
Chapter 2.1

Three long years had passed, marked by the constant presence of war creeping ever closer to our borders. And on that fateful day, as the sun began its descent into the horizon, it finally happened. The gentle breeze of dusk caressed my bare shoulders, sending shivers down my spine and causing goosebumps to rise along my skin. My gown, with its low-cut neckline, left little to the imagination and exposed me to the elements. I stood at the edge of the castle’s courtyard, overlooking the vast expanse of land before me. My feet were bare, toes sinking into the soft grass beneath them as I leaned back against the sturdy stone walls. A brown scarf draped over my elbows, providing some semblance of warmth in the cooling air. As I scratched at my arms, I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, reveling in a brief moment of solitude amidst the threat of war.

As I inhaled deeply, the sweet fragrance of lilacs on the late spring breeze filled my senses. But I was not alone; his presence could not be hidden, even in this peaceful garden. A sense of restlessness followed him, almost tangible as he drew near. With each step, an unseen energy crackled in the air, coating my tongue with a tangy tartness reminiscent of a freshly picked green apple. It was rare for this man to exude calmness; his very being seemed to be constantly on edge.

Ever since the escalation of war efforts, the halls had become a maze of guards, their watchful eyes scanning every corner for any sign of danger. They stood tall and rigid, dressed in full regalia, protecting not just the royals but also the ambassadors and even the lowly servants like myself. One guard in particular had been assigned to me personally, his presence a constant shadow by my side. Despite his imposing figure, I found myself growing fond of our chats as I went about my mundane tasks. We had developed a good acquaintanceship, one built on trust and mutual respect despite our different stations in life. He was more than just a guardian; he was a friend in these uncertain times.

As I glanced over at him, standing off to the side and trying to blend into the shadows, I couldn’t help but furrow my brow. There was something different about him on this night, something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It was like he was cloaked in a mysterious aura. His usual scent of musk seemed distorted, as if it didn’t quite belong to him. His body seemed to radiate heat, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead and trickle down his neck. It was as if his very essence had been transformed into something foreign and unfamiliar.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hawke?” I called out to him and turned towards his direction. He emerged from the shadows of the lilac bush, stepping into the moonlight. His features were still obscured, but the darkness of his eyes seemed to blend into the night. “What is wrong? You don’t seem yourself.”

A ghost of a smile haunted his expression. “The Unseelie is coming.”

My frown deepened at his remark. “The war?” I hadn’t heard the term ‘Unseelie’ before.

“I’m not supposed to say anything.” He turned away, but I could see a nerve in his jaw ticking.

He may have been ordered not to say anything, but he wanted to.

“Hawke?” I pressed. The gravel crunched beneath me as I crossed as close to him as I dared; I couldn’t be too close, for fear someone might see and spread rumors. I had to be careful, or else there would be rumors flying around. Some of the older women would kill for a chance like this.

As I slowly made my way forward, the familiar silhouette of the castle walls were suddenly bathed in a blazing orange light, transforming them into an eerie and mesmerizing sight. My gaze was immediately drawn to the source, a raging fire that illuminated the night sky and seemed to dance and thrash against the darkness. In that moment, my mind went completely blank as I struggled to comprehend what this fiery display meant. The air was thick with smoke and the crackling of flames, creating a chaotic sensory overload that had me rooted to the spot in both awe and fear.

“This isn’t supposed to happen,” I heard Hawke curse as he ran out ahead of me, his hand wrapping around the hilt of his sword.

I quickly recovered from my moment of surprise as the harsh reality hit me, both figuratively and literally. I marched over to stand next to the agitated man. “Well, no shit!” A strong gust of wind whipped my hair back, causing my silver eyes to narrow. The storm was upon us, and sooner than we had anticipated. The war had arrived. “We need to get inside; it won’t be safe out here much longer. We should retreat to the north—”

Hawke, a man of average build with fiery ginger hair, whipped around and grabbed me by the shoulders with surprising strength. As he held me, I caught a glimpse of an otherworldly orange glow gleaming in his eyes, sending shivers down my spine. I struggled to break free, but his grip was unyielding. With each movement, it became clear that this was not a mere human holding onto me. Despite my fear and confusion, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the mixture of unearthly power and human form before me.

“Release me now!” I demanded.

“Dammit, woman!” He snapped back at me, his helmet having fallen off during the chaos. He glared at me with a fiery anger that I hadn’t seen in years. But behind that fury, there was a glimmer of genuine concern, similar to the look my father used to give me. It caught me off guard for the second time that night and I stopped in my tracks. “It won’t be safe here for you any longer. You must leave this place!”

A deep rumble shook the ground beneath our feet, sending us into a frantic embrace for balance. In the distance, the night sky was set ablaze with a fiery display, explosions of light and heat erupting from beyond the castle walls. My heart raced with fear as I watched in horror as one of these blasts struck the ancient fortification, sending rubble and debris flying in every direction.

That’s when the screaming began—servants and royals alike. Soldiers barking orders or calling to arms.

Hawke’s grip on my arm was like iron, his determination propelling us forward with a fierce urgency. The taste of grit and sand filled my mouth, a reminder of the chaos and destruction that surrounded us. I tried to pull away, to reason with him, but his grip only tightened. Deep down, I knew I wouldn’t agree with whatever reckless plan he had in mind.

“Hawke!” I cried as he headed for the northern gate.

“I have to get you to safety,” was his terse response.

“And then what?” I was desperate to know his intentions. He remained silent, but the screams and chaos erupting from the south gave me my answer. However, I needed to hear him say it out loud. “And then what?”Frustrated with his lack of response, I let out a sharp cry and struck him across the face. This took him by surprise and I used the opportunity to break free from his grip, staring up at him with anger in my eyes. “You will tell me right now what it is you plan to do! I will not have you go off and die a pointless death!” I waved my hand toward the commotion to the south for emphasis. “I can clearly see and say with certainty that you aren’t human, so whatever ties you to this ground cannot be worth your life!”

He seemed bewildered at my outburst. “Caitlin, my lady, you have seen right through me. It is my greatest honor to introduce myself: I am Sir Hawke of the Seelie Court, a Kingdom with an empty throne. And you, my princess, are the rightful heir.” He placed his hand on his forehead before bringing it down to rest on his chest in a way I had never seen him do before. My eyebrow raised in curiosity, and there was a glimmer in his eye that caught my attention. “Milady, your mother used to give me that same expression, from time to time. Bless her soul.”

My mother?

“You, sir, are talking nonsense,” — another crash to the south — “but you can explain yourself later. Right now we must get to the Queen and King—”

“No!” He yelled and grabbed me, his touch filled with desperation that struck me like a viper. “The Unseelie is coming! Tonight!” Wildness sparkled in his eyes, his personality teetering on the edge of frenzy. “You have to escape, now! It is not safe for you here! Forget the human war! It has nothing to do with you!”

I was propelled through the gates of the northern entrance with a forceful shove, causing me to lose my balance and hit the ground with a thud. Struggling to catch my breath, I quickly got back on my feet as the heavy iron bars shut behind me with a loud clang. My heart was pounding in my chest as I turned around to face my guard, who also happened to be my friend. His fingers were still tightly wrapped around the door handle, which had left red marks on his palms. I looked up at him with wide eyes, and he met my gaze with a softening expression.

“Run, little princess. Run until your feet bleed.”

I tried to speak up, but his back was already turned as he marched confidently towards the palace. My mind raced with questions and doubts, but I was frozen in place, unable to do anything else. As he joined a group of others, I couldn’t believe my eyes—where did they come from? The doctor’s familiar white coat stood out among them, but it was the other figures that made my stomach churn. Cloaked in shadow, they were not human, their twisted forms defying logic and comprehension. Fear and confusion battled within me, leaving me paralyzed with conflicting emotions.

Without a doubt, I could feel the impending danger emanating from the group before me. Despite my instincts telling me to run, I was frozen in place, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene unfolding. With a swift motion, Hawke unsheathed his sword, its steel glinting in the moonlight. In the distance, another fireball sizzled through the air, casting long shadows across the group of figures before us. The glow illuminated their features, twisting them into sinister silhouettes against the night sky.

“You aren’t much of a little girl anymore, are ye?” A voice, achingly familiar and laced with sinister intent, sliced through the air to my right. The tiny hairs on my neck prickled in warning, sending a shiver down my spine. My eyes snapped over to the man leaning against the cold stone wall, and fear twisted in my gut as I recognized him. It had been years since I last saw him—five long years of trying to forget his predatory gaze and dangerous charm. But now, he looked at me with hungry eyes that promised nothing but pain. With a sickening realization I knew I had been too young then, but now I could see that he no longer saw me as a child. His hunger for me had only grown stronger with time.

“You,” I breathed. The same haunting feeling of fear and unease crept over me, just like that night when he had mysteriously appeared and then vanished from my life. I tried to suppress the chills that ran down my spine.

He rewarded me with a brilliant smile and a sinister gleam to his eyes. “Navid is my name. Nice to finally meet you, princess. Wish I had known who you were all them years ago, now it nearly pains me to have to kill ya.”

A sort of warmth grew in the palms of my hands, and I clenched my fists. My own lips curled back into a sneer. “You come near me, and I’ll rip your throat out.”

“Ooooh, so deliciously violent you’ve become,” His voice was a low, menacing purr as he pushed himself off the wall and stalked towards me, his eyes glinting with malice. In a flash of instinct, I reacted as promised, my hand lashing out and connecting with his cheek in a loud slap. As our skin connected, an intense heat radiated through my palm, like a white-hot explosion consuming us both. My heart raced with fear and confusion, but I didn’t wait to see his reaction. With one swift movement, I turned and ran as if the devil himself were chasing me.

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