yelling at him. “I asked you to bring hot coffee, not cold, you idiot.”

I march to her and grasp her hand in fury. “How dare you? You’re in my house, and here you can’t treat servants like this.”

Her voice reveals frustration as she gives a curt response. “Just leave me, Steve.”

Unwilling to let the matter go, I insist, my voice firm, “Just apologise to him right now, Grace.”

“No, I won’t.” However, she remains resolute, refusing to back down, further raising my anger.

Exasperated, I give her a final warning, my voice stern. “I’m asking you for the last time to apologise to him. If you don’t, you’ll face the worst.”

Her response remains unwavering. “I won’t. Just leave me.”

“Now don’t blame me for this.” After saying this, I drag her to the bathroom while she keeps struggling and shouting.

“Now stay here the entire day.” I push her inside, and as she dashes towards the door, I shut it on her face and lock her inside the bathroom.

What is she turning me into? An evil person. I don’t like the person I’m becoming because of her, but I’m determined to teach her a lessonthat mistreating anyone in this house is unacceptable.

I turn to the servant and apologise to him on behalf of my arrogant wife’s behaviour.

At the breakfast table, when Dad asks about Grace. I lie to him, saying she’s not feeling well, and ask him not to bother her so she can rest.

I leave a servant outside our room with strict instructions not to allow my father inside.

After this, I leave for the office, not satisfied with my actions.


As I enter my cabin after a meeting, Jace and Mike are already sitting there.

As I settle down with them on the sofa, Mike inquires, “Hello, dude, how your contract marriage life is going?”

I shake my head, recalling the morning incident. “Don’t ask, Mike.”

Jace leans forward, his eyebrows raised. “It seems like there’s a story there. Care to share?”

I run my fingers through my hair, still troubled by the recent events at home. “Grace can be really challenging, especially when it comes to following some basic rules and showing respect.”

Mike insists, nudging me. “Come on, Steve, you’ve got to spill the details.”

I stay silent for a few seconds, wondering how much to reveal. “Well, this morning she lost her temper over a servant’s mistake, and things got a bit out of hand.”

Jace asks in a serious tone. “What happened?”

I sigh and tell them, “She threw a cup of coffee at a servant this morning.”

Jace’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “She did what? Seriously? She is so heartless.”

I nod. “Yeah, and it’s getting out of hand. I had to lock her in the bathroom just to make her realise she can’t mistreat people like this.”

Mike whistles, impressed by the drama. “Sounds like a fun time at your place, Steve.”

I let out a humourless laugh. “Fun wouldn’t be the word I’d use.”

Jace places his hand on my shoulder, reassuring me, “Remember, it’s a contract, and it won’t last forever. You can get through this.”

I nod, grateful for their support. “I know, guys. It’s just been a bit of a challenge lately. However, if she has to live three months in peace, she has to live according to me.”

“Anyway, guys, I want to share something with you both. But you both have to promise that you won’t laugh at me,” Mike says, catching our attention.

“What is it, Mike?” We ask Mike in unison.

He signs before staring, “Two days back, I was clicking photographs, and…” he takes a pause, creating suspense.

“Then what, Mike?” We again ask him in unison, getting curious.

“A girl came in front of my camera, and I clicked her photo. She was so pretty that still I can’t take her out of my mind, guys. I don’t understand what is happening to me.”

Jace and I burst into laughter after listening to his story.

“Guys, stop it.”

“The bad boy, Mike, started liking someone.” I tease him.

He always teases me, so now it’s my turn.

“Yeah, our Mike is developing feelings for a girl who told us he would never run behind one girl. Now look at him,” as Jace also teases him, I laugh.

“It’s my mistake that I share my feelings with both of you.” He frowns at us.

Now, after tasting his own medicine, he’s getting angry. Not fair!

“We’re just teasing you, Mike. Honestly, we didn’t expect that from you.” Finally becoming serious, I speak, wrapping my hand around his neck.

“Yeah! It is quite surprising. A girl has caught the attention of the playboy Mike.” Jace utters in a disbelief tone.

“You both are overreacting. I didn’t say I like her.”

“You didn’t say, but it’s clearly written on your face that somewhere you like her, Mike. Find her, take her on the date, and know about her.” Jace explains to him.

I nod. “Yeah, because we both want you to see settling in your life. If you feel something for her, just don’t let her go.”

“If you both sharing about your life, I also want to tell you both that I recently started dating a girl.” As Jace reveals, we both stare at him in surprise.

“When, dude?” I ask, getting curious.

“A few days back, we bumped into each other and our phones got exchanged. My feelings are getting stronger for her with each passing day. She is so… I don’t have words. She’s perfect.” His eyes sparkle as he talks about that girl.

He is clearly in love with her.

Mike chuckles. “Well, seems like I’m not the only one catching feelings around here. Jace, my man, looks like you’re also head over heels.”

Jace grins. “Yeah, yeah, Mr. Bad Boy is not the only one with a soft spot now. But seriously, Mike, don’t play it cool; embrace it, just like I am.”

I join in, “Absolutely! Love is in the air for both of you. Mike, maybe it’s time for you to consider taking that girl on a date, just like Jace here.”

Mike smirks, “Oh please, I’ve got my plans. Just watch. I’ll sweep her off her feet in my bad boy style.”

We all burst into laughter.

“Guys, I’m happy for both of you, but just remember that your girls might not have the same personality as Grace from inside.” As I caution them, they exchange glances.

Mike smirks, “Don’t worry, Steve, we’ll make sure our love lives don’t turn into a daily soap drama like yours.”

Jace places his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Steve. Zara differs completely from Grace. I’ll soon make you both meet her.”


I return home in the evening and head straight towards the bathroom door.

I know I’ve crossed a line by locking Grace in there, but she left me with no other option. She needs to understand that certain behaviours are unacceptable.

With a deep breath, I slowly turn the doorknob and push the door open.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Grace glares at me with fire in her eyes as the door opens. She’s sitting in the corner, fuming.

She marches towards me. “I’ll make you pay for this, Mr. Steve Grey. How dare you?” She strikes my chest in fury, yelling at me.

As she hits me, I catch her wrists and maintain a firm grip, refusing to let her vented rage affect me. “If you treat everyone with arrogance, I’ll give you the same treatment, Mrs. Temporary Grey.” I respond in a stern tone, moving closer to her face.

“I won’t let you control me.” She spits out, her voice dripping with disdain.

Our faces are just inches apart, and I can feel her breath on my skin, her eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that’s hard to ignore.

At that moment, I feel something. Even though we’re dealing with anger and a complicated situation, there’s an undeniable pull when she challenges me. The fire in her eyes is just so captivating.

Before I can overthink it, I close the remaining gap between us and capture her lips in a searing kiss. It’s not gentle or romantic, but filled with the raw intensity of our emotions.

As our mouths meld together, my grip on her wrists loosens. Our kiss is a clash of desire and anger.

Suddenly, she shoves me away. “I hate you, Steve.” She yelps, her voice dripping with bitterness. With one last glare, she storms out of the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I lean against the bathroom door, still catching my breath, trying to understand why did I kiss her. Why can’t I just resist her?

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