Chapter 151
It’d been instant replies up until that point and now nothing. I dialed his number.
He answered, “Claire?”
“Hey, Baby. It’s late. You still up?”
“I’m so happy to hear your voice.” I started to shiver.
“Me too. Miss you. Sorry I haven’t texted you today yet. Been a bit nuts. I should be home in 2, maybe 3 days, though. Why you up so late?”
“What?” His voice changed. He knew something was wrong, “What, Baby. What?”
I told him what’d happened.
“f**k! f**k, f**k, f**k!” He growled, “I’ll deal. Go to sleep. Don’t stress.”
“Don’t stress?”
“No. I’m calling Dare. I’ll get to the bottom of it.”
“Kay,” I whispered.
“Love you. Good catch.”
“Yeah. Love you.”
“Save the messages. My brother might need to look at your phone.”
We said goodnight. I didn’t sleep a wink the rest of the night.
Who now? I couldn’t wait until all of this was over, until he got us out and away from the danger.
It was embarrassing when Dario went through my phone in the morning. Him seeing the banter and my silly kissing photo, not to mention the tank top with the cleavage and references to Azriel’s d**k. Ugh.
He’d gotten a call from Azriel at 2:30 AM when we’d gotten off the phone and looked very serious about the matter.
He took my phone while we were at the island in the kitchen, perused the messages, his jaw got tight, and then he disappeared into Azriel’s office with the phone.
I didn’t hear anything else about the matter and he gave me the phone back and told me to keep being vigilant about messages.
The night before Azriel was scheduled to come home, I woke up to an alarm blaring the house down. Burglar alarm?
I jumped out of bed and threw my robe on and climbed under the bed. There was only the knife strapped, Azriel hadn’t replaced the guns.
My heart hammered in my chest and I wasn’t sure if by this point I should be permanently traumatized or starting to get numb to this sort of stuff.
When the alarms stopped, I heard the bedroom door open and my hand went to the knife.
Then I hear Dario’s loud and panicked-sounding voice, “Claire!”
“Under the bed!” I called out.
“Come out,” he told me.
“What was that?” I scampered to my feet.
He had a gun in his hand, pointed at the floor and a ferocious-looking expression on his face. He walked over to the patio doors and checked the knobs. They were locked.
He moved the blinds aside and looked out.
Then he opened them and looked out.
His whole body tightened for a second and then he turned around and looked at me. I was standing there, arms wrapped around myself but trying to get a read on his expression, which looked absolutely murderous, “Dario?”
“Get dressed.” He motioned toward the closet absently with the gun. I frowned, looked at it, then went in and put on a pair of jeans, a hoodie over my tank top and sleeping shorts.
I slipped on my leather flip flops. I fastened an elastic band around my gathered up hair into a messy bun as I walked back out and then at his, “Follow me,” I followed him down to the office where a guy I didn’t know personally but had seen over at Tom’s (Azriel’s Uncle’s name still tasted weird in my mouth) house stood.
He looked alert and at Dario, his arms folded across his chest. He gave me a polite nod.
Dario put his gun into the back of his suit pants. It was three a.m and he was still fully dressed.
He motioned toward a chair, “Relax a minute, Claire. We just need to make sure the house is secured. Someone tripped the burglar alarm and the land line isn’t working.
He dialed a number on his cell, “Status update?”
I sat down on a chair and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
“Get to the balcony outside the master and do a sweep.” He answered.
I frowned. What the heck did that mean?
I sat for about an hour in Azriel’s office with the guy while Dario went off somewhere in the house or on the property. Then I was told I could go back to bed.
Azriel was home a few hours later and I knew this because he was in bed with me, all over me. Fingers, lips, tongue, c**k.
He devoured me like it hadn’t been a week; it’d been more like a century.
“Missed you so much,” he breathed against my ear while he was thrusting his c**k into me hard, so hard. So good…
“Why are you back early?” I rasped, “And did you get a lot done?” Then my head was banged a little against the headboard with the force of his h**s against mine.
He rubbed my head and took the brunt of my head hitting his hand and his knuckles hitting the headboard a few beats and then grabbed a pillow and shoved it behind my head to shield it, still without missing a beat, without breaking our connection, without stopping his rhythm.
“No one is going to f**k with what’s mine,” he grunted angrily and then he slowed and deepened the driving into me, taking us both to o****m.
He rolled and I fell asleep on top of him, him still inside of me.
Later on, he told me that someone had been on the balcony outside our door and that something had been left.
He didn’t tell me what but his eyes were filled with wrath when he said he suspected they were there to hurt me as a message to him.
I didn’t know what was going on now but suspected it was huge. I didn’t know if it was an old threat or a new one. He didn’t want to discuss it and asked me to have faith that he’d protect me.
A Week Later…
We were getting ready for Tom’s welcome home dinner.
A Week Later…
We were getting ready for Tom’s welcome home dinner.
He’d been released from the hospital several days before and now that it was Sunday, the usual Clarke family Sunday dinner thing was on.
Lisa had called and told me to make sure we came, that’d extended family would be there, too, to welcome Tom home.
Azriel told me things were tense with his uncle and that some s**t was going on in the business but said we’d go for the sake of appearances.
The past week had largely consisted of me and Azriel seeing very little of one another. He was closed-lipped about things going on businesswise and hadn’t said anything, really, about his time away. He was gone a lot.
When he was home he was affectionate and sweet, if quiet and preoccupied.
I watched Tessa’s boys a few times and Rosita and I watched Luc’s girls together the day she gave birth to their baby, a 5 pound 2 oz. slightly early but healthy bouncing boy they’d called Nicholas James.
The house security had first been beefed up since the night Azriel came home but then it dropped off, which I found odd. Security dwindled to just Nino during the day and Dex at night, which I asked Azriel about and he said that things weren’t cool with his uncle and that many of the usual guards were reassigned to other Clarke projects by his uncle.
He was planning to hire private security but had an intense vetting process because of the problems in the past little while.
My first outing in a while was on the Friday before the dinner at Tom and Lisa’s.
I’d been taken to a shooting range where Azriel got me comfortable with a gun so that he could leave a gun here knowing I’d know how to use it and knowing I wouldn’t be afraid of it being here.
Azriel hadn’t said anything further about his exit plan and I didn’t want to press him, knowing there was a lot on his mind.
The air was thick with tension for the whole welcome home dinner. Bianca and Nino, her mother, her Aunt Joanne and Aunt Joanne’s husband Al were there plus a few other people that were friends and associates. It was catered affair.
Tessa was somber and Tom was edgy and terse with everyone.
Azriel and Dario hung back for the most part, in conversation with one another rather than conversing with Tom and the rest of the room.
Azriel hated his uncle and Dario held great contempt for his father…. no wonder they made such a good pair.
Azriel whispered to me to say my goodbyes right after dessert. As I was making the rounds to say goodbye, the oddest thing happened as I approached Azriel’s uncle.
I leaned in as he’d motioned to hug me but then he hooked his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me to him.
He kissed me on the mouth, forced his tongue into my mouth, and then looked at Azriel with ferocity on his face.
The whole room seem to be stunned and the electricity coming off Azriel…he was wired.
Suddenly I was pulled back and they were chest to chest, both glaring at one another.
Dario grabbed my elbow and then ushered me out of the room. The whole room then emptied, leaving Azriel and his uncle in there.
Two dozen people were suddenly spilling out into the backyard and Dario was putting me into Azriel’s jeep, “Two seconds, Claire.”
Dario said and then ran back into the house.
My heart was hammering in my chest. I looked at the house and Lisa and Luc were standing there talking and they were staring at me. I opened my mouth, still in shock, and shrugged at them.
Lisa had tears in her eyes and Luc looked like she wanted to spit venom but it didn’t look like it was directed at me.
Suddenly my door opened and someone pulled me out by the arm. I didn’t recognize him. He was a tall and husky guy with no neck. He wore a men-in-black suit and dark glasses.
“What are you doing?”
“Come with me.” he said and he put me in the back seat of a black car behind the Jeep. Luc and Lisa were staring, open-mouthed, so were some other people.
The doors opened and two more burly goons got in on either side of me and the car drove away from the house.
What on earth?
Azriel’s POV
I was f*****g steaming f*****g mad.
My Uncle wasn’t happy about what’d happened at the hospital that day and hadn’t taken our calls or seen us since.
He knew I was still digging into his activities and that I was finding out s**t that made my skin crawl. My uncle was more power hungry, more ruthless, and more evil than I had ever realized.
He’d frozen us out. He’d frozen company accounts and was taking legal action to lock Dare and me out of the business, even though we owned shares on paper.noveldrama
He’d put a lawyer in charge.
Lisa didn’t know squat about it all so of course she’d invited us to Uncle’s big surprise welcome home dinner and Uncle hadn’t looked at us once all day until he put his hands and his mouth on my girl and looked right at me and that’s when I was ready to f*****g lose it.
I’d been behind Claire and immediately ripped her out of his arms and got in his face.
Dario took her away and the room cleared out.
“What in the f**k was that?” I demanded after a stare down that went on until the Front doors to that room and the sliding doors to the outside clicked shut and it was just us two in the room.
He said nothing, just looked at me with cold dead-looking eyes.
“Everything you have, my boy, everything you have is because of my b***d, my sweat.”
I raised my brows, “You haven’t made me work for everything I’ve got? You haven’t made me prove loyalty and worth to you every single f*****g day of my life? Your kids, everyone who has ever loved you haven’t all paid a heavy price for being your family, your wives?”
Uncle snickered.
“You don’t put your f*****g hands on her again.” I warned, “If you weren’t who you are to me you’d be in the f*****g ground for that shit.”
He didn’t reply, just kept looking at me with hatred.
“I guess Dare and I have your answer.” I said as my brother re-entered the room.
“You might wanna rethink this, boys,” He gave me a sick smile.
“What’s up your sleeve?” Dario asked him.
“Re-think this.” Uncle threatened.
I shook my head, “No. I’m done.”
I walked outside.
I walked by my two sisters who were huddled
with Lisa by the gazebo near the door and saw the Jeep. It was empty. I looked back at the girls.
“Three of Uncle’s men drove off with her, Azriel.” Tessa whispered, “Lisa said they pulled her out of your car and left in a black Impala.”
I ran back into the house toward the room I’d been in with Uncle and Dare. Dario met me in the hall.
I pushed past him, “Where the f**k?”
The room was empty.
“Where’d he go?” I yelled to my brother.
Dario looked back, “I dunno. He left the room after you. I made a call.”
“He f*****g took her!” I snarled.
I tore through the house looking for Uncle but he wasn’t there. I finally found Nino, who’d been in the garden off that room and he’d seen Uncle come outside and head toward the driveway.
He had been watching his son play with the other kids while Bianca was in the kitchen with some of the other women so he hadn’t paid attention.
Just saw Uncle casually leave the property. Most of the men were still on Uncle’s payroll. The house security had been part of that until last week when he cut me off.
Nino and Dex stayed with me, I was paying them.
I got on my phone and dialed Uncle’s cell.
“You’re in time out, my boy,” is how Uncle answered the phone. I tried to get a lock on the rage that was building in me but no, it wasn’t happening,
“Where the f**k—” I started but he cut me off.
“I’ll call you later and we’ll discuss the extra payment you’ll have to make if you want her back. Like you’ve changed your mind about loyalty to me, I’ve changed my mind, too. I’ve decided that $35K for Claire wasn’t quite enough.”
He hung up.
He f*****g hung up on me.
Claire’s POV
“I almost kept you for myself, Claire.” Tom said to me.
“Almost. Now that… that woulda been the ultimate f**k you to your father.”
We were in a living room of a cabin in the woods where we’d been dropped off by his three thugs.
It was just the two of us in there, the thugs were mulling about, armed, outside. He was pouring me a glass of wine.
I visibly shuddered. He continued talking, “Saw you on that street and it felt like I could have a do over with Carlita. But then I remembered you clutching your little dolly in my car that night, begging to go home to your Mommy.
If it weren’t for that image burned in my brain, I wouldn’t have given you to my son.”
I tried to hold my emotions in check. But he went on.
“Your father, piece of s**t moron that he is, he thinks this was all his idea. I told him it was time to pay his debts, planted a few seeds, and he practically offered you on a silver platter.
And the whole you selling – your – virginity thing was the perfect opportunity.”
My armor split right down the middle and I started to lose my foothold, started to lose my foothold on everything.
“He’d have agreed to it being me, being Azriel, or you given to my pool guy if it’d mean saving his a*s.”
I was going to throw up.
“Dario has a thing for you. Wishes it were him. I know how he feels. I wish it were me.”
He downed his drink, put his glass down, and then he started to walk towards me.
“He’s here, sir.” A gruff voice announced.
Then I heard a gunshot and a thump. The goon who’d announced that was down on the ground, bleeding from his head. Then I heard rapid fire outside the cabin.
I turtled on the floor and scampered backwards against a wall.
Tom advanced and got right in front of me. He was an inch from me when I heard Azriel’s voice and then saw him.
Azriel was in the doorway and the gun in his hand was pointed at his uncle.
On his face was a hard, stony, hateful expression and it was trained on his uncle who he’d looked looked upto like he was his father, “Back away,” he told him.
Tom sneered at Azriel and then reached over and grabbed me and yanked me to my feet, then spun around so that he was in the corner of the room and my back was against his front.
Tom’s arm was around my neck, my throat in the crook of his arm; his fingers digging into my shoulder.
Azriel didn’t look me in the eye. He was looking at his uncle.
“You let her f*****g go, Uncle. Now.”
“I gave her to you!” Tom shouted, “She saves your soul from hell and you thank me by pointing a gun at me, boy?” Tom started to laugh.
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