
Chapter 6.2

Even in the darkness, I could see the vibrant colors and shimmering lights of plants and animals surrounding us, making the night even more enchanting than the day. As I gazed at my newly marked shoulder, I couldn’t help but notice how much brighter and pronounced the shimmer appeared in the moonlight. It seemed as though everyone had a unique characteristic that glowed or sparkled in the darkness, adding to the magical atmosphere of this world.

One of the guards came up next to me. “It’s completely different, isn’t it?” Our eyes met, and he seemed to catch something in my expression. I could see a slight softening in his own features. Aside from being green with long, droopy, pierced ears, he appeared almost identical to a human. “I’m half goblin, spent some time among humans my first few years as well. My parents were slaves. I understand how you feel,” He gestured with his chin towards the distant mountains, hills, and streams that lay beneath the silver and purple moons, and everything in between that glowed or sparkled in the night.

“You are not what I expect.” I stated.

He smiled and shrugged. I noticed a couple of bad teeth. “We are not all what we seem. I was happy when I came here, seeing others like me. I bet it’s been the opposite for ye.” His eyes gave me a brief once over and he smirked. There it was. That attitude they all seemed to share.

“I’ve had some changes myself.” I snapped. I could see Navid raise an eyebrow from where he stood, his hide-bottle an inch from his mouth.

“Really? What, you got some pointed ears?” The half-breed teased as he reached for my ear. He was baiting me. I jerked away and glared at him. His smile grew.

Navid spoke now, catching me off guard. “She’s got wings, look, you can see the tips. They glitter in the dark.” I glared back to see him point toward my upper thighs. Most of them were hidden under the folds of my half cloak. Navid gave me a wicked smirk. “I bet that was painful.”

“Not as painful as it’s going to be when I stab your face.”

He played a mock horror. “One would question if they actually raised you in the courts of a human queen.”

They? I wouldn’t ask. Part of me knew though. Reflecting on my past experiences, there were definitely a few individuals who raised suspicions. The doctor and my guard were among them. But there were others as well, whose eyes seemed to shine in the dim light of the torches. Those who had stared at me for too long—their eyes too intense, too unsettling.“I was not raised in the courts of a human queen. I was educated in one.” I replied snidely before trudging forward.

Another guard bellowed laughter from behind me. “I like this one, shame she is probably going to die.”

Despite my best efforts, the inevitable news struck me like a ton of bricks.My body betrayed me as I stumbled, causing me to fall onto my knees with a thud. I managed to catch myself with trembling arms before face-planting it into the unforgiving ground. Cruel laughter echoed from behind me and I sat back onto my knees with tears in my eyes. I had to escape.

“Now where do you think you’re heading?” Navid chuckled as he sauntered forward. I turned to face him when he kicked me back onto the ground. Gritting my teeth, I spit out dirt from my mouth and attempted to stand up, but Navid held me down with his foot on my back. “Our reports said you were heading to Stonehedge. Finding you there would have been very problematic for me.” He stepped off and sighed loudly before dragging me to my feet. “Well, that’s yesterday’s problem. Tell you what, I’ll do you a solid. I will personally escort you to Stonehedge!”

I glared at him when a voice sounded behind us. “Isn’t that where the queen’s envoy is waiting for us?”

Navid’s gaze seemed to hollow, and he dragged it over to the voice. “Really? I can’t believe you just asked that. Fucking numb nut. Of course, that’s where she is!” He shook me violently, his grip tight on the back of my neck like a vice. I stumbled along, trying to keep up with his frantic pace. The dense forest loomed on my left, with its gnarled trees and tangled underbrush. To my right, vast open planes stretched out as far as I could see, the tall grasses swaying in the breeze like waves on an endless ocean. In the distance, the towering mountains rose up, their peaks hidden in clouds and mist. At their base lay the city, its lights twinkling like stars against the darkening sky. And behind me, was Niall. I didn’t know where to run or if I even had a chance at escape, but I knew I had to try. My heart pounded in my chest as I searched desperately for a way out of this nightmare.

“Navid.” A horrific voice murmured and all the hair on my neck rose. “I’ve been thinking. None of us can fly.”

Navid closed his eyes slowly and looked back toward the rest. “Yes, Skullcrusher. That would be correct.” His lack of emotion and stoic demeanor piqued my curiosity, making me wonder if he held a careful attitude towards this particular beast. As I turned around, my eyes fell upon a colossal monster with an immense frame and massive lower teeth that seemed to glint in the dim light. His dark skin was so deeply hued that it blended seamlessly with the night, making it difficult to discern where his body ended and the darkness began. Upon closer inspection, I noticed small cracks in his skin that emitted a faint glow, reminiscent of the soft green flames produced by burning certain herbs. His eyes burned with the same hue, giving off an otherworldly aura.

“If she manages to fly, she can escape.”

Navid nodded. “But what would you do? We don’t have a corset.”

The largest of the monsters began to walk closer, and he pulled out something bulky from his waistband. “You said the Queen wanted her dead or alive, right?”

“Yes, but we caught her alive so that’s double the reward.”

Navid seemed alarmed as the man stepped closer, and he immediately positioned himself in front of me, instinctively acting as my protector.

“Obviously I’m not going to kill her.” The creature emitted a low, menacing growl when he noticed Navid’s move. My captor questioned him with his eyes before tugging me forward. “Pull up her shirt.”

“Excuse me?!” A primal rage surged through my body and I bellowed, unleashing a flurry of vicious attacks on Navid. With each kick and headbutt, I could feel the impact reverberate through his massive frame. But then, the giant’s hand descended upon me, crushing my shoulders and forcing me to the ground with effortless strength. My chin collided with the unforgiving earth, sending a jolt of pain through my skull. And then...a searing coldness spread from where his hooked instrument dug into the base of my wing, paralyzing me from within. I was frozen in fear as he leaned in closer, his face twisted into a sinister grin that promised nothing but agony.


Agony tore through every inch of my being, relentless and unyielding. Each violent wave crashed over me, drowning me in a sea of excruciating pain. My screams shattered the night, shaking the very earth beneath us. But he stood there, unfazed, as he calmly snipped off my wings one by one. My tortured cries pierced the air, causing nearby animals to scatter in fear. The rest of my group had cowered away, some even covering their ears to block out the sound.

No one would come to my rescue—they were all too smart to risk facing my captors. Blood spluttered from my wounds, drenching my back and legs before pooling around me in a macabre display. As I lay there, helpless and broken, nature itself seemed to wrap around me in a desperate attempt to conceal my suffering. Vines twisted around my limbs, while bushes and foliage sprouted up to hide me from those who sought to inflict such unimaginable torment upon me. I was almost completely engulfed, a living sacrifice on an altar of cruelty and brutality.

My wails echoed off the trees, dwindling in pitch with each passing second. I was a crumpled mess on the ground, my hands bound tightly behind my back. The ropes dug into my flesh, drawing blood that trickled down my wrists like red ribbons. The pain was indescribable, surpassing even the agony of when I broke my ankle years ago. It felt like every nerve in my body was on fire, consuming me from the inside out.

After far too long did Navid finally snap, “can someone shut her up?” We hadn’t moved, I was curled in a ball, sobbing into the soft, rich soil beneath me. But as my tears fell, they seemed to disappear into the ground, revealing something unexpected. Where there had once been normal earth, now sprouted an otherworldly extension of the forest, with twisted trees and eerie vines snaking through the air. The rest of the group stood frozen in shock, their eyes wide as they took in the impossible transformation before them. And amidst it all, my blood continued to pour onto the ground, staining the new growth with its crimson hue. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding and magic.

“Navid, you have to understand what we just did.” The goblin said hesitantly. “Some say the wings of the Fae are the veils to the gods.”

“What’s your fucking point?! She’s giving me a headache.”This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“She will pass out soon.” The monster said from where he had retreated. “I wonder how much we could get for her wings. I know a witch.”

“That’s disgusting.” One commented.

A humanoid figure, with a pallid complexion, remained quiet until now. It crouched just a couple of feet in front of me, its eyes fixated on my blood with a ravenous hunger. “Give them to me, I will suck them dry.” He couldn’t take his eyes off of me, even though I was almost entirely covered by the earth that had risen up to shield me.

“No one is to touch her blood.” Navid growled. “It’s too potent.”

“It smells ancient,” he hissed, his crimson eyes blazing with an otherworldly fire fixated on me. I recoiled, my tears flowing in scalding torrents, my body drained from hours of enduring this relentless torment. I could feel myself succumbing to exhaustion, ready to be claimed by its merciless grasp. But still, he continued to stare, his gaze growing more intense and his eyes glowing brighter as if fueled by my suffering.

“Restrain yourself, Glenn.” Navid’s voice dripped with venom. I struggled to hold back tears as Glenn, the silent one with eyes ablaze and fangs dripping with a thick, viscous substance, crept closer to me with an eerie stillness. My heart raced, fear pulsing through every fiber of my being as I braced for whatever gruesome fate they had in store for me.

Our eyes locked and I watched as whatever restraint was there vanished. “Just a bite!” He screamed before launching onto me. Others swore, I screamed.

Unimaginable agony ripped through my body as hot venom, like molten lava, seared into my shoulder. My muscles convulsed beneath his grip, which tightened relentlessly, squeezing the air out of my lungs. It was like being held in a vice by an unbreakable statue. In less than a heartbeat the entire group jumped at us, their claws and weapons grabbing us, pulling us, all before the all-encompassing void took me into its darkness.

This land was not just a nightmare, it was a living hell. Even in the deepest of slumbers, the pain haunted my dreams, twisting and contorting into grotesque visions. My mother and brother appeared before me, their eyes bleeding and their screams echoing in my mind. But it was my father who scared me the most. His face twisted into a hollow smile, filled with blackness and blood that oozed out of his mouth and dripped down his eyes. I thrashed and screamed, desperate to escape this horrifying reality. One by one, I fought off the nightmares until there were no more left, but even then, I couldn’t find peace. In the midst of this terrifying dream-like state, a whisper echoed through my mind: “I will find you.” A promise that sent shivers down my spine.

The delicate, intoxicating scent of jasmine wafted over me, bringing with it a sense of calm and tranquility. As I slowly emerged from unconsciousness, the warm glow of sunlight enveloped my body. I stretched toward it eagerly, only to realize that I was bound and unable to move.

Opening my eyes, I took in my surroundings. I was propped up on an excessively plush surface, surrounded by what seemed like an endless pile of cushions and pillows. The room was shrouded in odd shadows, shadows that didn’t belong or make sense. The room was bright, a massive window extending an entire wall which was currently completely covered in buttermilk curtains.

As I tried to sit up, I noticed that my clothes had been changed into a pristine white gown and cloak that covered every inch of skin on my body. My back no longer throbbed with pain, but there was a lingering sensation as if my wings were still there. The ache just below the brand on my skin still burned, though not as fiercely as before.

Suddenly, the door burst open and music flooded into the room. A woman with long brown wings glided inside, removing her gloves as she walked. Even in my weakened state, I couldn’t help but stare at the magnificent sight of her wings trailing behind her. She was dressed in a form-fitting black gown that left little to the imagination, revealing her ample chest. She walked over to me with purpose and looked down at me with piercing green eyes. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from her captivating presence.

The click of heels echoed on the smooth wooden floor as she swaggered toward me. As my gaze traveled downward, I spotted the dangerous talons protruding from her feet—the rough skin tightly wound around each base, resembling that of a hawk’s. She stood before me, with one leg gracefully bent out of the slit in her second-skin gown, looking down at me with contempt.

“I was ill prepared for such a doll. You truly do look just like your father. So beautiful. Well. I did what I could with the supplies I have here. You’ll be put on display for the remainder of my stay, and then I’ll take you to the queen. Don’t bother trying to speak, the insides of your mouth are stitched together. It’s okay if you starve.” She winked at me before leaving just as quickly as she had come.

I whimpered and dropped my chin.

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