Chained By The Alpha Jessica Hall

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

My brows furrow at her words, Lydia knows I am not much of a drinker. I am just going there to spend time with Deacon, not get wasted

Shaking my head, I move for the front door, and there is only one thing that can help me forget the suffocating tension at home - going out and having some fun. I need to get out of here, away from Lydia's snide comments and my father's overbearing presence

As I step outside, the cool evening air hits me, a welcome relief from the stifling atmosphere of the house. I take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside me. I can't let my family's drama dictate my life. With a burst of defiance, I pull out my phone and dial

Deacon's number

"Hey, Deacon, are you still at the club? I need a break from this hellhole," I whisper urgently into the phone

"Of course, Cleo. I've been here for ten minutes waiting for you, I was wondering when you'd show up," he replies, his warm voice soothing my frayed nerves. "Whose phone are you calling from?" he asks as I unlock my car

"Ah, new one. I got it today. I'll see you soon," I tell him, hanging up

I climb into my car, the familiar scent of leather and pine air freshener enveloping me. I start the engine, the purr of the motor a comforting sound. As I pull out of the driveway, I glance back at the house, a sense of determination settling over


The drive to the club is quiet, giving me plenty of time to think of a way to build up the courage to tell Deacon about my father's plans to marry me off. Outside the club, the thumping music vibrates through my body as Deacon and I wait in line to go into the club. Yet, the longer I wait, the dizzier I feel. I grab Deacon's arm, and he glances at me. "Are you okay?" he whispers

I nod, must be vertigo, must be from the painkillers," I answer

He presses the back of his hand to my face. "Do you want me to take you home?" he asks. I shake my head, knowing it will wear off when I hear her nagging voice

"Deacon!" Lydia calls, and I groan. Deacon turns just in time for her to throw her arms around his neck and lean into him

"Hey Lydia, Amber," he states, and Lydia steps back. Deacon gives Amber a hug, and she pecks his cheek

"I thought you were going to be here earlier?" Deacon tells them, and I cut him a glare. What does he mean?

"Wait, you invited them?" I ask him, and he looks at me

"What, they wanted to go, chill out Cleo, you know I'm friends with them. What's got into you?"

"Gee, I don't know, maybe the fact you asked me to go to the club with you but decided to invite your ex and my bitch step-sister along," I snap at him, and my eyes go to Amber. "No offense, Amber," I tell her. Truthfully, Amber wasn't so

bad when she wasn't around Lydia

"Jealousy is a curse," Amber pipes in, while Deacon tries to defuse the situation

Deciding to let it go, I turn back to the line. No wonder Lydia was so eager for me to go earlier

She knew it would piss me off when I learned Deacon invited them

Putting those thoughts aside, I decide despite this, I want to enjoy myself. Once inside, I feel a sudden jolt of energy, ready to dance my problems away. But that energy quickly dissipates when I lock eyes with a tall handsome figure across the dimly lit room. Zayn. His silver eyes pierce into mine

"T need a drink," I tell Deacon, who nods,

leading me to the bar

"What do you want?" he asks

"Just water," I tell him

"Oh, come on, Cleo. Have fun, live a little," Lydia purrs, coming up behind me. "My treat!" she taunts, flashing her card at me. It's not like I have a card of my own. My father took mine after Lydia stole it and racked up a huge bill My father had been furious, and took it back

Now I get a cash allowance from working for him, which was dwindling fast after Lydia reversed into my car, cracking the radiator and crushing the front end. So Iam glad I no longer have to worry about that bill after my father paid it "Fine!" Lydia orders us drinks, something called a fruit tingle, it is sickeningly sweet, and I sip mine, not intending to get drunk

Deacon leads me to the dance floor, yet that lasts all of five minutes before my leg starts

throbbing, and I have to sit down

I sit in one of the booths, watching Deacon dance with Lydia who is shaking her ass all over him along with Amber, who at least has the decency to keep her distance. Lydia gives no fuck who she makes uncomfortable

"Shouldn't you be home resting?" Zayn demands, his voice a low growl coming from behind me. I jump not seeing where he came from

"Last time I checked, you weren't my keeper," I retort, refusing to let him control me like everyone else

"You're right, but I saw you by yourself and wanted to check on you," he tells meNôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

"I'm fine," I tell him, and he sighs

"I can see that with the way you've been glaring at your little boyfriend, who's dry humping your sister on the dance floor."

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